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Last active December 2, 2021 07:36
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Get the latest PocketMine-MP 4 PHP binary URL from Azure DevOps


You need PHP installed with HTTPS file_get_contents() feature enabled in php.ini.


Make a new file named azure.php and copy the PHP code below to the file:


const BUILDS_REST_API = "";

if (count($argv) < 2) {
    echo "Operating system argument is required!";
} elseif (!in_array($argv[1], ["Windows", "Linux", "Mac"])) {
    echo "Unknown operating system!";

$runs = json_decode(file_get_contents(BUILDS_REST_API), true);
$buildId = $runs["value"]["0"]["id"];

echo "" . $buildId . "/artifacts?artifactName=" . $argv[1] . "&api-version=4.1&%24format=zip";


Run the following commands to get the URL of the latest PocketMine-MP 4 PHP binary (Case sensitive!):


$ php azure.php Windows


$ php azure.php Linux

Mac OS:

$ php azure.php Mac

It will print the URL in your terminal, or to a file or program if you use shell commands to process the output.

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