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Last active April 4, 2018 16:36
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  • Save Kyle2142/5e3ff00e67404e7d8f4e7f8a1d41ac2d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Kyle2142/5e3ff00e67404e7d8f4e7f8a1d41ac2d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
$IMGID = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'; //image ID given to us by telegram
$content = file_get_contents("php://input"); //get json from telegram's request
$update = json_decode($content, TRUE); //decode json into assoc array
//file_put_contents('ocelotbot.log',print_r($update,true),FILE_APPEND); //log updates for debugging purposes
//$query = $update['inline_query']['query']; //text from user
$qid = $update['inline_query']['id']; //query id
$result = [
'title'=>'Revolver Ocelot',
'description'=>'Revolver Ocelot',
'caption'=>'Revolver Ocelot',
'reply_markup'=>['inline_keyboard' =>
[ //one row
[//one column
'text' => "Revolver Ocelot",
'callback_data'=>'Revolver Ocelot'
]//add another array here for vertical append
api::answerinline($qid, $result, ['cache_time'=>860000]);
$query = $update['callback_query']; //easy access to array
'text'=>"Revolver Ocelot\n(Revolver Ocelot)",
$uid = $update['message']['from']['id'];
$keyboard = json_encode([
'text'=>'Revolver Ocelot',
api::quickphoto($uid, $IMGID,"Revolver Ocelot",['reply_markup'=>$keyboard]);
class api{
static $API = ""; //Official
public static function quickaction($method,$params){ //can only be used once per request from telegram
if(!is_array($params)) return false;
header('Content-Type: application/json');
header('Status: 200 OK');
echo json_encode($params);
//inline mode only
public static function answerinline($qid,$results,$extras=[]){
public static function answercallback($qid,$params=[]){
//Send photo
public static function quickphoto($chat_id, $photo, $text='', $extras=[]){
api::quickaction('sendphoto',array_merge(['chat_id'=>$chat_id, 'photo'=>$photo, 'caption'=>$text], $extras));
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