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Last active July 2, 2021 11:52
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Some helper scripts that might be of use, for multi-userbot, multi-group administration
# bans user from all chats in common with each client
def banFromCommon(clients, user):
from import GetCommonChatsRequest
from import EditBannedRequest
from import Channel, ChannelBannedRights
rights = ChannelBannedRights(view_messages=True, until_date=0)
for client in clients:
count = 1
oldcount = 0
while (count != oldcount):
# condition handles cases where banning was not possible,
# checks whether banning didn't change common chat number
result = client(GetCommonChatsRequest(user, 0, 100))
count = len(result.chats)
for chat in result.chats:
if not isinstance(chat, Channel) or not chat.megagroup: continue # skip non-supergroups
client(EditBannedRequest(chat, user, rights))
except Exception as e:
print(chat.title, e)
oldcount = count
# Deletes all messages containing bad_stuff (string) from all chats in all clients.
# NB: must have appropriate permissions to delete from supergroups
# `clients` must be iterable of TelegramClient objects.
def deleteAll(clients, bad_stuff):
from itertools import groupby
from import SearchGlobalRequest
from import InputPeerEmpty
for client in clients:
messages = client(SearchGlobalRequest(bad_stuff, 0, InputPeerEmpty(), 0, 100)).messages
# next instruction sorts by channel ID to prepare for groupby (requires sorted list)
messages = sorted(messages, key=lambda x: x.to_id.channel_id)
for channel, message_iterator in groupby(messages, lambda x: x.to_id.channel_id):
msgs = list(message_iterator)
client.delete_messages(channel, msgs) # this function accepts list of Message objects as 2nd param
except Exception as e:
print(channel, e)
# Attempts to encounter userID in all clients.
# msg_lim is optional, but will greatly affect worst-case time to complete.
def encounterAll(clients, userID, msg_lim=10):
for client in clients:
except ValueError: # no peer was found in internal DB
found = False
for dialog in client.iter_dialogs(None):
for msg in client.iter_messages(dialog.input_entity, limit=msg_lim):
if msg.from_id == userID:
found = True
if found: break
# Finds any message from spammerID (within msg_lim), reports it and deletes all messages from that user
# NB: Does not ban the user. Edit script if required
def reportAndDeleteAll(clients, spammerID, msg_lim=100):
from import DeleteUserHistoryRequest, ReportSpamRequest
from import Channel
for client in clients:
for dialog in client.iter_dialogs(None):
if not isinstance(dialog.entity, Channel) or not dialog.entity.megagroup: continue
for msg in client.iter_messages(dialog.input_entity, limit=msg_lim):
if msg.from_id == spammerID:
client(ReportSpamRequest(dialog.input_entity, spammerID, []))
client(DeleteUserHistoryRequest(dialog.input_entity, spammerID))
# you could call EditBannedRequest here
except Exception as e: # continuing with script is more important than handling specific errors
print(, e)

All of these were created to work with multiple client situations, but you can easily pass [client] to work on one.

Note that in most cases, you will need to tweak the instructions (e.g. by adding exception handling) if the clients you run it on are not admins, or other things that happen in "less-than-perfect" situations

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