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Last active March 4, 2020 16:47
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Check Yo Self Solo Project Reflection


This project was called Check Yo' Self and required us to create a checklist app. The learning goals for this project were to utilize JavaScript classes and local storage to create and save to do lists. The user is able to create a list of tasks which can be checked off, marked urgent, and deleted. In future iterations, they will also be able to edit these lists after creation and search and filter them.


Although this was not a team project, there was a lot of collaboration to help one another solve problems. I received a lot of help from other students. I also helped as much as I could to get my peers to the same point as me. Being able to have a problem explained to me from a different perspective helped me solve it and change the way I approach future problems.


There were many technical challenges in this project for me. I was very fortunate to have the help of my peers to get me through several problems. My project would be very different without the support of my classmates. While on my own, I would do research on specific elements or methods. I also tried to pseudocode but didn't do this as much as I should have.


One professional takeaway from this project was the importance of planning. I see the importance of this in my project because I didn't do nearly enough of it. I think my project would be more complete if I were to have a better understanding of how classes and local storage work together. If I could have planned this out beforehand, I wouldn't have to back-track to make things work for me. I did plan a little more than I have in previous projects but it wasn't enough to make for a smooth process while coding.

A technical takeaway from this project was my understanding of classes and how to instantiate them. Before this, I had a much looser understanding of how those would work, especially in the context of giving input values to class properties. I also implemented local storage but still need a better understanding. How do I edit information and have it properly persist? How do I reinstantiate with new information? These are related questions that I need to find the answers to.

Next project, I would like to really get familiar with these technical concepts and become comfortable with them so I can plan things out better in the beginning of the project.

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