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Created February 27, 2020 17:01
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Reflection on Which Beyonce group project


This project goal was to create a card matching game. The game involved the use of Javascript classes and local storage implementtion. The game started with a board of 10 randomly arranged cards. The user could click on the cards to turn them over and find matches. A timer is included to keep track of best times. There is two player functionality as well.


Typically I see team/group work as a democratic process in which everyone's voice is heard. I rarely take on the role of leader because I believe that having that title can silence the ideas of less vocal group mates. I enjoy having an open discussion and am open to hearing all opinions.

Technical (Choose One)

One strategy we used when encountering a problem was to go through line by line to identify the problem. We would look at the first line of a function and explain out loud what each and every line was doing. If the function contained another function or variable declared elsewhere, we would then jump to that part and read each line until we found the problem. This process also helped us refactor and remove extra lines of code that we otherwise would not have caught.


One personal takeaway from this project would be to remain focused during all group work time. There were times at which the stress would get to me and I sort of shut down. This lead to me being less vocal and not contributing as much as I felt like I should have. I don't know if my group members thought the same, but I felt like I might have let them down. This will be something to work on, in the future.

A positive technical takeaway would be getting more practice with classes and objects, as well as array prototypes. Having two classes talking to the DOM was a challenge but I now understand how the two interact. There is obviously a lot of room for improvement but I think I'm getting better at recognizing these patterns. Writing the shuffle() method and topScore() method taught me a lot about array prototypes and game me more practice with accessing individual array elements.

Next project I would like more planning. I think there were times when we got stuck and/or wasted time because we didn't have a plan in place. On my upcoming solo project I will take more time to do this.

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