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Created August 17, 2020 20:37
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DTR: Define the Relationship

Use this template to when conducting DTR with your project partners. It's recommended that you copy/paste this template into your own gist each time you conduct a DTR to take notes on the conversation.

Guiding Questions to Define The Relationship:

  • What are each of our learning goals for this project? What drives us in this project?
  • What is your collaboration style? How do you feel about pair programming vs. divide-and-conquer approaches?
  • How do you communicate best? How do you appreciate receiving communication from others?
  • How would you describe your work style?
  • What are each of our strengths? How can our strengths complement each other?
  • What’s gone well or poorly in your previous projects?
  • How will we set direction and make decisions as a team?
  • How will we overcome obstacles?
  • What do you need (resources, environment, communication) to do your best work?
  • What scheduling restraints do you have? What are your scheduling preferences?
  • What is your style for giving feedback? Does anything ever hold you back from giving feedback?
  • What do you identify as being your biggest strength(s) technically, as they relate to this project? Where do you feel you could use improvement in your technical skills, as they relate to this project? How can our team help support you in improving these skills?
  • What tools do you want to use to manage the project?
  • How do you want the group to solve problems when members run into issues with features of the project?
  • How do you know if a project is successful? How can we achieve that as a group?
  • How will we recognize each other's successes and celebrate them?

Any additional questions that you would like to add:

Template for DTR Memo

Project: Crate

Group Member Names: Sage Lee, Alex Pariseau, Edita Ignot, Kyle Wong

Goals and Expectations for the Project (What does each group member hope to get out of this project? What do we want to achieve as a team? How will we know that we're successful?): SL: Better understanding of frontend, less procrastination => start tasks early AP: Working toward full stack EI: Understand how FE and BE interact, React Native KW: Understand how FE and BE interact

Team strengths & collaboration styles (consider discussing your Pairin qualities here): SL: Setting clear expectations, everyone on the same page AP: Strong communication on delegation of tasks EI: Good communication and delegation, flexible, analyzing existing codebase KW: Lots of communication, staying cool under pressure

How we can use our strengths to overcome obstacles: Communicating often, taking time to work in our own learning styles

Schedule Expectations (When are we available to work together and individually? What constraints do we have?): SL: Not a morning person unless necessary, flexible, mentor meetings AP: Not remotely a morning person, flexible, no Friday nights after 6 EI: Morning person, flexible, prefers working right after class, stops around 7pm, 1 day off during weekend KW: Availble all day til 7pm, no Friday nights after 6, half day weekends, mentor meetings

Communication Expectations (How and how often will we communicate? How do we keep lines of communication open? How will we make decisions as a team?): SL: Daily standup, communication through slack throughout the day, GH projects, everyone comment/approve on PR before merge AP: Feel free to @ in slack EI: Feel free to reach out whenever questions come up, GH comments on PRs KW: Open and honest communication, ping on slack

Abilities & Growth Expectations (Technical strengths and areas for desired improvement): SL: Abstraction and encapsulation with confidence AP: Improve FE skills, full stack EI: Understand how things are connected, project setup KW: Get better at implementing features on existing codebases

Workload Expectations (What features do we each want to work on?): SL: Finishing project, understanding what is happening in codebase across the board AP: Passing project, understanding entire codebase EI: Majority FE but work on some BE KW: Majority FE but work on some BE

Workflow Expectations (Git workflow/Tools/Code Review/Reviewing Pull Requests/Debugging and Problem-solving Techniques): Everyone comment/approve PRs, last person merges it. Be concious of change requests before merging. PR templates. Communicate through slack when a PR is up for review, between 9am - 7pm PRs should be resolved within a couple hours. Divide and conquer unless we are stuck/need clarification.

Expectations for giving and receiving feedback: SL: Kind and actionable, wants feedback on workflow/anything that would make a better programmer AP: Honesty, feedback on chasing down the rabbit hole EI: Loves all feedback, has some difficulty with verbalizing ideas KW: Direct but kind, wants any feedback on how to improve in any areas

Project management tools we will use (GitHub projects or Trello are popular tools): GH projects. Using issues rather than project cards. Try to close issues on PRs. Assign issues to certain people. Card with questions for checkins.

Day 1 Agenda: DTR Set up locally Start annotations

Additional Notes:

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