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Created March 11, 2017 12:30
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Diggo . information tool gathering
#Don't edit my script lamer !
#This simple dns crawler Script Using Dig command to
#grab much results as well
# creat0r : Kyxrecon
# Cod3d 1n : Bash script
# Dig command search In multi add ns $2 | awk "
dig ns $1 | awk "
found == 1 && match(\$1,\"$1\"){
if (NF == 5) {
print \$5;
sub(\".\$\", \"\", \$5);
system(\"dig axfr @\"\$5\" $1\");
/ANSWER SECTION:/{found = 1}"
cat <<"EOT"
____ _
/ __ \(_)___ _____ _____
/ / / / / __ `/ __ `/ __ \
/ /_/ / / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ /
/_____/_/\__, /\__, /\____/
* Script name : diggo
* Creat0r : kyxrec0n
* Cod3d 1n : Bash script
* Descreption : it's simple script created for digging survived servers root out ,that last can use dig command for finding mulipple servers in one time ;)
echo 'The search has finished ! ' | grep --color 'The search has finished !'
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