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Created January 6, 2023 20:01
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Conditional Tokens Framework Calculations
import { keccak256 as solidityKeccak256 } from "@ethersproject/solidity";
import BN from "bn.js";
export const getConditionId = (oracle: string, questionId: string, outcomeSlotCount: number): string =>
solidityKeccak256(["address", "bytes32", "uint256"], [oracle, questionId, outcomeSlotCount]);
const altBN128P = new BN("21888242871839275222246405745257275088696311157297823662689037894645226208583");
const altBN128PRed =;
const altBN128B = new BN(3).toRed(altBN128PRed);
const zeroPRed = new BN(0).toRed(altBN128PRed);
const onePRed = new BN(1).toRed(altBN128PRed);
const twoPRed = new BN(2).toRed(altBN128PRed);
const fourPRed = new BN(4).toRed(altBN128PRed);
const oddToggle = new BN(1).ushln(254);
export const getCollectionId = (conditionId: string, indexSet: number): string => {
const initHash = solidityKeccak256(["bytes32", "uint256"], [conditionId, indexSet]);
const odd = "89abcdef".includes(initHash[2]);
const x = new BN(initHash.slice(2), "hex").toRed(altBN128PRed);
let y;
let yy: any;
do {
yy = x.redSqr();
yy = yy.mod(altBN128P);
y = yy.redSqrt();
} while (!y.redSqr().eq(yy));
const ecHash = x.fromRed();
if (odd) ecHash.ixor(oddToggle);
return `0x${ecHash.toString(16, 64)}`;
export const combineCollectionIds = (collectionIds: string[]): string => {
if (Array.isArray(collectionIds) && collectionIds.length === 0) {
return `0x${"0".repeat(64)}`;
const points = => {
let x = new BN(id);
if (x.eqn(0)) {
// a zero collection ID represents EC group identity
// which is the point at infinity
// satisfying projective equation
// Y^2 = X^3 + 3*Z^6, Z=0
return [onePRed, onePRed, zeroPRed];
const odd = x.and(oddToggle).eq(oddToggle);
if (odd) x.ixor(oddToggle);
x = x.toRed(altBN128PRed);
let y;
let yy;
yy = (x as any).redSqr();
yy = yy.redMul(x); // this might be a BN.js bug workaround
y = yy.redSqrt();
if (!y.redSqr().eq(yy)) throw new Error(`got invalid collection ID ${id}`);
if (odd !== y.isOdd()) y = y.redNeg();
return [x, y];
const [X, Y, Z] = points.reduce(([X1, Y1, Z1], [x2, y2]) => {
if (Z1 == null) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
Z1 = onePRed;
if (Z1.eqn(0)) {
return [x2, y2];
// source 2007 Bernstein--Lange
// assume Z2=1
// compute Z1Z1 = Z1^2
const Z1Z1 = Z1.redSqr();
// compute U2 = X2 Z1Z1
const U2 = x2.redMul(Z1Z1);
// compute S2 = Y2 Z1 Z1Z1
const S2 = y2.redMul(Z1).redMul(Z1Z1);
// compute H = U2-X1
const H = U2.redSub(X1);
// compute HH = H^2
const HH = H.redSqr();
// compute I = 4 HH
const I = HH.redMul(fourPRed);
// compute J = H I
const J = H.redMul(I);
// compute r = 2 (S2-Y1)
const r = twoPRed.redMul(S2.redSub(Y1));
// compute V = X1 I
const V = X1.redMul(I);
// compute X3 = r^2-J-2 V
const X3 = r
// compute Y3 = r (V-X3)-2 Y1 J
const Y3 = r.redMul(V.redSub(X3)).redSub(twoPRed.redMul(Y1).redMul(J));
// compute Z3 = (Z1+H)^2-Z1Z1-HH
const Z3 = Z1.redAdd(H)
return [X3, Y3, Z3];
let x;
let y;
if (Z) {
if (Z.eqn(0)) {
return `0x${"0".repeat(64)}`;
const invZ = Z.redInvm();
const invZZ = invZ.redSqr();
const invZZZ = invZZ.redMul(invZ);
x = X.redMul(invZZ);
y = Y.redMul(invZZZ);
} else {
x = X;
y = Y;
const ecHash = x.fromRed();
if (y.isOdd()) ecHash.ixor(oddToggle);
return `0x${ecHash.toString(16, 64)}`;
export const getPositionId = (collateralTokenAddress: string, collectionId: string): string =>
solidityKeccak256(["address", "uint256"], [collateralTokenAddress, collectionId]);
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