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Last active May 18, 2024 14:30
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Seven-Segment View in Jetpack Compose
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.compose.ui.Alignment
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Dp
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
* Composable function that renders a customizable Seven-Segment View to display a numeric value.
* @param number The numeric value to be displayed.
* @param modifier Modifier for adjusting layout and appearance of the view.
* @param activeColor Color used for displaying active segments of the Seven-Segment View.
* @param inactiveColor Color used for displaying inactive segments of the Seven-Segment View.
* @param digitsNumber Number of digits to be shown in the Seven-Segment View.
* @param digitsSpace Spacing between individual digits.
* @param segmentWidth Width of the segments within the Seven-Segment View.
* @param segmentsSpace Spacing between segments within each digit.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if [digitsNumber] is less than or equal to 0 or if [number] is negative.
fun SevenSegmentView(
number: Int,
modifier: Modifier,
activeColor: Color,
inactiveColor: Color = activeColor.copy(0.16f),
digitsNumber: Int = 1,
digitsSpace: Dp = 4.dp,
segmentWidth: Dp = 4.dp,
segmentsSpace: Dp = 0.dp
) {
require(digitsNumber > 0) { "Digits number should be greater than 0" }
require(number >= 0) { "The number has to be positive" }
var digits = remember(number) { number.splitToDigits() }
if (digits.size > digitsNumber) {
digits = digits.takeLast(digitsNumber)
modifier = modifier,
horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(digitsSpace),
verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically
) {
digits.padToStart(digitsNumber, null).forEach { digit ->
val state = digit?.getSegmentsState() ?: SegmentsState()
state = state,
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxHeight(),
activeColor = activeColor,
inactiveColor = inactiveColor,
segmentWidth = segmentWidth,
segmentsSpace = segmentsSpace
private fun SingleSevenSegment(
state: SegmentsState,
modifier: Modifier,
activeColor: Color,
inactiveColor: Color,
segmentWidth: Dp,
segmentsSpace: Dp
) {
modifier = modifier.aspectRatio(0.5f, matchHeightConstraintsFirst = true)
) {
val halfViewHeight = (size.height / 2)
val halfWidth = (segmentWidth.toPx() / 2)
val rightEdge = (size.width - halfWidth)
val bottomEdge = (size.height - halfWidth)
val segmentData = listOf(
SegmentData(state.a, isVertical = false, halfWidth, rightEdge, halfWidth, halfWidth),
SegmentData(state.b, isVertical = true, rightEdge, rightEdge, halfWidth, halfViewHeight),
SegmentData(state.c, isVertical = true, rightEdge, rightEdge, halfViewHeight, bottomEdge),
SegmentData(state.d, isVertical = false, halfWidth, rightEdge, bottomEdge, bottomEdge),
SegmentData(state.e, isVertical = true, halfWidth, halfWidth, halfViewHeight, bottomEdge),
SegmentData(state.f, isVertical = true, halfWidth, halfWidth, halfWidth, halfViewHeight),
SegmentData(state.g, isVertical = false, halfWidth, rightEdge, halfViewHeight, halfViewHeight)
segmentData.forEach { data ->
color = if (data.isActive) activeColor else inactiveColor,
data = data.addSpacing(segmentsSpace.toPx()),
halfWidth = halfWidth,
private fun DrawScope.drawSegment(
color: Color,
data: SegmentData,
halfWidth: Float
) {
val segmentPath = Path().apply {
with(data) {
moveTo(startX, startY)
if (isVertical) {
lineTo(startX + halfWidth, startY + halfWidth)
lineTo(startX + halfWidth, endY - halfWidth)
lineTo(endX, endY)
lineTo(startX - halfWidth, endY - halfWidth)
lineTo(startX - halfWidth, startY + halfWidth)
} else {
lineTo(startX + halfWidth, startY - halfWidth)
lineTo(endX - halfWidth, startY - halfWidth)
lineTo(endX, endY)
lineTo(endX - halfWidth, startY + halfWidth)
lineTo(startX + halfWidth, startY + halfWidth)
drawPath(segmentPath, color)
private data class SegmentsState(
val a: Boolean = false,
val b: Boolean = false,
val c: Boolean = false,
val d: Boolean = false,
val e: Boolean = false,
val f: Boolean = false,
val g: Boolean = false
private data class SegmentData(
val isActive: Boolean,
val isVertical: Boolean,
val startX: Float,
val endX: Float,
val startY: Float,
val endY: Float
private val SevenSegmentNumbers = mapOf(
0 to SegmentsState(a = true, b = true, c = true, d = true, e = true, f = true),
1 to SegmentsState(b = true, c = true),
2 to SegmentsState(a = true, b = true, d = true, e = true, g = true),
3 to SegmentsState(a = true, b = true, c = true, d = true, g = true),
4 to SegmentsState(b = true, c = true, f = true, g = true),
5 to SegmentsState(a = true, c = true, d = true, f = true, g = true),
6 to SegmentsState(a = true, c = true, d = true, e = true, f = true, g = true),
7 to SegmentsState(a = true, b = true, c = true),
8 to SegmentsState(a = true, b = true, c = true, d = true, e = true, f = true, g = true),
9 to SegmentsState(a = true, b = true, c = true, d = true, f = true, g = true),
private fun <T> List<T>.padToStart(size: Int, value: T): List<T> {
require(size >= 0) { "Size should not be negative" }
return if (this.size < size) {
List(size - this.size) { value } + this
} else {
private fun SegmentData.addSpacing(space: Float): SegmentData {
return when {
isVertical -> this.copy(
startY = (this.startY + space),
endY = (this.endY - space)
else -> this.copy(
startX = (this.startX + space),
endX = (this.endX - space)
private fun Int.getSegmentsState(): SegmentsState {
return SevenSegmentNumbers.getOrElse(this) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("The digit must be in the range from 0 to 9")
private fun Int.splitToDigits(): List<Int> {
return this.toString().map(Char::digitToInt)
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