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Created September 9, 2022 23:41
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Install and Configure Traefik


sudo apt-get install apache2-utils

htpasswd -nb admin <super-duper-password-here>

mkdir /opt/traefik

cd /opt/traefik

nano traefik.toml

    address = ":80"
      to = "websecure"
      scheme = "https"
    address = ":443"

  dashboard = true

  email = "<"
  storage = "acme.json"

  watch = true
  network = "web"

  filename = "traefik_dynamic.toml"

nano traefik_dynamic.toml

  users = [
    "htpasswd output here"

  rule = "Host(`monitor.<domain>`)"
  entrypoints = ["websecure"]
  middlewares = ["simpleAuth"]
  service = "api@internal"
    certResolver = "lets-encrypt"

docker network create web

touch acme.json

chmod 600 acme.json

docker run -d \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  -v $PWD/traefik.toml:/traefik.toml \
  -v $PWD/traefik_dynamic.toml:/traefik_dynamic.toml \
  -v $PWD/acme.json:/acme.json \
  -p 80:80 \
  -p 443:443 \
  --network web \
  --name traefik \


| traefik.http.routers..rule | Host(<subdomain>.<domain>) | traefik.http.routers..tls | true | traefik.http.routers..tls.certresolver | lets-encrypt | | 8080 | | http

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