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GitHub Issues Using Table for Smashing Dashboard

GitHub Issues Using Table - Smashing Dashboard Widget

This will allow you to visualize data easier in tables. It could aslo be easily adapted to show other data, only need to change the URI for another github type of data.

  • Create a script dashboard.erb in the dashboard directory
    <% content_for :title do %>Super Dashboard<% end %>

    <div class="gridster">

        <li data-row="1" data-col="1" data-sizex="3.5" data-sizey="1">
        <div data-id="issues" data-view="Table" data-unordered="true" data-title="GitHub Issues"></div>
  • Create a script github-issues.rb in the jobs directory
    #!/usr/bin/env ruby
    require 'rest-client'
    require 'json'
    require 'date'

    github_token = "token here"
    github_owner = "owner here"
    github_project = "repo here"
    since_data = "since when you want to collect data"

    ## Change this if you want to run more than one set of issue widgets
    event_name = "github_issues_labeled_defects"

    uri = "{github_owner}/#{github_project}/issues?state=all&direction=asc&access_token=#{github_token}&since=#{since_data}"

    # Change headers to what you want
    table_headers = [{ value: "Title" }, {value:"State" }, {value: "Created at"}, {value: "Updated at" }, {value: "Number of comment(s)"}]

    #send_event('issues',  { table_headers: table_headers } )
    SCHEDULER.every '10m', :first_in => 0 do |job|
      issues ={ value: 0 })
      puts "Getting #{uri}"
      response = RestClient.get uri
      issuesJson = JSON.parse(response.body, symbolize_names: true)

      for i in 0..15 do

        indexTCreatedAT = issuesJson[i][:created_at].index("T")
        indexTUpdatedAT = issuesJson[i][:updated_at].index("T")

        # Get title
        title = issuesJson[i][:title]
        # Get state
        state = issuesJson[i][:state]
        # Get created_at year-month-day
        created_at = issuesJson[i][:created_at][0..indexTCreatedAT-1]
        # Get updated_at year-month-day
        updated_at = issuesJson[i][:updated_at][0..indexTUpdatedAT-1]
        # Get number of comments
        comments = issuesJson[i][:comments]

        # Seperate every element in json object to dynamicly display the right number of columns
        issues[issuesJson[i][:title]] = [ {value: title}, {value: state}, {value: created_at}, {value: updated_at}, {value: comments}]

      send_event('issues', { table_headers: table_headers, items: issues.values })


This will look like this:

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