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Last active November 8, 2018 03:10
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Script to automate updating a staged WordPress site from a local dev environment and clear caches
# Author: Larry Williamson -
# Script to automate updating a staged WordPress site from a local dev environment and clear PageSpeed
# and NGiNX fastcgi caches. Skips uploading node_modules.
# 1) Update WordPress (Understrap) version in style.css so browsers will refresh the new version
# 2) use lftp w/ sftp to reverse mirror files w/ 20 parallel connections (FAST.)
# 3) use SSH to remotely execute a cache clearing script
# Update these...
# And these...
# Path to the WordPress stylesheet w/ Version # in it
# Local source directory
# Remote Destination Directory
# Onwards to the good stuff... no need to update anything else
perl -i -pe 's/^\sVersion:\s+\d+\.\d+\.\K(\d+)/ $1+1 /e' ${STYLEPATH}
lftp sftp://${REMOTEUSER}:@${REMOTEHOST} -e 'set sftp:connect-program "ssh -i ~/.ssh/'${PRIVKEY}'"; mirror -c -e -R --parallel=20 --verbose "'${SOURCEDIR}'" "'${DESTDIR}'" --exclude node_modules/;quit;'
ssh -t ${REMOTEUSER}@${REMOTEHOST} -i ~/.ssh/${PRIVKEY} "sudo -s; rm -rf /etc/nginx/cache; rm -rf /var/ngx_pagespeed_cache/*"
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