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Created April 28, 2017 08:06
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#include "inspec_pid/myPoint.h"
MyPoint::MyPoint(double xPos, double yPos, double alpha, ros::Time t)
x = xPos;
y = yPos;
angle = alpha;
time = t;
double MyPoint::getAngle(MyPoint* target)
return atan2((target->y - y),(target->x - x));
double MyPoint::getDistance(MyPoint* target)
return sqrt((pow(target->y - y,2.0)) + (pow(target->x - x,2.0)));
double MyPoint::getDistancex(MyPoint* target)
return sqrt(pow(target->x - x,2.0));
double MyPoint::getDistancey(MyPoint* target)
return sqrt(pow(target->x - x,2.0));
#ifndef __MYPOINT_H
#define __MYPOINT_H
#include <math.h>
#include "ros/ros.h"
class MyPoint
/* Constructor:
* xPos Position in x.
* yPos Position in y.
* alpha Robot rotation.
* t Time of measurement
MyPoint(double xPos, double yPos, double alpha, ros::Time t);
/* Returns angle between this and target point.
double getAngle(MyPoint* target);
/* Returns distance between this and target point.
double getDistance(MyPoint* target);
double getDistancex(MyPoint* target);
double getDistancey(MyPoint* target);
double x; // Position in x.
double y; // Position in y.
ros::Time time; // Time, when the position was measured.
double angle; // Robot's angle.
#include "inspec_pid/node_pid.h"
#include <math.h>
#define PI 3.141592
#define F_KP 2.58 // P constant for PID translation controller
#define F_KD 0.047 // D constant for PID translation controller
#define F_KI 0.0 // I constant for PID translation controller
#define R_KP 2.0 // P constant for PID rotation controller
#define R_KD 0.1 // D constant for PID rotation controller
#define R_KI 0.0 // I constant for PID rotation controller
NodePID::NodePID(ros::Publisher pub, double tol, double tolA, double distx, double disty, double ang, double mSpeed, double mASpeed, int nbr)
targetDistancex = distx;
targetDistancey = disty;
tolerance = tol;
toleranceAngle = tolA;
targetAngle = ang;
maxSpeed = mSpeed;
maxASpeed = mASpeed;
pubMessage = pub;
iterations = 0;
sumDistancex = 0;
sumDistancey = 0;
sumAngle = 0;
start = new MyPoint(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ros::Time::now());
last = new MyPoint(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ros::Time::now());
ROS_INFO_STREAM( " i = " << nbr);
void NodePID::publishMessage(double angleCommand, double speedCommandX, double speedCommandY)
//preparing message
geometry_msgs::Twist msg;
msg.linear.x = speedCommandX;
msg.linear.y = speedCommandY;
msg.angular.z = angleCommand;
//publishing message
void NodePID::messageCallback(const tum_ardrone::filter_state& msg)
double angleCommand = 0;
double speedCommandX = 0;
double speedCommandY = 0;
MyPoint* actual = new MyPoint(msg.x, msg.y, msg.yaw, msg.header.stamp);
if (iterations == 0)
start->x = actual->x;
start->y = actual->y;
start->time = actual->time;
start->angle = actual->angle;
last->x = actual->x;
last->y = actual->y;
last->time = actual->time;
last->angle = actual->angle;
//Calculation of action intervention.
if (closeEnough(actual) == true)
else {
if (fabs(actual->x )<= fabs(targetDistancex) )
ROS_INFO_STREAM ("Acheive_y " << start->getDistancex(actual));
speedCommandX = calculatePID_x(actual,start->getDistancex(actual)*copysign(1.0, targetDistancex),start->getDistancex(last)*copysign(1.0, targetDistancex),targetDistancex,F_KP,F_KD,F_KI,&sumDistancex);
publishMessage(fmin(maxASpeed,angleCommand), fmin(maxSpeed,speedCommandX), fmin(maxSpeed,speedCommandY));
if (fabs(actual->y)<= fabs(targetDistancey) )
ROS_INFO_STREAM ("Acheive_x " << start->getDistancey(actual));
speedCommandY = calculatePID_y(actual,start->getDistancey(actual)*copysign(1.0, targetDistancey),start->getDistancey(last)*copysign(1.0, targetDistancey),targetDistancey,F_KP,F_KD,F_KI,&sumDistancey);
publishMessage(fmin(maxASpeed,angleCommand), fmin(maxSpeed,speedCommandX), fmin(maxSpeed,speedCommandY));
if (actual->angle-last->angle < -PI)
actual->angle += 2*PI;
else if (actual->angle-last->angle > PI)
actual->angle -= 2*PI;
angleCommand = calculatePID_x(actual,actual->angle-start->angle, last->angle-start->angle,targetAngle,R_KP,R_KD,R_KI,&sumAngle);
//Saving position to last
last->x = actual->x;
last->y = actual->y;
last->time = actual->time;
last->angle = actual->angle;
//Invoking method for publishing message
ROS_INFO_STREAM( " x " << last->x << " y " << last->y) ;
ROS_INFO_STREAM( " targetDistancey " <<targetDistancey << " targetDistancex " << targetDistancex << " targetAngle " << targetAngle );
bool NodePID::closeEnough(MyPoint* actual)
double distance;
distance = start->getDistance(actual)*copysign(1.0, targetDistance);
if (fabs(distance-targetDistance) > tolerance)
return false;
if (fabs(targetAngle - (actual->angle - start->angle)) > toleranceAngle &
fabs(targetAngle - (actual->angle - start->angle) + 2*PI) > toleranceAngle &
fabs(targetAngle - (actual->angle - start->angle) - 2*PI) > toleranceAngle)
return false;
return true;
double NodePID::calculatePID_x(MyPoint* actual, double actualValue_x, double lastValue_x, double reference_x, double kP, double kD, double kI, double *sum_x)
double speed_x = 0;
double error_x = reference_x - actualValue_x;
double previousError_x = reference_x - lastValue_x;
double dt_x = actual->time.toSec() - last->time.toSec();
double derivative_x = (error_x - previousError_x)/dt_x;
*sum_x = *sum_x + error_x*dt_x;
speed_x = kP*error_x + kD*derivative_x + kI*(*sum_x);
return speed_x;
double NodePID::calculatePID_y(MyPoint* actual, double actualValue_y, double lastValue_y, double reference_y, double kP, double kD, double kI, double *sum_y)
double speed_y = 0;
double error_y = reference_y - actualValue_y;
double previousError_y = reference_y - lastValue_y;
double dt_y = actual->time.toSec() - last->time.toSec();
double derivative_y = (error_y - previousError_y)/dt_y;
*sum_y = *sum_y + error_y*dt_y;
speed_y = kP*error_y + kD*derivative_y + kI*(*sum_y);
return speed_y;
#ifndef __NODEPID_H
#define __NODEPID_H
#include "myPoint.h"
#include "ros/ros.h"
#include "tum_ardrone/filter_state.h"
#include "geometry_msgs/Twist.h"
#include <queue>
class NodePID
/* Constructor:
* pub Publisher, which can send commands to robot.
* tol Position tolerance [link](#m).
* tolA Angle tolerance [link](#m).
* dist Robot will go forward this distance.
* ang Robot will turn by this angle [link](#rad).
* mSpeed Maximum speed of robot.
* mASpeed Maximum angular speed of robot.
NodePID(ros::Publisher pub, double tol, double tolA, double disty,double distx,double ang, double mSpeed, double mASpeed, int nbr);
/* This method publishes commands for robot.
* angleCommand Angular velocity.
* speedCommand Velocity.
void publishMessage(double angleCommand, double speedCommandX, double speedCommandY);
/* This method reads data from sensor and processes them to variables.
* It saves actual position, calls methods for evaluating
* speed and calls method for publishing message.
* msg Message, which contains odometry data.
void messageCallback(const tum_ardrone::filter_state& msg);
/* This method calculates, if robot is close enough from target point.
* If distance between robot and target point is shorter than
* tolerance, target is accomplished and method returns true.
* actual Actual position of robot.
bool closeEnough(MyPoint* actual);
/* This method calculates action intervention from PSD controller.
* actual Actual position of robot.
* actualValue Actual output value.
* lastValue Output value from one step ago.
* reference Reference value.
* kP P constant for controller PSD.
* kD D constant for controller PSD.
* kS S constant for controller PSD.
* sum sum of errors.
double calculatePID_x(MyPoint* actual, double actualValue_x, double lastValue_x, double reference_x, double kP, double kD, double kI, double *sum_x);
double calculatePID_y(MyPoint* actual, double actualValue_y, double lastValue_y, double reference_y, double kP, double kD, double kI, double *sum_y);
MyPoint *start; // Start position. Distance will be measured from here
MyPoint *last; // Last position of robot.
double tolerance; // Tolerated deviation from target distance.
double maxSpeed; // Maximal velocity.
double maxASpeed; // Maximal angular velocity.
ros::Publisher pubMessage; // Object for publishing messages.
double targetDistancex; // Robot will go forwrd this distance
double targetDistancey; // Robot will go forwrd this distance
double targetDistance; // Robot will go forwrd this distance
double targetAngle; // Robot will turn by this angle.
int iterations; // Number of received messages.
double sumDistancex; // Sum of distance errors for PID controller.
double sumDistancey; // Sum of distance errors for PID controller.
double sumAngle; // Sum of angle errors for PID controller.
double toleranceAngle; // Tolerated deviation from target angle.
int nbr; //just a number
#include "inspec_pid/myPoint.h"
#include "inspec_pid/node_pid.h"
#define SUBSCRIBER_BUFFER_SIZE 1 // Size of buffer for subscriber.
#define PUBLISHER_BUFFER_SIZE 1000 // Size of buffer for publisher.
#define TOLERANCE 0.1 // Distance from the target distance, at which the distance will be considered as achieved.
#define TOLERANCE_ANGLE 0.2 // Differenc from target angle, which will be tolerated.
#define MAX_SPEED 0.5 // Maximum speed of robot.
#define MAX_A_SPEED 2.0 // Maximum angular speed of robot.
// #define PUBLISHER_TOPIC "/syros/base_cmd_vel"
#define PUBLISHER_TOPIC "/cmd_vel"
// #define SUBSCRIBER_TOPIC "/ardrone/predictedPose"
#define SUBSCRIBER_TOPIC "/ardrone/predictedPose"
#define PI 3.141592
double tag_x = 0;
double tag_y = 0;
double angle = 0.0;
double ang;
int i;
ros::Publisher pub ;
ros::Subscriber sub;
NodePID *nodePID(0);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
//Initialization of node
ros::init(argc, argv, "pid_control");
ros::NodeHandle n;
// Space between the spirals
tag_x=ang * cos(ang);
tag_y=ang * sin(ang);
pub = n.advertise<geometry_msgs::Twist>(PUBLISHER_TOPIC, PUBLISHER_BUFFER_SIZE);
nodePID= new NodePID(pub, TOLERANCE, TOLERANCE_ANGLE,tag_x,tag_y, 0 , MAX_SPEED, MAX_A_SPEED,1);
sub = n.subscribe(SUBSCRIBER_TOPIC, SUBSCRIBER_BUFFER_SIZE, &NodePID::messageCallback, nodePID);
tag_x=ang * cos(ang);
tag_y=ang * sin(ang);
ROS_INFO_STREAM( " i= " << i );
//Creating object, which stores data from sensors and has methods for
//publishing and subscribing
//Creating subscriber and publisher
//Creating publisher
nodePID= new NodePID(pub, TOLERANCE, TOLERANCE_ANGLE,tag_x,tag_y, angle, MAX_SPEED, MAX_A_SPEED,i);
ros::Rate loop_rate(100);
return 0;
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