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Last active December 12, 2018 22:31
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Find the intersection between two JS arrays of objects, based on an object property (using 'filter' and 'map').
/** Find the intersection between two JS arrays of objects
* finds based on an object property (using 'filter' and 'map')
products = [ // an array of products
{reference:'LOWP8F7H', name:'Nike Blazer', price:120, category:1},
{reference:'3PFH3LDP', name:'Nike Kyrie', price:340, category:1},
{reference:'FGH4P40K', NAME:'Nike Bomber', price:70, category:0}
resultProducts = [ // a second array of products
{reference:'ANFHO2f3', name:'Adidas NMD', price:90, category:1},
{reference:'LOWP8F7H', name:'Nike Blazer', price:120, category:1},
{reference:'3PFH3LDP', name:'Nike Kyrie', price:340, category:1}
// finding the intersection between them
var intersection = products.filter((product, pos, arr)=>{ // loop through each product
var resProdRefs = => mapObj.reference); // get all refs of the resultProducts
if (resProdRefs.indexOf(product.reference) > -1) return true; // if the loop product ref is in resultProduct refs
return false; // item doesn't intersect
console.log(intersection); // returns the 2 intersecting items
// The above code can even be shortened to the following...
var intersection = products.filter(product=>{
return => mapObj.reference).indexOf(product.reference) > -1;
console.log(intersection); //returns same 2 intersecting items
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