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Created March 18, 2021 15:32
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Free Fire Source 1 (Mar 2020)
void* (*GetHeadTF)(void* player) = (void*(*)(void*))getRealOffset(0xAE5868);
void* (*GetHipTF)(void* player) = (void*(*)(void*))getRealOffset(0xAE5994);
void* (*CurrentMatch)() = (void*(*)())getRealOffset(0x25C277C); //static QG CurrentMatch()
void* (*GetLocalPlayer)(void* match) = (void*(*)(void *))getRealOffset(0x12B1178); //public Player ^dj‚kVy()
void* (*getPlayerByIndex)(void* match, uint8_t index) = (void*(*)(void *, uint8_t))getRealOffset(0x12B1600); //public Player ‚|`pUJY(byte cA^OZCl)
int (*get_CurHP)(void* player) = (int(*)(void *))getRealOffset(0xAA1A74);
void* (*get_PlayerID)(void* player) = (void*(*)(void *))getRealOffset(0xAAC610);
void* (*get_NickName)(void* player) = (void*(*)(void *))getRealOffset(0xAAC720);
bool (*IsVisible)(void* player) = (bool(*)(void *))getRealOffset(0xAAEB6C);
bool (*IsFiring)(void* player) = (bool(*)(void *))getRealOffset(0xAC77A8);
bool (*get_IsSighting)(void* player) = (bool(*)(void *))getRealOffset(0xAF8410);
bool (*IsLocalPlayer)(void* player) = (bool(*)(void *))getRealOffset(0xAAF4E8);
bool (*IsLocalTeammate)(void* player) = (bool(*)(void *))getRealOffset(0xAB4ABC);
bool (*get_IsDieing)(void* player) = (bool(*)(void *))getRealOffset(0xAACEC8);
bool (*IsCrouching)(void* player) = (bool(*)(void *))getRealOffset(0xAB60C4);
bool (*get_IsSkyDiving)(void* player) = (bool(*)(void *))getRealOffset(0xAAE66C);
bool (*get_IsSkyDashing)(void* player) = (bool(*)(void *))getRealOffset(0xAAEA48);
bool (*get_IsParachuting)(void* player) = (bool(*)(void *))getRealOffset(0xAAE264);
bool (*IsSameTeam)(void* p1, void* p2) = (bool(*)(void*, void*))getRealOffset(0x25C39F8);
void (*SetAimRotation)(void* player, Quaternion rotation) = (void(*)(void *, Quaternion))getRealOffset(0xAAD320);
void* (*Component_get_transform)(void* comp) = (void*(*)(void *))getRealOffset(0x233546C);
Vector3 (*Transform_get_position)(void* trans) = (Vector3(*)(void *))getRealOffset(0x2908DF8);
Vector3 (*Transform_get_forward)(void* trans) = (Vector3(*)(void *))getRealOffset(0x2909524);
void* (*get_main)() = (void*(*)())getRealOffset(0x2330740); // UnityEngine.Camera
void (*ShowPopupMessage)(void* gamescene, void* message, float duration) = (void(*)(void *, void*, float))getRealOffset(0x1090B8C);
void* UIInGameScene = NULL;
void* (*il2cpp_string_new)(const char* string) = (void*(*)(const char*))getRealOffset(0x296B4A4);
void* (*String_Concat)(void* string1, void* string2, void* string3) = (void*(*)(void*,void*, void*))getRealOffset(0x1DE15F4);
int (*Screen_get_width)() = (int(*)())getRealOffset(0x2696BB0);
int (*Screen_get_height)() = (int(*)())getRealOffset(0x2696C40);
Vector3 (*WorldToScreenPoint)(void* camera, Vector3 position) = (Vector3 (*)(void*, Vector3)) getRealOffset(0x2330150);
class Rect {
float x;
float y;
float width;
float height;
Rect(float x, float y, float width, float height){
this->x = x;
this->y = y;
this->width = width;
this->height = height;
class Color {
float r;
float g;
float b;
float a;
Color(float r, float g, float b, float a){
this->r = r;
this->g = g;
this->b = b;
this->a = a;
Vector3 GetHeadPosition(void* player){
return Transform_get_position(*(void**) ((uint64_t) player + 0x18C));
Vector3 GetHipPosition(void* player){
return Transform_get_position(*(void**) ((uint64_t) player + 0x190));
void* GetClosestEnemy(void* match, bool byFOV) {
if(!match) {
return NULL;
float shortestDistance = 99999;
float maxAngle = 30.0;
void* closestEnemy = NULL;
void* LocalPlayer = GetLocalPlayer(match);
if(LocalPlayer && !get_IsSkyDashing(LocalPlayer) && !get_IsParachuting(LocalPlayer) && !get_IsSkyDiving(LocalPlayer) && !get_IsDieing(LocalPlayer)) {
for(int u = 0; u <= 50; u++) {
void* Player = getPlayerByIndex(match, (uint8_t)u);
if(Player && !IsLocalPlayer(Player) && !IsLocalTeammate(Player) && !get_IsDieing(Player) && !get_IsSkyDashing(Player) && !get_IsParachuting(Player) &&
!get_IsSkyDiving(Player) && IsVisible(Player) && get_CurHP(Player) > 0)
Vector3 PlayerPos = GetHipPosition(Player);
Vector3 LocalPlayerPos = GetHipPosition(LocalPlayer);//Transform_get_position(Component_get_transform(get_main()));
float distanceToMe = Vector3::Distance(LocalPlayerPos, PlayerPos);
if(byFOV) {
Vector3 targetDir = PlayerPos - LocalPlayerPos;
float angle = Vector3::Angle(targetDir, Transform_get_forward(Component_get_transform(get_main()))) * 100.0;
if(angle <= maxAngle) {
if(distanceToMe < shortestDistance) {
shortestDistance = distanceToMe;
closestEnemy = Player;
} else {
if(distanceToMe < shortestDistance) {
shortestDistance = distanceToMe;
closestEnemy = Player;
return closestEnemy;
void (*Update)(void* gamestartup); //GameStartup
void _Update(void* gamestartup) {
if(gamestartup) {
void* Match = CurrentMatch();
if((aimbot || fireaimbot || scopeaimbot || espshit) && Match) {
void* LocalPlayer = GetLocalPlayer(Match);
/*if(espshit && UIInGameScene){
for(int u = 0; u < 100; u++) {
void* Player = getPlayerByIndex(Match, (uint8_t)u);
if(Player && !IsLocalPlayer(Player) && !get_IsDieing(Player) && IsVisible(Player) && get_CurHP(Player) > 0) {
Vector3 PlayerPos = GetHipPosition(Player);
Vector3 LocalPos = Transform_get_position(Component_get_transform(get_main()));
char dist[10];
float n = Vector3::Distance(LocalPos, PlayerPos);
sprintf(dist, " %dM", (int)n);
ShowPopupMessage(UIInGameScene, String_Concat(*(void**) ((uint64_t) Player + 0xA8), il2cpp_string_new_0(dist)), 2.0);
int i = 0;
void* headtf = *(void**) ((uint64_t) Player + 0x154);
Vector3 headpos = WorldToScreenPoint(get_main(), Transform_get_position(headtf));
int screenWidth = Screen_get_width();
int screenHeight = Screen_get_height();
Vector2 from = Vector2((screenWidth / 2), screenHeight);
Vector2 to = Vector2(headpos.X, screenHeight - headpos.Y);
void* closestEnemy = GetClosestEnemy(Match, fovaim);
if(closestEnemy) {
Vector3 PlayerPos = GetHipPosition(closestEnemy);
Vector3 LocalPos = Transform_get_position(Component_get_transform(get_main()));
Vector3 up = Vector3::Up();
Vector3 b = Vector3::Zero();
if(IsCrouching(closestEnemy)) {
b = Vector3::Down() * 0.4;
Vector3 Forward = PlayerPos - LocalPos + (up * 0.3) + b;
if(headshoot) {
Forward = GetHeadPosition(closestEnemy) - LocalPos + b;
if(espshit && UIInGameScene) {
char dist[10];
float n = Vector3::Distance(GetHipPosition(LocalPlayer), PlayerPos);
sprintf(dist, " %dM", (int)n);
ShowPopupMessage(UIInGameScene, String_Concat(NULL, get_NickName(closestEnemy), il2cpp_string_new(dist)), 2.0);
Quaternion lookRotation = Quaternion::LookRotation(Forward, up);
if((scopeaimbot && get_IsSighting(LocalPlayer))) {
SetAimRotation(LocalPlayer, lookRotation);
} else if(fireaimbot && IsFiring(LocalPlayer)) {
SetAimRotation(LocalPlayer, lookRotation);
} else if(aimbot) {
SetAimRotation(LocalPlayer, lookRotation);
void (*OnInit)(void* gamescene); // COW.UIInGameScene
void _OnInit(void* gamescene) {
if(gamescene) {
UIInGameScene = gamescene;
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