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Last active August 6, 2023 22:26
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WPF: Using the pack://application:,,, notation to load a resource and set it as an imagesource in code behind.
public void SetImageSourceFromResource()
// Replace "YourNamespace" with the namespace where the image resource is located
Uri imageUri = new Uri("pack://application:,,,/YourNamespace;component/MyImage.png");
// Create a BitmapImage and set it as the source for the Image control
BitmapImage bitmapImage = new BitmapImage(imageUri);
myImageControl.Source = bitmapImage;
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("Error loading image: " + ex.Message);
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In the code-behind, we use the SetImageSourceFromResource method to load the image from the resource. The pack://application:,,,/YourNamespace;component/MyImage.png URI format is used to access the image resource from the application's assembly.

Replace "YourNamespace" with the appropriate namespace where your image resource is located. Make sure the Build Action for the image file is set to "Resource" in the Properties window. When the window is loaded, the SetImageSourceFromResource method will be called to load the image and set it as the source for the Image control named "myImageControl".

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