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Last active December 4, 2024 16:54
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Cheatsheet for LaTex, using Markdown for markup. I use this with and markdown-preview-plus to write math stuff


Cheatsheet for LaTex, using Markdown for markup. I use this with and 📦markdown-preview-plus to write math stuff. 📦keyboard-localization is necessary when using an international layout (like [swiss] german).

Further Reference and source:

Example expressions / functions

Input Rendered
$a = b + c − d$ $a = b + c − d$
$\sqrt{?\frac{\pi}{2}}$ $\sqrt{\frac{\pi}{2}}$
$y = a x_1^2 + b x_2 + c$ $y = a x_1^2 + b x_2 + c$

Special characters / Symbols

###Latin: #####No dot:
\imath $\rightarrow$ $\imath$, \jmath $\rightarrow$ $\jmath$

\hat{\imath} $\rightarrow$ $\hat{\imath}$, \hat{\jmath} $\rightarrow$ $\hat{\jmath}$

###Greek Letters: #####Capital:

LaTex LaTex
\Gamma Γ \Delta
\Lambda Λ \Phi Φ
\Pi Π \Psi Ψ
\Sigma Σ \Theta Θ
\Upsilon Υ \Xi Ξ


LaTex LaTex
\alpha α \nu ν
\beta β \kappa κ
\gamma γ \lambda λ
\delta δ \mu µ
\epsilon ϵ \zeta ζ
\eta η \theta θ
\iota ι \xi ξ
\pi π \rho ρ
\sigma σ \tau τ
\upsilon υ \phi φ
\chi χ \psi ψ
\omega ω


LaTex LaTex
\digamma ϝ varepsilon ε
\varkappa ϰ \varphi ϕ
\varpi ϖ \varrho ϱ
\varsigma ς \vartheta ϑ
\eth ð \hbar $\hbar$

###Other: ####Other Symbols

LaTex LaTex
\partial \infty
\wedge \vee
\neg \not ¬
\bot \top
\nabla \varnothing
\angle \measuredangle
\surd \forall
\exists \nexists

####Relational Symbols

LaTex LaTex
\hookrightarrow \Rightarrow
\rightarrow \Leftrightarrow
\nrightarrow \mapsto $\mapsto$
\geq \leq
\equiv \sim
\gg \ll
\subset \subseteq
\in \notin
\mid $\mid$ \propto
\perp \parallel
\vartriangle $\vartriangle$

####Binary operators

LaTex LaTex
\wedge \vee
\neg``\not ¬

####Cumulative operators

LaTex LaTex
\int \iint $\iint$
\iiint $\iiint$ \idotsint $\idotsint$
\prod $\prod$ \sum $\sum$
\bigcup $\bigcup$ \bigcap $\bigcap$

####Named operators $\arccos$, $\arcsin$, $\arctan$, $\arg$, $\cos$, $\cosh$, $\cot$, $\coth$, $\deg$, $\det$, $\dim$, $\exp$, $\gcd$, $\hom$, $\inf$, $\injlim$, $\lg$, $\lim$, $\liminf$, $\limsup$, $\ln$, $\log$, $\max$, $\min$, $\Pr$, $\projlim$, $\sec$, $\sin$, $\sinh$, $\sup$

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marfravi commented Dec 1, 2023

Great info! I noticed that the symbols for < and > are missing.

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