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Last active February 15, 2020 15:35
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Redux Form 6.2.0 typings
declare namespace ReduxForm {
import React = __React
type ComponentConstructor<P> = React.ComponentClass<P> | React.StatelessComponent<P>
type FormError = { _error?: string }
type FormWarning = { _warning?: string }
type FormErrors<FormData extends DataShape> = FormData & FormError
type FormWarnings<FormData extends DataShape> = FormData & FormWarning
type Normalizer = (value: any, previousValue?: any, allValues?: any, previousAllValues?: any) => any
type Formatter = (value: any, name?: string) => any
type Parser = (value: any, name?: string) => any
type FieldType = "Field" | "FieldArray"
interface SubmitHandler<FormData extends DataShape, S> {
(values: FormData, dispatch?: Redux.Dispatch<S>): void | FormErrors<FormData> | Promise<any>
interface NestedFields<A> {
[fieldName: string]: A | NestedFields<A>
interface DataShape {
[fieldName: string]: any
/* State */
interface RegisteredField {
name: string
type: FieldType
interface FieldState {
active?: boolean
touched?: boolean
visited?: boolean
interface FormState {
registeredFields: Array<RegisteredField>
fields?: { [name: string]: FieldState }
values?: DataShape
active?: string
anyTouched?: boolean
submitting?: boolean
submitErrors?: FormErrors<DataShape>
submitFailed?: boolean
interface FormStateMap {
[formName: string]: FormState
interface FromStateGetter<S> {
(state: S): FormStateMap
/* props */
interface ArrayProps {
insert(field: string, index: number, value: any): void
move(field: string, from: number, to: number): void
pop(field: string): void
push(field: string, value: any): void
remove(field: string, index: number): void
removeAll(field: string): void
shift(field: string): void
splice(field: string, index: number, removeNum: number, value: any): void
swap(field: string, indexA: number, indexB: number): void
unshift(field: string, value: any): void
interface FormProps<FormData extends DataShape, S> {
anyTouched?: boolean
array?: ArrayProps
asyncValidate?(): void
asyncValidation?: string | boolean
autofill?(field: string, value: any): void
blur?(field: string, value: any): void
change?(field: string, value: any): void
destroy?(): void
dirty?: boolean
error?: any
form?: string
handleSubmit?(event: React.FormEvent): void
handleSubmit?(submit: SubmitHandler<FormData, S>): React.FormEventHandler
initialize?(data: FormData): void
invalid?: boolean
pristine?: boolean
reset?(): void
submitFailed?: boolean
submitSucceeded?: boolean
submitting?: boolean
touch?(...fields: Array<string>): void
untouch?(...fields: Array<string>): void
valid?: boolean
warning?: any
/* reduxForm() */
interface Structure {
deepEqual(a: any, b: any): boolean
deleteIn<S>(state: S, field: string): any
getIn<S>(state: S, field: string): any
setIn<S>(state: S, field: string, value: any): S & { [field: string]: any }
splice(array: Array<any>, index: number, removeNum?: number, value?: any): Array<any>
interface PlainStructure extends Structure {
empty: any
emptyList: Array<any>
fromJs(value: any): any
size(array: Array<any>): number
some(collection: Object | Array<any>, predicate: any): boolean
interface ImmutableStructure extends Structure {
empty: Immutable.Map<any, any>
emptyList: Immutable.List<any>
fromJs(value: any): Immutable.List<any> | Immutable.Map<any, any>
size(list: Immutable.List<any>): number
some(iterable: Immutable.Iterable<any, any>, callback: <V, K>(value?: V, key?: K, iter?: Immutable.Iterable<K, V>) => boolean): boolean
type ValidateCallback<FormData extends DataShape, P> = {
values: FormData
nextProps: P
props: P
initialRender: boolean
structure: PlainStructure | ImmutableStructure
type AsyncValidateCallback<FormData extends DataShape> = {
asyncErrors?: FormErrors<FormData>
initialized?: boolean
trigger?: "blur" | "submit"
blurredField?: string
pristine?: boolean
syncValidationPassed?: boolean
type Config<FormData extends DataShape, P, S> = {
form: string
asyncBlurFields?: Array<string>
asyncValidate?(values: FormData, dispatch: Redux.Dispatch<S>, props: P, blurredField?: string): Promise<any & FormError & FormWarning>
destroyOnUnmount?: boolean
enableReinitialize?: boolean
getFormState?: FromStateGetter<S>
keepDirtyOnReinitialize?: boolean
initialValue?: FormData
onSubmit?: SubmitHandler<FormData, S>
onSubmitFail?(errors: FormErrors<FormData>, dispatch: Redux.Dispatch<S>): void
onSubmitSuccess?(result: any, dispatch: Redux.Dispatch<S>): void
propNamespace?: string
pure?: boolean
shouldValidate?(params: ValidateCallback<FormData, FormProps<FormData, S> & P>): boolean
shouldAsyncValidate?(params: AsyncValidateCallback<FormData>): boolean
touchOnBlur?: boolean
touchOnChange?: boolean
persistentSubmitErrors?: boolean
validate?(values: FormData, props?: FormProps<FormData, S> & P): FormErrors<FormData>
warn?(values: FormData, props?: FormProps<FormData, S> & P): FormWarnings<FormData>
interface Form<FormData extends DataShape, P> extends React.Component<P, any> {
dirty: boolean
invalid: boolean
pristine: boolean
registeredFields: Array<RegisteredField>
reset(): void
submit(): Promise<any>
valid: boolean
values: FormData
wrappedInstance: React.ReactElement<P>
interface FormDecorator<FormData extends DataShape, P> {
<T extends (typeof React.Component)>(component: T): T & Form<FormData, P>
function reduxForm<FormData extends DataShape, P, S>(config: Config<FormData, P, S>): FormDecorator<FormData, P>
/* reducer & reducer.plugin() */
interface FormReducersMap {
[formName: string]: Redux.Reducer<FormState>
interface FormReducer {
<A extends Redux.Action>(state: FormState, action: A): FormState
plugin(reducers: FormReducersMap): Redux.Reducer<FormStateMap>
const reducer: FormReducer
/* Field, Fields, FieldArray commons */
interface WrappedInputProps {
checked: boolean
name: string
onBlur: React.FocusEventHandler
onChange: React.FormEventHandler
onDragStart: React.DragEventHandler
onDrop: React.DragEventHandler
onFocus: React.FocusEventHandler
value: any
interface WrappedMetaProps {
dirty: boolean
error?: string
invalid: boolean
pristine: boolean
submitting: boolean
valid: boolean
warning?: string
interface WrappedFieldMetaProps extends WrappedMetaProps {
active: boolean
autofilled: boolean
asyncValidation: boolean
dispatch: Redux.Dispatch<any>
touched: boolean
visited: boolean
abstract class InstanceAPI<P, S> extends React.Component<P, S> {
dirty: boolean
pristine: boolean
getRenderedComponent(): React.ReactElement<P>
interface RefProps<P> {
props?: P
withRef?: boolean
interface BaseProps<P> extends RefProps<P> {
format?: Formatter
parse?: Parser
/* Field */
interface FieldProps<P> extends BaseProps<P> {
name: string
component: ComponentConstructor<any> | "input" | "select" | "textarea"
normalize?: Normalizer
interface WrappedFieldProps {
input?: WrappedInputProps
meta?: WrappedFieldMetaProps
class Field<P, S> extends InstanceAPI<FieldProps<P> & P, S> {
name: string
value: any
/* Fields */
interface FieldsProps<P> extends BaseProps<P> {
names: Array<string>
component: ComponentConstructor<any>
interface WrappedFieldsProps extends NestedFields<WrappedFieldProps> {}
class Fields<P, S> extends InstanceAPI<FieldsProps<P> & P, S> {
names: Array<string>
values: NestedFields<any>
/* FieldArray */
interface FieldArrayProps<P> extends RefProps<P> {
name: string
component: ComponentConstructor<any>
type FieldIteratorCallback<A> = (name?: string, index?: number) => A
interface WrappedFields<A> {
forEach(callback?: FieldIteratorCallback<void>): void
insert(index: number, value: A): void
length: number
map<T>(callback?: FieldIteratorCallback<T>): Array<T>
move(from: number, to: number): void
pop(): A
push(value: A): void
remove(index: number): void
removeAll(): void
shift(): A
swap(indexA: number, indexB: number): void
unshift(value: A): void
interface WrappedFieldArrayProps<A> {
fields?: WrappedFields<A>
meta?: WrappedMetaProps
class FieldArray<P, S> extends React.Component<FieldArrayProps<P> & P, S> {
name: string
valid: boolean
getRenderedComponent(): React.ReactElement<P>
/* FormSection */
interface FormSectionProps {
name: string
class FormSection<P, S> extends React.Component<FormSectionProps & P, S> {}
/* formValueSelector() */
interface Selector<S> {
(state: S, ...fields: Array<string>): any
function formValueSelector<S> (form: string, getFormState?: FromStateGetter<S>): Selector<S>
/* propTypes */
interface PropTypes {
destroyOnUnmount: React.Validator<boolean>
form: React.Requireable<string>
getFormState: React.Validator<Function>
initialValues: React.Validator<any>
onSubmitFail: React.Validator<Function>
onSubmitSuccess: React.Validator<Function>
propNameSpace: React.Validator<string>
persistentSubmitErrors: React.Validator<boolean>
registeredFields: React.Validator<any>
touchOnBlur: React.Validator<boolean>
touchOnChange: React.Validator<boolean>
triggerSubmit: React.Validator<boolean>
validate: React.Validator<Function>
warn: React.Validator<Function>
const propTypes: PropTypes
/* SubmissionError */
class SubmissionError<FormData extends DataShape> extends Error {
constructor(errors?: FormErrors<FormData>)
/* Action Creators */
function arrayInsert(form: string, field: string, index: number, value: any): Redux.Action
function arrayMove(form: string, field: string, from: number, to: number): Redux.Action
function arrayPop(form: string, field: string): Redux.Action
function arrayPush(form: string, field: string, value: any): Redux.Action
function arrayRemove(form: string, field: string, index: number): Redux.Action
function arrayRemoveAll(form: string, field: string): Redux.Action
function arrayShift(form: string, field: string): Redux.Action
function arraySplice(form: string, field: string, index: number, removeNum: number, value: any): Redux.Action
function arraySwap(form: string, field: string, indexA: number, indexB: number): Redux.Action
function arrayUnshift(form: string, field: string, value: any): Redux.Action
function autofill(form: string, field: string, value: any): Redux.Action
function blur(form: string, field: string, value: any): Redux.Action
function change(form: string, field: string, value: any): Redux.Action
function destroy(form: string): Redux.Action
function focus(form: string, field: string): Redux.Action
function initialize<FormData extends DataShape>(form: string, data: FormData, keepDirty?: boolean): Redux.Action
function reset(form: string): Redux.Action
function startAsyncValidation(form: string): Redux.Action
function startSubmit(form: string): Redux.Action
function stopSubmit<FormData extends DataShape>(form: string, errors?: FormErrors<FormData>): Redux.Action
function stopAsyncValidation<FormData extends DataShape>(form: string, errors?: FormErrors<FormData>): Redux.Action
function submit(form: string): Redux.Action
function touch(form: string, ...fields: Array<string>): Redux.Action
function untouch(form: string, ...fields: Array<string>): Redux.Action
/* Selectors */
interface DataSelector {
<FormData extends DataShape, S>(form: string): (state: S) => FormData
interface ErrorsSelector {
<FormData extends DataShape, S>(form: string): (state: S) => FormErrors<FormData>
interface BooleanSelector {
<S>(form: string): (state: S) => boolean
const getFormValues: DataSelector
const getFormSyncErrors: ErrorsSelector
const getFormSubmitErrors: ErrorsSelector
const isDirty: BooleanSelector
const isPristine: BooleanSelector
const isValid: BooleanSelector
const isInvalid: BooleanSelector
declare module "redux-form" {
export = ReduxForm
declare module "redux-form/immutable" {
export = ReduxForm
import { Field } from "redux-form"
interface TypesafeFieldProps { foo: string }
const TypesafeField = Field as new () => Field<TypesafeFieldProps, any>
const node1 = (<TypesafeField name="test" component="input" foo="bar" />) // OK
const node2 = (<TypesafeField name="test" component="input" foo="bar" fizz="buzz" />) // Error (as expected)
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