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Last active December 2, 2015 18:02
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Save LLin233/e74e65215a6268547adc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Build a flight schedule where we can identify a closest airport for a plane to land.
* A plane is in the air. The pilot uses this program to search for the closest airport in the area where it can land. The airport should * be able to accomodate the size of the plane. For example, if the plane size is 737, the airport must be a large one.
Class Airport {
double latitude;
double longitude;
boolean isAvailable;
public class Utils {
* @method return distance of 2 Geo Locations
* */
private double EARTH_RADIUS = 6378.137;
private static double rad(double d)
return d * Math.PI / 180.0;
public static double getDistance(double lat1, double lng1, double lat2, double lng2)
double radLat1 = rad(lat1);
double radLat2 = rad(lat2);
double a = radLat1 - radLat2;
double b = rad(lng1) - rad(lng2);
double s = 2 * Math.asin(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.sin(a/2),2) +
s = Math.round(s * 100) / 100.0;
return s;
public class GeoComparator implements Comparator<Airport> {
private double currentLatitude;
private double currentLongitude;
public GeoComparator(double curLat, double curLng) {
this.currentLatitude = curLat;
this.currentLongitude = curLng;
public int compare(Airport airport1, Airport airport2) {
double distance1 = Utils.getDistance(currentLatitude, currentLongitude, airport1.getLatitude(), airport2.getLongitude());
double distance2 = Utils.getDistance(currentLatitude, currentLongitude, airport2.getLatitude(), airport2.getLongitude());
if(distance1 > distance2){
return 1;
}else if(distance1 < distance2){
return -1;
return 0;
public Airport getCloestAvailableAirport(Plane plane) {
List<Airport> list = getListFromGoogle(plane.getCurrentLatitude(), plane.getcurrentLongitude()); //dummy method, get airport list with gro location from google places api, JSON, convert them to model Airport
Collections.sort(list,new GeoComparator(plane.getCurrentLatitude(), plane.getcurrentLongitude()));
for (Airport airport : list) {
if (airport.isAvailable) {
return airport;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No Available Airport at this time");
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