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Last active March 19, 2019 17:18
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PMPro Stripe Billing Limits
Plugin Name: PMPro Stripe Billing Limits
Plugin URI:
Description: Allow billing limits with Stripe, where the Stripe subscription is cancelled, but the PMPro membership is not after X payments.
Version: .3
Author: strangerstudios
Author URI:
The Plan
* Hook into pmpro_after_checkout
* If $level->billing_limit > 0 and gateway == stripe, save user meta with level id, Stripe sub id, billing limits #
* Hook into new recurring order created.
* Check for user meta RE billing limits.
* Check if X successful payments have been made within the same sub id.
* If so, cancel the subscription. BUT NOT the membership.
* Going to leave the built-in PMPro warnings for now.
* 3/4/19 - updated to use new Stripe API methods
//save some user meta after checkout to track billing limit
function pmprosbl_pmpro_after_checkout($user_id)
//what level?
global $pmpro_level, $gateway;
//get order
$order = new MemberOrder();
//billing limit? gateway stripe?
if($pmpro_level->billing_limit > 0 && $order->gateway == "stripe")
//subscription id is on the order
$subscription_id = $order->subscription_transaction_id;
//customer id is in user meta
$customer_id = get_user_meta($user_id, "pmpro_stripe_customerid", true);
//no sub ID or customer ID? return
if(!empty($subscription_id) && !empty($customer_id))
//build array to save
$pmpro_stripe_billing_limit = array(
'user_id' => $user_id,
'level_id' => $pmpro_level->id,
'billing_limit' => $pmpro_level->billing_limit,
'customer_id' => $customer_id,
'subscription_id' => $subscription_id,
'payments' => 0 //start with 0
//save it
update_user_meta($user_id, "pmpro_stripe_billing_limit", $pmpro_stripe_billing_limit);
//if we got here, make sure to clear out any old billing limit
delete_user_meta($user_id, "pmpro_stripe_billing_limit");
add_action('pmpro_after_checkout', 'pmprosbl_pmpro_after_checkout');
//check billing limit with each new order
function pmprosbl_pmpro_added_order($order)
//new stripe order?
if($order->gateway == "stripe")
//billing limit on this one?
$pmpro_stripe_billing_limit = get_user_meta($order->user_id, "pmpro_stripe_billing_limit", true);
//update the # of payments
//hit limit?
if(empty($pmpro_stripe_billing_limit['cancelled']) && $pmpro_stripe_billing_limit['payments'] >= $pmpro_stripe_billing_limit['billing_limit'])
//cancel the subscription
$customer = Stripe\Customer::retrieve($pmpro_stripe_billing_limit['customer_id']);
$subscription = $customer->subscriptions->retrieve($pmpro_stripe_billing_limit['subscription_id']);
catch (Exception $e)
// customer or subscription already deleted on stripe's end, we don't need to do anything here
//make sure we don't try to cancel again
$pmpro_stripe_billing_limit['cancelled'] = true;
update_user_meta($order->user_id, "pmpro_stripe_billing_limit", $pmpro_stripe_billing_limit);
add_action('pmpro_added_order', 'pmprosbl_pmpro_added_order');
//don't do anything when a stripe subscription is deleted if the user had a billing limit
function pmprosbl_pmpro_stripe_subscription_deleted($user_id)
//billing limit?
$pmpro_stripe_billing_limit = get_user_meta($user_id, "pmpro_stripe_billing_limit", true);
if(!empty($pmpro_stripe_billing_limit) && !empty($pmpro_stripe_billing_limit['cancelled']))
global $logstr;
$logstr .= "Subscription user ID #" . $user_id . " has hit its billing limit. Subscription deleted.";
add_action('pmpro_stripe_subscription_deleted', 'pmprosbl_pmpro_stripe_subscription_deleted', 1);
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