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Last active July 1, 2024 13:37
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check_mesh_contains function
import numpy as np
from triangle_hash import TriangleHash as _TriangleHash
def check_mesh_contains(mesh, points, hash_resolution=512):
intersector = MeshIntersector(mesh, hash_resolution)
contains = intersector.query(points)
return contains
class MeshIntersector:
def __init__(self, mesh, resolution=512):
triangles = mesh.vertices[mesh.faces].astype(np.float64)
n_tri = triangles.shape[0]
self.resolution = resolution
self.bbox_min = triangles.reshape(3 * n_tri, 3).min(axis=0)
self.bbox_max = triangles.reshape(3 * n_tri, 3).max(axis=0)
# Tranlate and scale it to [0.5, self.resolution - 0.5]^3
self.scale = (resolution - 1) / (self.bbox_max - self.bbox_min)
self.translate = 0.5 - self.scale * self.bbox_min
self._triangles = triangles = self.rescale(triangles)
# assert(np.allclose(triangles.reshape(-1, 3).min(0), 0.5))
# assert(np.allclose(triangles.reshape(-1, 3).max(0), resolution - 0.5))
triangles2d = triangles[:, :, :2]
self._tri_intersector2d = TriangleIntersector2d(
triangles2d, resolution)
def query(self, points):
# Rescale points
points = self.rescale(points)
# placeholder result with no hits we'll fill in later
contains = np.zeros(len(points), dtype=np.bool)
# cull points outside of the axis aligned bounding box
# this avoids running ray tests unless points are close
inside_aabb = np.all(
(0 <= points) & (points <= self.resolution), axis=1)
if not inside_aabb.any():
return contains
# Only consider points inside bounding box
mask = inside_aabb
points = points[mask]
# Compute intersection depth and check order
points_indices, tri_indices = self._tri_intersector2d.query(points[:, :2])
triangles_intersect = self._triangles[tri_indices]
points_intersect = points[points_indices]
depth_intersect, abs_n_2 = self.compute_intersection_depth(
points_intersect, triangles_intersect)
# Count number of intersections in both directions
smaller_depth = depth_intersect >= points_intersect[:, 2] * abs_n_2
bigger_depth = depth_intersect < points_intersect[:, 2] * abs_n_2
points_indices_0 = points_indices[smaller_depth]
points_indices_1 = points_indices[bigger_depth]
nintersect0 = np.bincount(points_indices_0, minlength=points.shape[0])
nintersect1 = np.bincount(points_indices_1, minlength=points.shape[0])
# Check if point contained in mesh
contains1 = (np.mod(nintersect0, 2) == 1)
contains2 = (np.mod(nintersect1, 2) == 1)
if (contains1 != contains2).any():
print('Warning: contains1 != contains2 for some points.')
contains[mask] = (contains1 & contains2)
return contains
def compute_intersection_depth(self, points, triangles):
t1 = triangles[:, 0, :]
t2 = triangles[:, 1, :]
t3 = triangles[:, 2, :]
v1 = t3 - t1
v2 = t2 - t1
# v1 = v1 / np.linalg.norm(v1, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
# v2 = v2 / np.linalg.norm(v2, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
normals = np.cross(v1, v2)
alpha = np.sum(normals[:, :2] * (t1[:, :2] - points[:, :2]), axis=1)
n_2 = normals[:, 2]
t1_2 = t1[:, 2]
s_n_2 = np.sign(n_2)
abs_n_2 = np.abs(n_2)
mask = (abs_n_2 != 0)
depth_intersect = np.full(points.shape[0], np.nan)
depth_intersect[mask] = \
t1_2[mask] * abs_n_2[mask] + alpha[mask] * s_n_2[mask]
# Test the depth:
# TODO: remove and put into tests
# points_new = np.concatenate([points[:, :2], depth_intersect[:, None]], axis=1)
# alpha = (normals * t1).sum(-1)
# mask = (depth_intersect == depth_intersect)
# assert(np.allclose((points_new[mask] * normals[mask]).sum(-1),
# alpha[mask]))
return depth_intersect, abs_n_2
def rescale(self, array):
array = self.scale * array + self.translate
return array
class TriangleIntersector2d:
def __init__(self, triangles, resolution=128):
self.triangles = triangles
self.tri_hash = _TriangleHash(triangles, resolution)
def query(self, points):
point_indices, tri_indices = self.tri_hash.query(points)
point_indices = np.array(point_indices, dtype=np.int64)
tri_indices = np.array(tri_indices, dtype=np.int64)
points = points[point_indices]
triangles = self.triangles[tri_indices]
mask = self.check_triangles(points, triangles)
point_indices = point_indices[mask]
tri_indices = tri_indices[mask]
return point_indices, tri_indices
def check_triangles(self, points, triangles):
contains = np.zeros(points.shape[0], dtype=np.bool)
A = triangles[:, :2] - triangles[:, 2:]
A = A.transpose([0, 2, 1])
y = points - triangles[:, 2]
detA = A[:, 0, 0] * A[:, 1, 1] - A[:, 0, 1] * A[:, 1, 0]
mask = (np.abs(detA) != 0.)
A = A[mask]
y = y[mask]
detA = detA[mask]
s_detA = np.sign(detA)
abs_detA = np.abs(detA)
u = (A[:, 1, 1] * y[:, 0] - A[:, 0, 1] * y[:, 1]) * s_detA
v = (-A[:, 1, 0] * y[:, 0] + A[:, 0, 0] * y[:, 1]) * s_detA
sum_uv = u + v
contains[mask] = (
(0 < u) & (u < abs_detA) & (0 < v) & (v < abs_detA)
& (0 < sum_uv) & (sum_uv < abs_detA)
return contains
from distutils.core import setup
from Cython.Build import cythonize
ext_modules = cythonize("triangle_hash.pyx")
# distutils: language=c++
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
cimport cython
from libcpp.vector cimport vector
from libc.math cimport floor, ceil
cdef class TriangleHash:
cdef vector[vector[int]] spatial_hash
cdef int resolution
def __cinit__(self, double[:, :, :] triangles, int resolution):
self.spatial_hash.resize(resolution * resolution)
self.resolution = resolution
@cython.boundscheck(False) # Deactivate bounds checking
@cython.wraparound(False) # Deactivate negative indexing.
cdef int _build_hash(self, double[:, :, :] triangles):
assert(triangles.shape[1] == 3)
assert(triangles.shape[2] == 2)
cdef int n_tri = triangles.shape[0]
cdef int bbox_min[2]
cdef int bbox_max[2]
cdef int i_tri, j, x, y
cdef int spatial_idx
for i_tri in range(n_tri):
# Compute bounding box
for j in range(2):
bbox_min[j] = <int> min(
triangles[i_tri, 0, j], triangles[i_tri, 1, j], triangles[i_tri, 2, j]
bbox_max[j] = <int> max(
triangles[i_tri, 0, j], triangles[i_tri, 1, j], triangles[i_tri, 2, j]
bbox_min[j] = min(max(bbox_min[j], 0), self.resolution - 1)
bbox_max[j] = min(max(bbox_max[j], 0), self.resolution - 1)
# Find all voxels where bounding box intersects
for x in range(bbox_min[0], bbox_max[0] + 1):
for y in range(bbox_min[1], bbox_max[1] + 1):
spatial_idx = self.resolution * x + y
@cython.boundscheck(False) # Deactivate bounds checking
@cython.wraparound(False) # Deactivate negative indexing.
cpdef query(self, double[:, :] points):
assert(points.shape[1] == 2)
cdef int n_points = points.shape[0]
cdef vector[int] points_indices
cdef vector[int] tri_indices
# cdef int[:] points_indices_np
# cdef int[:] tri_indices_np
cdef int i_point, k, x, y
cdef int spatial_idx
for i_point in range(n_points):
x = int(points[i_point, 0])
y = int(points[i_point, 1])
if not (0 <= x < self.resolution and 0 <= y < self.resolution):
spatial_idx = self.resolution * x + y
for i_tri in self.spatial_hash[spatial_idx]:
points_indices_np = np.zeros(points_indices.size(), dtype=np.int32)
tri_indices_np = np.zeros(tri_indices.size(), dtype=np.int32)
cdef int[:] points_indices_view = points_indices_np
cdef int[:] tri_indices_view = tri_indices_np
for k in range(points_indices.size()):
points_indices_view[k] = points_indices[k]
for k in range(tri_indices.size()):
tri_indices_view[k] = tri_indices[k]
return points_indices_np, tri_indices_np
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Hey thank you for this script, I received the error message on two computers (one Mac and one on Windows):

error: command 'D:\\Programs\\VisualStudio\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.26.28801\\bin\\HostX86\\x64\\cl.exe' failed with exit status 2

I solved for both computers by using this :

from Cython.Build import cythonize
import numpy

ext_modules = cythonize("triangle_hash.pyx"),
               include_dirs = [numpy.get_include()]

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