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Created October 30, 2019 18:04
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Save LNBIG-COM/f737fca4f3e28044e1d853072c754756 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
It's main code (w/o other submodules) for rebalancing of channels between LNBIG nodes (50% / 50%)
* Copyright (c) 2019
* All rights reserved.
// Должен быть первым - загружает переменные
let program = require('commander')
var PromisePool = require('es6-promise-pool')
var _ = require('lodash')
const listChannels = require('../lib/listChannels')
//const describeGraph = require('../lib/describeGraph')
const getInfo = require('../lib/getInfo')
const nodeStorage = require('../global/nodeStorage');
const debug = require('debug')('lnbig:paidRebalance')
myNodes = {}
let $listChannels,
successfulAmountOurRebalanced = 0,
errorAmountOurRebalanced = 0
.option('--our-nodes', 'Ребаланс только между нашими узлами')
.option('-n, --dry-run', 'Проверочный запуск без действий для открытия каналов')
.then( () => {
console.log("Все задачи выполнены")
.catch( (e) => {
console.error("ERROR: %s\n%s", e.message, e.stack)
async function main () {
if (process.env.CRYPT_PASSWORD) {
// The password for crypted macaroon files in env settings (.env file for example)
await _main(process.env.CRYPT_PASSWORD)
} else {
// Or prompt the password from terminal
var read = require("read");
prompt: 'Password: ',
silent: true,
replace: '*',
terminal: true
async (error, password) => {
if (error)
throw new Error(error);
await _main(password);
async function _main(password) {
// To create object for node storage
// load node storage data included crypted macaroon files, and decrypt macaroon files by password. After the password to be cleaned from memory
await nodeStorage.init(require('../global/nodesInfo'), password);
let key
for (key in nodeStorage.nodes)
myNodes[nodeStorage.nodes[key].pubKey] = key
debug("Мои ноды: %o", myNodes)
// To connect to nodes
await nodeStorage.connect({longsAsNumbers: false});
debug('Запускаются асинхронные команды listChannels...')
$listChannels = listChannels(nodeStorage)
//$describeGraph = describeGraph(nodeStorage)
$getInfo = getInfo(nodeStorage)
debug('Ожидается завершение асинхронных команд listChannels...')
$listChannels = await $listChannels
//$describeGraph = await $describeGraph
$getInfo = await $getInfo
debug('Данные получены полностью, обработка')
if (program.ourNodes) {
await rebalanceBetweenOurNodes()
function* rebalanceBetweenOurNodePromise() {
// Проходим по каналам и собираем информацию для корректировки
let rebalanceCommands = []
for (let key in nodeStorage.nodes) {
if (nodeStorage.nodes[key].client)
findChannelsBetweenOurNodes(key, rebalanceCommands)
for (let command of _.shuffle(rebalanceCommands)) {
yield rebalanceOneChannel(command)
async function rebalanceOneChannel(command) {
if (! program.dryRun) {
debug(`rebalanceOneChannel: начало ребаланса канала, команда: %o`, command)
let res = await nodeStorage.nodes[command.invoiceFrom.key].client.addInvoice({
memo: `Rebalance from ${command.payWho.key} to ${command.invoiceFrom.key} ${command.amount} sats through ${command.chanId} channel`,
value: command.amount,
command.decodedPayReq = await nodeStorage.nodes[command.payWho.key].client.decodePayReq({pay_req: res.payment_request})
debug("Результат создания инвойса: %o (команда %o)", res, command)
let resPayment = await nodeStorage.nodes[command.payWho.key].client.sendPaymentSync({
dest_string: command.decodedPayReq.destination,
payment_hash_string: command.decodedPayReq.payment_hash,
amt: command.decodedPayReq.num_satoshis,
final_cltv_delta: command.decodedPayReq.cltv_expiry,
fee_limit: {fixed: 0},
outgoing_chan_id: command.chanId,
debug("Результат оплаты канала: %o", resPayment)
if (resPayment.payment_error !== '') {
console.warn("Ошибка оплаты инвойса: %o", resPayment)
else {
console.log(`Эмуляция ребалансировки канала: from ${command.payWho.key} to ${command.invoiceFrom.key} ${command.amount} sats through ${command.chanId} channel`)
async function rebalanceBetweenOurNodes() {
// The number of promises to process simultaneously.
let concurrency = 100
// Create a pool.
let pool = new PromisePool(rebalanceBetweenOurNodePromise(), concurrency)
pool.addEventListener('fulfilled', function () {
// The event contains:
// - target: the PromisePool itself
// - data:
// - promise: the Promise that got fulfilled
// - result: the result of that Promise
//console.log('update policy: result: %o',
pool.addEventListener('rejected', function (event) {
// The event contains:
// - target: the PromisePool itself
// - data:
// - promise: the Promise that got rejected
// - error: the Error for the rejection
console.log('rebalanceBetweenOurNodePromise: ОШИБКА: error: %o: ',
console.log(`Запускается в параллель: ${concurrency}`)
// Start the pool.
let poolPromise = pool.start()
// Wait for the pool to settle.
await poolPromise
`Всё завершено успешно
Количество успешно ребалансированных: ${successfulAmountOurRebalanced}
Количество неудачных: ${errorAmountOurRebalanced}`
function findChannelsBetweenOurNodes(key1, rebalanceCommands) {
let channel
let listChannels = $listChannels[key1],
//describeGraph = $describeGraph[key1],
getInfo = $getInfo[key1]
if (! getInfo.synced_to_chain) {
console.warn(`Сервер ${key1} не синхронизирован с цепью - игнорируем его`)
// Собираем статистику по каналам, которые уже есть и с теми условиями, с которыми нам надо
// В данном случае - учитываем те каналы, где есть средства с нашей стороны
let key2, localCommands = {}, command
for (channel of listChannels.channels) {
let lack = ((+channel.capacity -channel.commit_fee) / 2) - +channel.local_balance
if ((key2 = myNodes[channel.remote_pubkey]) && key1 !== key2 && lack > 1000 ) {
// Значит key1 - сторона для создания инвойса, а key2 - тот, кто платит
rebalanceCommands.push(command = {
invoiceFrom: {key: key1, pubKey: nodeStorage.nodes[key1].pubKey},
payWho: {key: key2, pubKey: channel.remote_pubkey},
amount: Math.round(Math.min(lack, MAX_SATOSHIS_PER_TRANSACTION)),
chanId: channel.chan_id,
capacity: +channel.capacity,
//edge: null,
blockHeight: getInfo.block_height,
decodedPayReq: null
localCommands[command.chanId] = command
debug("Команда ребаланса: %o", command)
/*for (let edge of describeGraph.edges) {
if (localCommands[edge.channel_id])
localCommands[edge.channel_id].edge = edge
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