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Created March 21, 2018 02:39
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My first C++ program (started 3/1/13)
// main.cpp
// test!!!
// Created by Leo Rudberg on 3/1/13.
// Copyright (c) 2013 Leo Rudberg. All rights reserved.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
// insert code here...
// std::cout << "THIS WORKS!!\n";
// int x = 500;
// std::cout<<x;
char mainChoice;
char fryChoice;
bool fries = false;
float total = 0;
const double bratPrice = 2.5;
const double hambPrice = 3.0;
const float fryPrice = 1.5;
const float smallPrice = 1.25;
const float medPrice = 1.50;
const float largePrice = 1.75;
const float tax = 0.15;
string drinks [] = {"Water","Coke","Diet Coke","Sprite","Root Beer",
"Ginger Ale","Orange Soda","Cream Soda"};
string ourDrinks = "";
std::stringstream ss;
string myOutput;
const int MAX_CAPACITY = 55;
myOutput = ss.str();
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
ourDrinks += "-" + drinks[i] + "\n";
ourDrinks += "-" + drinks[7];
cout<<"Welcome to Leo's C++ Diner!\n";
//XXX string concatenation
string menu =
string("MAIN DISHES:\n-BRATS $2.50 \n-HAMBURGERS $3.00")
+ string("\nSIDES:\n-FRIES $1.50 \nDRINKS: \n")
+ string(ourDrinks) +
string( "\nDRINK PRICES: \nSmall $1.25 \nMedium $1.50") +
string("\nLarge $1.75\nWater only comes in Small for $1.00\nTax is 15%.\n")
+ "Our maximum number of occupants is " + myOutput + ".\n";
std::cout<<"\nEnter in Brat or Hamburger. (B,H)\n";
std::cout<<"How many would you like?\n";
int amnt = 0;
std::cout << "Would you like fries? (Y,N)\n";
std::cin >> fryChoice;
std::string mainFood = "";
if (fryChoice == 'y' || fryChoice == 'Y')
fries = true;
if (mainChoice == 'b' || mainChoice == 'B')
if (fries)
total +=fryPrice;
total += (amnt * bratPrice);
mainFood = "BRAT(S)";
if (mainChoice == 'h' || mainChoice == 'H')
if (fries)
total +=fryPrice;
total += (amnt * hambPrice);
mainFood = "HAMBURGER(S)";
std::cout<<"What do you want to drink?\nEnter a number 1 thru 8.\n";
int drinkChoice = 0;
//has next int available?
while (drinkChoice <= 0 || drinkChoice > 8)
cout<<"Please enter in a number 1 thru 8!";
char drinkSize;
string myDrink = drinks[drinkChoice];
string printDrink = "";
bool gotToy = false;
if (myDrink == "Water")
cout<<"Water is $1.00 in SMALL only.\n";
total += 1.00;
printDrink = "You ordered a SMALL Water.\n";
cout<<"What size do you want? (S,M,L)\n";
if (drinkSize == 's' || drinkSize == 'S')
total += smallPrice;
printDrink = "You ordered a SMALL " + myDrink + ".\n";
else if (drinkSize == 'm' || drinkSize == 'M')
total += medPrice;
printDrink = "You ordered a MEDIUM " + myDrink + ".\n";
else if (drinkSize == 'l' || drinkSize == 'L')
total += largePrice;
printDrink = "You ordered a LARGE " + myDrink + ".\n";
if (myDrink == "Ginger Ale")
gotToy = true;
std::cout<< "Your total is : $" ;
std::cout <<total;
std::cout <<"\n";
std::cout <<"Because you ordered " << amnt<< " " << mainFood<< ".";
if (fries)
std::cout<< "\nYou also ordered fries.";
std::cout <<"\n";
cout<<"Your final payment is : $";
cout<<total + (total * tax);
std::cout<<"\nThanks and enjoy your meal!\n";
if (gotToy)
string secretToy =
string( "I forgot to mention that with the purchase of a large")
(" Ginger Ale, you receive a toy.\nI will pick the toy randomly, but I")
string( " need a seed number first!\n");
int seed;
string toys [] = {"Paddleball","Action Figure","Fortune Cookie",
"Decoder Ring", "Whistle", "Crayons"};
int toyChoice = rand() % 6;
cout<<"Congrats! You received a: " + toys[toyChoice] + ".";
This is the end of the class!
return 0;
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