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27 of January from 2023. I'm rewriting this tutorial. I should have done it much sooner, but y'all know me; I'm lazy.
What are the goals? To explain in simple steps how to set up an environment to build Pret's Pokémon Decompilation Projects on WSL.
What is being added? Explanations on how to set up a WSL2 environment and considerations to keep in mind and such.
What's driving me to do this after so long? Devkitpro, in a way. I won't say more.
Let's get to it.
Before we start, I'll need you to make a choice; WSL1 or WSL2.
[size=4][b]List of Pros and Cons[/b][/size]:
LOuroboros / force_mobile_bulbapedia.js
Created November 18, 2022 16:42
Force Mobile Bulbapedia
// ==UserScript==
// @name Force Mobile Bulbapedia
// @match *://*
// @run-at document-start
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
var oldUrlPath = window.location.pathname;
// Check if ".m" is present in the URL. If not, append it before the host.
LOuroboros / modlists.txt
Last active October 3, 2024 08:09
I'm gonna be listing here the mods I use for the games I played recently or that I'm playing at present.
Expect it to be plain and boring.
I'm not into immersion breaking mods or mods that apply bad recolors and things that don't suit my taste.
Some mods overlap, like it's the case for AlvaroTuKiko's Adult GT Goku and EdwardsVSGaming's Weightless Base Goku in DBFZ.
Sometimes I feel like using one, and some others I want to use thef other, so I just swap the files out and in.
Persona 3 FES:
-HD Overhaul Project:
LOuroboros / pokeemerald_expansion.txt
Last active May 15, 2023 16:58
How to start a project with the Pokeemerald-expansion
[CENTER]So, you have our environment set up and ready to go [I]([B][URL=""]WSL[/URL][/B] or [B][URL=""]MSys2[/URL][/B])[/I] and you know the basics of building a ROM in Pokeemerald.
What should you do now? Well, you can either use a clean copy of Pokeemerald as is, or you can use a community-made project [b][url=]like the Pokeemerald-expansion[/url][/b].
Today, I'll teach you all:
[*] How to start a project using the Pokeemerald-expansion
[*] About the basics of Git
[*] About hosting your projects online
LOuroboros / sublime.txt
Last active March 6, 2023 07:48
My Sublime Text Preferences
"close_windows_when_empty": true,
"color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - One Dark/Widget - One Dark.tmTheme",
"font_size": 10,
"ignored_packages": ["Vintage",],
"theme": "Spacegray.sublime-theme",
"word_wrap": true,
"fold_buttons": false,
"margin": 0,
"show_rel_path": true,
LOuroboros / 94A82AAA.pnach
Created July 12, 2022 03:51
P3 FES Widescreen Patches for PCSX2
gametitle=Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES (U)(SLUS-21621)
comment=Widescreen hack by nemesis2000, devina, CeruleansBlue, Arapapa
// Introduction:
// Every cheat below the FMV fix used to be included in PCSX2's code.
// They were removed because some of them are supposedly related to a 60FPS uncapping cheat though.
// The original file can still be obtained from here:
// But it's easier to just host it directly since I don't care about the WS patch of any other game at this point in time.
LOuroboros / alias.cmd
Created April 22, 2022 21:39
Windows CMD Aliases/Shortcuts
@echo off
:: Usage:
:: Make a String key called "AutoRun" in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor
:: Point it to this file, and restart CMD if you have it opened.
DOSKEY ls=dir /B
DOSKEY desktop=cd C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Desktop
DOSKEY explore=explorer.exe .
DOSKEY compact=compact /C /F /S /A /EXE:LZX
LOuroboros / ScaleModels.json
Last active October 25, 2022 11:57
Scale Models for Magpie
// Solid options for anime~esque games and RPG Maker games.
{"name":"Anime4K UpDenS","effects":[
LOuroboros / dizzyeggs_works.txt
Last active October 26, 2022 09:51
How to start a project using DizzyEgg's works [OUTDATED!]
[CENTER]So, we have our environment set up and ready to go [I]([B][URL=""]WSL[/URL][/B] or [B][URL=""]MSys2[/URL][/B])[/I], we know the basics of building a ROM in Pokeemerald.
What can we do now? Well, a lot of things.
Today I'll teach you all, how to:
[*] Set up a working Pokeemerald project including DizzyEgg's works.
[*] Create a new GitHub repository for our project needs.
[*] Link up our local project with the GitHub repository we just created for it.
LOuroboros / StopVMServices.bat
Created November 15, 2021 13:36
Stop VM Services (including WSL)
:: Comment: I use this to shutdown WSL whenever I need to put Windows on a Sleep/Hibernate state.
ECHO Stopping VM Services
sc stop hns
sc stop vmcompute
sc stop lxssmanager