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Created August 4, 2017 13:09
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package ddbtoaster
import squid.utils._
import stagerwr2.compiler.Embedding
import Embedding.Predef._
import Embedding.Quasicodes._
import squid.lib.transparencyPropagating
import scala.language.existentials
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
class TypedSlice[+T] {
def foreach(f: T => Unit): Unit = ???
import TypeChanging.Slice
class Store {
def get(k: Any*): Slice = ???
def getTyped[K,R](k: K): TypedSlice[R] = ???
object Store {
def apply(name:String): Store = ???
object TypeChanging extends App {
type Slice = TypedSlice[Any]
@transparencyPropagating def asEntryOf[T](e: Any, name: String, idx: Int): T = e.asInstanceOf[T]
@transparencyPropagating def tupleElem[T](tup: Product, idx: Int): T = tup.productElement(idx).asInstanceOf[T]
val pgrm = ir{
val s = Store("store0")
val ab = ArrayBuffer[Any]()
val ab2 = ArrayBuffer[Any]()
s.get(1,"xyz").foreach { e =>
ab += asEntryOf[Double](e, "store0", 2)
//ab foreach println
ab foreach { e =>
ab2 += e
ab2 foreach println
val schema = Map[String, List[IRType[_]] -> IRType[_]] {
"store0" -> (List(irTypeOf[Int],irTypeOf[String]) -> irTypeOf[(Int,String,Double)])
def typeGet[C](name: String, args: Seq[IR[Any,C]]) = {
val schKey -> (schVal:IRType[schVal]) = schema(name)
assert(schKey.size == args.size)
schKey -> args match {
case List(t0:IRType[t0],t1:IRType[t1]) -> Seq(a0,a1) =>
def typeArrayBuffer[T:IRType,C](arr: IR[ArrayBuffer[Any],C{val arr: ArrayBuffer[Any]}], body: IR[T,C{val arr: ArrayBuffer[Any]}]): IR[T,C] = {
var arrTyp = Option.empty[IRType[_]]
body analyse {
case ir"$$arr += (($v:$t):Any)" =>
// TODO check if arrTyp already defined
arrTyp = Some(t)
arrTyp match {
case Some(arrTyp:IRType[arrTyp]) =>
val newArr = ir"newArr? : ArrayBuffer[arrTyp]"
val body0 = body rewrite {
case ir"$$arr += $v" => ir"$newArr += $v.asInstanceOf[arrTyp]; $arr"
case ir"$$arr.foreach[$t](x => $fbody)" => ir"$newArr foreach {e => val x = e; $fbody}"
// ^ we have a special case above because the problem of the following is that it leaves the type of `f` as (Any=>Unit), which prevents type-specialization of consumers of the value
case ir"$$arr.foreach[$t]($f)" => ir"$newArr foreach $f"
val body1 = body0 subs 'arr -> {System.err.println(s"Oops $body0"); throw RewriteAbort()}
ir"val newArr = ArrayBuffer[arrTyp](); $body1"
case None => ???
object Transf extends Embedding.SelfTransformer with SimpleRuleBasedTransformer with BottomUpTransformer with FixPointTransformer {
rewrite {
case ir"Store(${Const(name)}).get($args*)" if schema isDefinedAt name =>
typeGet(name, args)
case ir"val $slice = ($s:Store).getTyped[$t,$r]($arg) : Slice; $body:$bt" if slice.typ =:= irTypeOf[Slice] =>
println(s"Slice $slice")
val newSlice = ir"slice? : TypedSlice[$r]" // Note: using the same 'slice' name here not a problem! it refines the hole type...
val body0 = body rewrite {
case ir"$$slice.foreach(e => $febody)" =>
val febody0 = febody rewrite {
case ir"asEntryOf[$tt]($e, ${Const(name)}, ${Const(idx)})" =>
ir"tupleElem[$tt]((g? : $r).asInstanceOf[Product], ${Const(idx)})"
val febody1 = febody0 subs 'e -> {
System.err.println(s"Oops2 $febody0"); Abort()
ir"$newSlice.foreach((g:$r) => $febody1)"
ir"val slice = ($s:Store).getTyped[$t,$r]($arg); $body0"
case ir"val $arr: ArrayBuffer[Any] = ArrayBuffer(); $body:$bt" if arr.typ =:= irTypeOf[ArrayBuffer[Any]] =>
typeArrayBuffer(arr, body)
val pgrm0 = pgrm transformWith Transf
def tupleElemRemove[T:IRType,C](tup:IR[Any,C],idx:Int) = {
val res = tup match {
case ir"$tup: ($ta,$tb)" => idx match {
case 0 => ir"$tup._1"
case 1 => ir"$tup._2"
case ir"$tup: ($ta,$tb,$tc)" => idx match {
case 0 => ir"$tup._1"
case 1 => ir"$tup._2"
case 2 => ir"$tup._3"
case ir"$tup: Product" => assert(false, s"$tup $idx"); ??? // TODO
case _ => tup
val pgrm1 = pgrm0 rewrite {
case ir"tupleElem[$t]($tup,${Const(idx)})" => tupleElemRemove(tup,idx)(t)
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