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Created September 12, 2018 02:20
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PR WIP: Modal keybindings for xmonad
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
-- |
-- Module : XMonad.Util.Grab
-- Description : TODO
-- Copyright : (c) 2018 L. S. Leary -- TODO this is kinda wrong...
-- License : BSD3-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : L. S. Leary
-- Stability : unstable
-- Portability : unportable
-- --< Imports & Exports >-- {{{
--module XMonad.Util.Grab (
module Grab (
-- * Usage
-- $Usage
grabKP, ungrabKP,
grabUngrab, grab,
) where
-- core
import XMonad
-- base
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Bits (setBit)
import Data.Semigroup (All (..))
import Data.Traversable (for)
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
import Control.Monad (when)
-- }}}
-- --< Usage >-- {{{
-- $Usage
-- }}}
-- --< Public Utils >-- {{{
-- | A more convenient version of @grabKey@.
grabKP :: KeyMask -> KeyCode -> X ()
grabKP mdfr kc = do
XConf { display = dpy, theRoot = rootw } <- ask
io (grabKey dpy kc mdfr rootw True grabModeAsync grabModeAsync)
-- | A more convenient version of @ungrabKey@.
ungrabKP :: KeyMask -> KeyCode -> X ()
ungrabKP mdfr kc = do
XConf { display = dpy, theRoot = rootw } <- ask
io (ungrabKey dpy kc mdfr rootw)
-- | TODO
grabUngrab :: [(KeyMask, KeySym)] -> [(KeyMask, KeySym)] -> X ()
grabUngrab gr ugr = do
f <- mkGrabs
traverse_ (uncurry ungrabKP) (f ugr)
traverse_ (uncurry grabKP) (f gr)
-- | TODO
grab :: [(KeyMask, KeySym)] -> X ()
grab ks = do
XConf { display = dpy, theRoot = rootw } <- ask
io (ungrabKey dpy anyKey anyModifier rootw)
grabUngrab ks []
-- | TODO
-- | Logic shamelessly copied from XMonad.Main source and tweaked.
customRegrabEvHook :: X () -> Event -> X All
customRegrabEvHook regr = \case
e@(MappingNotifyEvent {}) -> do
io (refreshKeyboardMapping e)
when (ev_request e `elem` [mappingKeyboard, mappingModifier]) $
setNumlockMask >> regr
pure (All False)
_ -> pure (All True)
-- }}}
-- --< Private Utils >-- {{{
-- | Private action shamelessly copied and restyled from XMonad.Main source.
setNumlockMask :: X ()
setNumlockMask = withDisplay $ \dpy -> do
ms <- io (getModifierMapping dpy)
xs <- sequence
[ do ks <- io (keycodeToKeysym dpy kc 0)
pure $ if ks == xK_Num_Lock then setBit 0 (fromIntegral m)
else 0 :: KeyMask
| (m, kcs) <- ms
, kc <- kcs
, kc /= 0
modify $ \s -> s { numberlockMask = foldr (.|.) 0 xs }
-- | TODO
-- | Private function shamelessly copied and refactored from XMonad.Main source.
mkGrabs :: X ([(KeyMask, KeySym)] -> [(KeyMask, KeyCode)])
mkGrabs = withDisplay $ \dpy -> do
let (minCode, maxCode) = displayKeycodes dpy
allCodes = [fromIntegral minCode .. fromIntegral maxCode]
syms <- io . for allCodes $ \code -> keycodeToKeysym dpy code 0
let keysymMap = M.fromListWith (++) (zip syms $ pure <$> allCodes)
keysymToKeycodes sym = M.findWithDefault [] sym keysymMap
extraMods <- extraModifiers
pure $ \ks -> do
(mask, sym) <- ks
keycode <- keysymToKeycodes sym
extraMod <- extraMods
pure (mask .|. extraMod, keycode)
-- }}}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
-- |
-- Module : XMonad.Hooks.Modal
-- Description : Implements true modality in xmonad key-bindings.
-- Copyright : (c) 2018 L. S. Leary
-- License : BSD3-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : L. S. Leary
-- Stability : unstable
-- Portability : unportable
-- Stores the current mode and modal bindings in @ExtensibleState@, then sets
-- hooks to grab and handle @KeyEvent@s as determined by the mode.
-- --< Imports & Exports >-- {{{
--module XMonad.Hooks.Modal (
module Modal (
-- * Usage
-- $Usage
modal, setTo, Mode (..),
-- ** Provided Modes
-- $ProvidedModes
defaultMode, normalMode, insertMode
) where
-- core
import XMonad
-- contrib
import qualified XMonad.Util.ExtensibleState as XS
--import qualified ExtensibleState as XS
--import XMonad.Util.Grab
import Grab
-- base
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Bits ((.&.), complement)
import Data.Semigroup (All (..), (<>))
-- }}}
-- --< Usage >-- {{{
-- $Usage
-- To use this module, the user config /must/ be passed through 'modal'; this
-- sets up an initial mode and adds hooks causing xmonad to use the bindings
-- for this mode rather than those in the configuration's @keys@ field, which is
-- then completely ignored.
-- The provided @Mode@s can be used as follows:
-- >
-- > import XMonad
-- > import XMonad.Hooks.Modal
-- >
-- > main :: IO ()
-- > main = xmonad . modal defaultMode $ def
-- >
-- However the provided @Mode@s are not personalised so they're essentially just
-- examples. For convenience of reference, their definitions are duplicated sans
-- comments below; copy and modify them to meet your needs.
-- >
-- > defaultMode, normalMode, insertMode :: XConfig Layout -> Mode
-- >
-- > defaultMode cnf
-- > = Mode "DEFAULT" GrabBound
-- > $ M.insert (modMask cnf, xK_Escape)
-- > (setTo $ normalMode cnf) (keys def cnf)
-- >
-- > normalMode cnf
-- > = Mode "NORMAL" GrabAll
-- > $ M.fromList
-- > [ ((noModMask, xK_d), setTo $ defaultMode cnf)
-- > , ((noModMask, xK_i), setTo $ insertMode cnf)
-- > , ((noModMask, xK_a), setTo $ insertMode cnf)
-- > ] `M.union` un (modMask cnf) (keys def cnf)
-- > where un mask = M.mapKeys $ \(m, k) -> (m .&. complement mask, k)
-- >
-- > insertMode cnf
-- > = Mode "INSERT" GrabBound
-- > $ M.singleton (shiftMask, xK_Escape) (setTo $ normalMode cnf)
-- >
-- You may then want to import this module hiding these values:
-- > import XMonad.Hooks.Modal
-- > hiding (defaultMode, normalMode, insertMode)
-- or import the other types and values explicitly:
-- > import XMonad.Hooks.Modal (modal, setTo, Mode (..))
-- }}}
-- --< Types >-- {{{
-- | A data type for use as a parameter to a @Mode@; encodes whether xmonad
-- should grab all keys or only those that are bound.
data Grab = GrabAll | GrabBound
deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | A data type describing a mode; holds a label, the desired @Grab@ behaviour,
-- and the bound actions.
data Mode = Mode
{ label :: !String
, keysToGrab :: !Grab
, boundActions :: !(M.Map (KeyMask, KeySym) (X ()))
} deriving Typeable
instance ExtensionClass Mode where
initialValue = Mode "EMPTY" GrabBound M.empty
-- }}}
-- --< Private >-- {{{
-- | Grab key presses as dictated by the current @Mode@.
regrab :: X ()
regrab = XS.gets keysToGrab >>= \case
GrabAll -> grabKP anyModifier anyKey
GrabBound -> grab . M.keys =<< XS.gets boundActions
-- | Logic shamelessly copied from XMonad.Main source, then tweaked.
modalEventHook :: Event -> X All
modalEventHook = customRegrabEvHook regrab <> \case
KeyEvent { ev_event_type = t, ev_state = m, ev_keycode = code }
| t == keyPress -> withDisplay $ \dpy -> do
kp <- (,) <$> cleanMask m <*> io (keycodeToKeysym dpy code 0)
kbs <- XS.gets boundActions
userCodeDef () (whenJust (M.lookup kp kbs) id)
pure (All False)
_ -> pure (All True)
-- }}}
-- --< Public >-- {{{
-- | Given a function to compute the initial @Mode@ from the /final/ user
-- config, modify the supplied user config to use modal bindings.
modal :: (XConfig Layout -> Mode) -> XConfig l -> XConfig l
modal initialMode uConf = uConf
{ startupHook = startupHook uConf <> (setTo . initialMode =<< asks config)
, handleEventHook = handleEventHook uConf <> modalEventHook
-- | Set the current @Mode@. It's important to use this function rather than
-- @XS.put@, otherwise xmonad will not grab the correct keys.
setTo :: Mode -> X ()
setTo md = XS.put md >> regrab
-- $ProvidedModes
-- These constitute little more than example @Mode@s; use them as a basis for
-- your personalised keybinds.
-- | In this @Mode@ the xmonad defaults are used, except that @mod + escape@
-- exits to @normalMode@.
defaultMode :: XConfig Layout -> Mode
defaultMode cnf
= Mode "DEFAULT" GrabBound
$ M.insert (modMask cnf, xK_Escape) (setTo $ normalMode cnf) (keys def cnf)
-- | In this @Mode@, a version of the xmonad defaults without the @modMask@
-- modifier is used, except that @d@ exits back to the defaults, @i@ and @a@
-- enter @insertMode@, and all key presses are grabbed.
normalMode :: XConfig Layout -> Mode
normalMode cnf
= Mode "NORMAL" GrabAll
$ M.fromList
[ ((noModMask, xK_d), setTo $ defaultMode cnf)
, ((noModMask, xK_i), setTo $ insertMode cnf)
, ((noModMask, xK_a), setTo $ insertMode cnf)
] `M.union` un (modMask cnf) (keys def cnf)
where un mask = M.mapKeys $ \(m, k) -> (m .&. complement mask, k)
-- | In this @Mode@, only one key press is grabbed: @shift + escape@, which exits
-- to @normalMode@.
insertMode :: XConfig Layout -> Mode
insertMode cnf
= Mode "INSERT" GrabBound
$ M.singleton (shiftMask, xK_Escape) (setTo $ normalMode cnf)
-- }}}
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