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Created August 9, 2018 03:07
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import XMonad
import XMonad.Actions.PerWorkspaceKeys
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
-- | Given config dependent bindings per workspace, produce regular xmonad
-- bindings via @bindOn@. Use like e.g.
-- > main = xmonad $ def { keys = perWkspKeys myKeyBinds <+> keys def }
-- >
-- > myKeyBinds = \cnf ->
-- > [ ("1", wksp1Keys cnf)
-- > , ("2", wksp2Keys cnf)
-- > , ("" , defKeys cnf)
-- > ] where
-- > wksp1Keys = \cnf ->
-- > [ ((modMask cnf, xK_a), spawn $ terminal cnf)
-- > , ((modMask cnf, xK_b), windows W.focusMaster)
-- > ]
-- > wksp2Keys = \cnf ->
-- > [ ((modMask cnf, xK_a), spawn "firefox")
-- > ]
-- > defKeys = \cnf ->
-- > [ ((modMask cnf, xK_b), windows W.focusUp)
-- > , ((modMask cnf, xK_c), windows W.focusDown)
-- > ]
:: (XConfig Layout -> [(WorkspaceId, [((KeyMask, KeySym), X ())])])
-> (XConfig Layout -> M.Map (KeyMask, KeySym) (X ()))
perWkspKeys wsKeys = bindOn . foldr wkspAcc M.empty . reverse . wsKeys
wkspAcc (wksp, binds) m = foldr (bindAcc wksp) m binds
bindAcc wksp (keypress, action) =
M.insertWith (\[nv] ov -> nv:ov) keypress [(wksp, action)]
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