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Last active September 6, 2023 07:04
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Almost obnoxious levels of duality in fixed-points.
{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints, BlockArguments, LambdaCase #-}
module Rec where
import Data.Functor.Product (Product(..))
import Data.Functor.Sum (Sum(..))
import Data.Kind (Type, Constraint)
import Control.Arrow ((&&&), (|||))
newtype LFP f = LFP ( forall x. (f x -> x) -> x )
-- GFP f ~ exists x. (x -> f x, x)
newtype GFP f = GFP (forall r. (forall x. (x -> f x) -> x -> r) -> r)
fold :: (f a -> a) -> LFP f -> a
unfold :: (a -> f a) -> a -> GFP f
fold alg (LFP k) = k alg
unfold coalg x = GFP \k -> k coalg x
inL :: Functor f => f (LFP f) -> LFP f
outG :: Functor f => GFP f -> f (GFP f)
inL ft = LFP \alg -> alg . fmap ( fold alg) $ ft
outG (GFP k) = k \coalg -> fmap (unfold coalg) . coalg
outL :: Functor f => LFP f -> f (LFP f)
inG :: Functor f => f (GFP f) -> GFP f
outL = fold (fmap inL )
inG = unfold (fmap outG)
rec :: Functor f => (f (LFP f, a) -> a ) -> LFP f -> a
corec :: Functor f => (a -> f (Either (GFP f) a)) -> a -> GFP f
rec alg = snd . fold ( inL . fmap fst &&& alg)
corec coalg = unfold (fmap Left . outG ||| coalg) . Right
type f ~> g = forall x. f x -> g x
class HFunctor h where
hmap :: Functor f => f ~> g -> h f ~> h g
type LFPF :: ((Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type)) -> (Type -> Type)
newtype LFPF h a = LFPF (forall f. Functor f => h f ~> f -> f a)
deriving Functor
type GFPF :: ((Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type)) -> (Type -> Type)
newtype GFPF h a = GFPF
(forall r. (forall f. Functor f => f ~> h f -> f a -> r) -> r)
deriving Functor
foldF :: Functor f => h f ~> f -> LFPF h ~> f
unfoldF :: Functor f => f ~> h f -> f ~> GFPF h
foldF alg (LFPF k) = k alg
unfoldF coalg x = GFPF \k -> k coalg x
inLF :: HFunctor h => h (LFPF h) ~> LFPF h
outGF :: HFunctor h => GFPF h ~> h (GFPF h)
inLF ft = LFPF \alg -> alg (hmap (foldF alg) ft)
outGF (GFPF k) = k \coalg x -> hmap (unfoldF coalg) (coalg x)
type FuncTrans h = forall f. Functor f => Functor (h f) :: Constraint
outLF :: (HFunctor h, FuncTrans h) => LFPF h ~> h (LFPF h)
inGF :: (HFunctor h, FuncTrans h) => h (GFPF h) ~> GFPF h
outLF = foldF (hmap inLF )
inGF = unfoldF (hmap outGF)
:: (HFunctor h, Functor f)
=> h (Product (LFPF h) f) ~> f
-> LFPF h ~> f
recF alg = fsnd . foldF (inLF . hmap ffst &&&~ alg)
ffst (Pair fa _) = fa
fsnd (Pair _ ga) = ga
(f &&&~ g) a = Pair (f a) (g a)
infixr 3 &&&~
:: (HFunctor h, Functor f)
=> f ~> h (Sum (GFPF h) f)
-> f ~> GFPF h
corecF coalg = unfoldF (hmap InL . outGF |||~ coalg) . InR
f |||~ g = \case
InL fa -> f fa
InR ga -> g ga
infixr 2 |||~
-- A use case where *FP does not suffice:
data DeepH f a
= Empty
| Leaf a
| Deep (f a) (f (f a)) (f a)
deriving Functor
instance HFunctor DeepH where
hmap fg = \case
Empty -> Empty
Leaf a -> Leaf a
Deep fa1 ffa fa2 -> Deep (fg fa1) (fg $ fmap fg ffa) (fg fa2)
type LDeep = LFPF DeepH
lempty :: LDeep a
lempty = inLF Empty
lleaf :: a -> LDeep a
lleaf a = inLF (Leaf a)
ldeep :: LDeep a -> LDeep (LDeep a) -> LDeep a -> LDeep a
ldeep d1 dd d2 = inLF (Deep d1 dd d2)
-- Even when *FP does suffice, *FPF is more appropriate when the fixed type
-- should be a Functor.
-- Below, both 'LList' and 'GList' are Functors as they should be, whereas an
-- instance for the more conventional 'LFP (ListF a)' is precluded by its form.
type LList = LFPF ListH
type GList = GFPF ListH
data ListH f a = Nil | Cons a (f a)
deriving Functor
instance HFunctor ListH where
hmap fg = \case
Nil -> Nil
Cons a fa -> Cons a (fg fa)
lnil :: LList a
lnil = inLF Nil
lcons :: a -> LList a -> LList a
lcons a l = inLF (Cons a l)
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