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Last active July 23, 2023 04:58
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Deriving semidirect products for transformation monoids
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia, PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances, MonoLocalBinds #-}
module Transform where
import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import Data.Monoid (Sum(..), Product(..), Ap(..))
test1a :: Transformable p s => Transform p s
test1a = Tr1 1 10 <> Tr1 4 11 <> Tr1 7 12
test1b :: Transformable p s => Transform p s
test1b = mempty <> test1a <> mempty
test2 :: Transformable (V2 a) a => Transform (V2 a) a
test2 = Tr2 1 2 10 <> Tr2 4 5 11 <> Tr2 7 8 12
test3 :: Transformable (V3 a) a => Transform (V3 a) a
test3 = Tr3 1 2 3 10 <> Tr3 4 5 6 11 <> Tr3 7 8 9 12
newtype Transform p s = Tr (p, s)
deriving Show
type Transformable p s = (Num p, Num s, RightAction (Product s) (Sum p))
deriving via SemiDirect (Sum p) (Product s)
instance Transformable p s => Semigroup (Transform p s)
deriving via SemiDirect (Sum p) (Product s)
instance Transformable p s => Monoid (Transform p s)
{-# COMPLETE Tr1 #-}
pattern Tr1 :: a -> s -> Transform a s
pattern Tr1 x s = Tr (x, s)
{-# COMPLETE Tr2 #-}
pattern Tr2 :: a -> a -> s -> Transform (V2 a) s
pattern Tr2 x y s = Tr (V2 x y, s)
{-# COMPLETE Tr3 #-}
pattern Tr3 :: a -> a -> a -> s -> Transform (V3 a) s
pattern Tr3 x y z s = Tr (V3 x y z, s)
newtype SemiDirect l r = SemiDirect (l, r)
deriving Monoid
instance (Semigroup l, RightAction r l) => Semigroup (SemiDirect l r) where
SemiDirect (l1, r1) <> SemiDirect (l2, r2)
= SemiDirect ((l1 *| r2) <> l2, r1 <> r2)
class Monoid r => RightAction r a where
(*|) :: a -> r -> a
infixl 5 *|
-- N.B. These instances overlap.
-- Instantiate tyvars concretely or use the 'Transformable' constraint synonym.
instance Num a => RightAction (Product a) a where
x *| Product y = x * y
instance (RightAction r a, Functor f) => RightAction r (F f a) where
s *| r = s <&> (*| r)
deriving via F Sum a instance RightAction r a => RightAction r (Sum a)
deriving via F V2 a instance RightAction r a => RightAction r (V2 a)
deriving via F V3 a instance RightAction r a => RightAction r (V3 a)
-- The equivalent of 'Ap' for 'Functor'.
newtype F f a = F (f a)
deriving Functor
-- As in Linear.V2/V3.
data V2 a = V2 !a !a
deriving (Show, Functor)
deriving Num via Ap V2 a
instance Applicative V2 where
pure x = V2 x x
V2 f g <*> V2 x y = V2 (f x) (g y)
data V3 a = V3 !a !a !a
deriving (Show, Functor)
deriving Num via Ap V3 a
instance Applicative V3 where
pure x = V3 x x x
V3 f g h <*> V3 x y z = V3 (f x) (g y) (h z)
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