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Last active March 1, 2019 14:19
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{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, DeriveFunctor #-}
module SemiFree where
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Semigroup (Endo(..))
-- | Semigroups where some elements reduce in combination, while others only combine
-- symbolically (denoted by @Nothing@)
-- Law: (associativity) forall x y z.
-- (x <:> y) >>= (<:> z) = (x <:>) =<< (y <:> z)
class SemiFree a where
{-# MINIMAL (<:>) | reduce #-}
(<:>) :: a -> a -> Maybe a
x <:> y = case reduce [x, y] of
[xy] -> Just xy
_ -> Nothing
reduce :: [a] -> [a]
reduce [] = []
reduce (x:xs) = go x xs
go y [] = [y]
go y (z:zs) = case y <:> z of
Nothing -> y:go z zs
Just yz -> go yz zs
instance (Semigroup a, Semigroup b) => SemiFree (Either a b) where
Left x <:> Left y = Just (Left (x <> y))
Right x <:> Right y = Just (Right (x <> y))
_ <:> _ = Nothing
groupEithers1 :: [Either a b] -> [Either [a] [b]]
groupEithers1 = reduce . fmap (bimap pure pure)
groupEithers2 :: [Either a b] -> [Either [a] [b]]
groupEithers2 = fmap (bimap fromDL fromDL) . reduce . fmap (bimap toDL toDL)
toDL x = Endo (x:)
fromDL d = appEndo d []
data Diff a
= First a
| Second a
| Both a a
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Functor)
instance Semigroup a => SemiFree (Diff a) where
First a <:> First b = Just (First (a <> b))
Second a <:> Second b = Just (Second (a <> b))
Both a b <:> Both c d = Just (Both (a <> c) (b <> d))
_ <:> _ = Nothing
groupDiffs1 :: [Diff a] -> [Diff [a]]
groupDiffs1 = reduce . (fmap . fmap) pure
groupDiffs2 :: [Diff a] -> [Diff [a]]
groupDiffs2 = ffmap (\e -> appEndo e []) . reduce . ffmap (\x -> Endo (x:))
where ffmap = fmap . fmap
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