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Last active November 17, 2022 17:49
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A script to count reads in introns and exons
# Reading in the annotation.
intronic <- intronicParts(TxDb.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10.ensGene,
exonic <- exonicParts(TxDb.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10.ensGene,
IX <- data.frame(GeneID=intronic$gene_id, Chr=as.character(seqnames(intronic)),
Start=start(intronic), End=end(intronic), Strand=strand(intronic), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
EX <- data.frame(GeneID=exonic$gene_id, Chr=as.character(seqnames(exonic)),
Start=start(exonic), End=end(exonic), Strand=strand(exonic), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# Assigning them to genes.
fname <- "head.bam"
output <- paste0(fname, ".featureCounts")
intron.counts <- featureCounts(fname, annot.ext=IX, reportReads="CORE", minOverlap=10)
out.intronic <- paste0(fname, ".intron")
file.rename(output, out.intronic)
exon.counts <- featureCounts(fname, annot.ext=EX, reportReads="CORE", minOverlap=10)
out.exonic <- paste0(fname, ".exon")
file.rename(output, out.exonic)
# Collating the results.
ugenes <- unique(c(unique(EX$GeneId), unique(IX$GeneID)))
out.exon <- out.intron <- out.both <- setNames(integer(length(ugenes)), ugenes)
fin <- file(out.intronic, open='r')
fex <- file(out.exonic, open='r')
repeat {
curin <- read.table(fin, nrow=100, colClasses=c("character", "character", "integer", "character"), stringsAsFactor=FALSE)
curex <- read.table(fex, nrow=100, colClasses=c("character", "character", "integer", "character"), stringsAsFactor=FALSE)
# Figuring out what to do with reads based on their mutual locations.
intron <- ![,4])
exon <- ![,4])
intron.only <- intron & !exon
exon.only <- exon & !intron
both <- intron & exon & curin[,4]==curex[,4]
curin.counts <- table(curin[intron.only,4])
curex.counts <- table(curex[exon.only,4])
both.counts <- table(curin[both,4])
out.intron[names(curin.counts)] <- out.intron[names(curin.counts)] + curin.counts
out.exon[names(curex.counts)] <- out.exon[names(curex.counts)] + curex.counts
out.both[names(both.counts)] <- out.both[names(both.counts)] + both.counts
if (nrow(curin)<100) {
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