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Last active April 12, 2016 17:54
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Google Codejam 2016 Qualification round : Coin Jam
from math import sqrt;
from itertools import count, islice
f = open("","r")
w = open("output.txt","w")
num = f.readline()
def convert(input, source, target):
if source == target: return input
base = {
2 :'01',
3 :'012',
4 :'0123',
5 :'01234',
6 :'012345',
7 :'0123456',
8 :'01234567',
9 :'012345678',
10 :'0123456789',
baseSrcList = base[source]
baseSrc = len(baseSrcList)
baseTargetList = base[target]
baseTarget = len(baseTargetList)
data = 0
if baseSrc != 10:
i = 0
for iDigit in list(str(input)[::-1]):
data += baseSrcList.index(iDigit)*pow(baseSrc,i)
else : data = input
if baseTarget != 10:
tempInput = int(data)
t = ''
if tempInput == 0: t+=baseTargetList[0]
while tempInput != 0:
t += baseTargetList[tempInput%baseTarget]
return t[::-1]
return str(data)
isPrime = lambda n:n > 1 and all(n%i for i in islice(count(2), int(sqrt(n)-1)))
def factors(n):
tmp = 0
for i in range(2, int(n**0.5) + 1):
if n % i == 0:
tmp = i
return str(tmp)
for it in range(0,int(num)):
N,J = [int(l) for l in f.readline().split()]
length = 0
res = '\n'
for i in range(2,2**N):
ret = convert(i,10,2)
if ret[0] == '1' and ret[-1] == '1' and len(ret) == N:
l = [long(convert(ret,base,10)) for base in range(2,11)]
if not True in map(isPrime,l):
tmp = ret +' '+ ' '.join(map(factors,l)) +'\n'
print tmp[:-1]
res += tmp
if length == J:
print("Case #{0}: {1} ".format(it+1,res))
w.write("Case #{0}: {1}\n".format(it+1,res))
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