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<h2 id="storia-header">LA NOSTRA STORIA</h2>
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L’AFP Patronato San Vincenzo svolge attività di formazione professionale, di educazione, di assistenza e di promozione sociale. <br> Cura la crescita umana e professionale dei ragazzi e dei suoi lavoratori, per mantenere gli indirizzi
educativi e sociali del fondatore don Bepo Vavassori.
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<path fill="currentColor" d="M128 96h384v256h64V80C576 53.63 554.4 32 528 32h-416C85.63 32 64 53.63 64 80V352h64V96zM624 384h-608C7.25 384 0 391.3 0 400V416c0 35.25 28.75 64 64 64h512c35.25 0 64-28.75 64-64v-16C640 391.3 632.8 384 624 384zM365.9 286.2C369.8 290.1 374.9 292 380 292s10.23-1.938 14.14-5.844l48-48c7.812-7.813 7.812-20.5 0-28.31l-48-48c-7.812-7.813-20.47-7.813-28.28 0c-7.812 7.813-7.812 20.5 0 28.31l33.86 33.84l-33.86 33.84C358 265.7 358 278.4 365.9 286.2zM274.1 161.9c-7.812-7.813-20.47-7.813-28.28 0l-48 48c-7.812 7.813-7.812 20.5 0 28.31l48 48C249.8 290.1 254.9 292 260 292s10.23-1.938 14.14-5.844c7.812-7.813 7.812-20.5 0-28.31L240.3 224l33.86-33.84C281.1 182.4 281.1 169.7 274.1 161.9z"></path>
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<path fill="currentColor" d="M502.6 182.6l-45.25-45.25C451.4 131.4 443.3 128 434.8 128H384V80C384 53.5 362.5 32 336 32h-160C149.5 32 128 53.5 128 80V128H77.25c-8.5 0-16.62 3.375-22.62 9.375L9.375 182.6C3.375 188.6 0 196.8 0 205.3V304h128v-32C128 263.1 135.1 256 144 256h32C184.9 256 192 263.1 192 272v32h128v-32C320 263.1 327.1 256 336 256h32C376.9 256 384 263.1 384 272v32h128V205.3C512 196.8 508.6 188.6 502.6 182.6zM336 128h-160V80h160V128zM384 368c0 8.875-7.125 16-16 16h-32c-8.875 0-16-7.125-16-16v-32H192v32C192 376.9 184.9 384 176 384h-32C135.1 384 128 376.9 128 368v-32H0V448c0 17.62 14.38 32 32 32h448c17.62 0 32-14.38 32-32v-112h-128V368z"></path>
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<section id="servizi">
<h2 id="servizi-header">SERVIZI PER LE AZIENDE</h2>
<div id="all-servizi-div">
<!-- 1 SERVIZI STAGE -->
<div class="card-servizio">
<div class="titolo-svg-container">
<div class="titolo-servizio">TIROCINI</div>
<div class="div-svg-servizio"><svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" data-prefix="fas" data-icon="puzzle-piece" class="svg-inline--fa fa-puzzle-piece" role="img" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512">
<path fill="currentColor" d="M512 288c0 35.35-21.49 64-48 64c-32.43 0-31.72-32-55.64-32C394.9 320 384 330.9 384 344.4V480c0 17.67-14.33 32-32 32h-71.64C266.9 512 256 501.1 256 487.6C256 463.1 288 464.4 288 432c0-26.51-28.65-48-64-48s-64 21.49-64 48c0 32.43 32 31.72 32 55.64C192 501.1 181.1 512 167.6 512H32c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32v-135.6C0 330.9 10.91 320 24.36 320C48.05 320 47.6 352 80 352C106.5 352 128 323.3 128 288S106.5 223.1 80 223.1c-32.43 0-31.72 32-55.64 32C10.91 255.1 0 245.1 0 231.6v-71.64c0-17.67 14.33-31.1 32-31.1h135.6C181.1 127.1 192 117.1 192 103.6c0-23.69-32-23.24-32-55.64c0-26.51 28.65-47.1 64-47.1s64 21.49 64 47.1c0 32.43-32 31.72-32 55.64c0 13.45 10.91 24.36 24.36 24.36H352c17.67 0 32 14.33 32 31.1v71.64c0 13.45 10.91 24.36 24.36 24.36c23.69 0 23.24-32 55.64-32C490.5 223.1 512 252.7 512 288z"></path>
<div class="div-paragrafo-servizio">
<p>Inserimento di tirocinanti in aziende del territorio e attivazione di progetti di alternanza scuola-lavoro per ragazzi.</p>
<div class="card-servizio">
<div class="titolo-svg-container">
<div class="titolo-servizio">FORMAZIONE AZIENDALE</div>
<div class="div-svg-servizio"><svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" data-prefix="fas" data-icon="arrow-trend-up" class="svg-inline--fa fa-arrow-trend-up" role="img" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512">
<path fill="currentColor" d="M576 128v160c0 17.67-14.31 32-32 32s-32-14.33-32-32V205.3l-169.4 169.4C336.4 380.9 328.2 384 320 384s-16.38-3.125-22.62-9.375L192 269.3l-137.4 137.4C48.38 412.9 40.19 416 32 416c-18.28 0-32-14.95-32-32c0-8.188 3.125-16.38 9.375-22.62l160-160C175.6 195.1 183.8 192 192 192s16.38 3.125 22.62 9.375L320 306.8L466.8 160H384c-17.69 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.31-32 32-32h160C560.8 96 576 109.4 576 128z"></path>
<div class="div-paragrafo-servizio">
<p>Corsi di formazione aziendali e interaziendali di varie tematiche.</p>
<!-- 3 SERVIZI FAB-LAB -->
<div class="card-servizio">
<div class="titolo-svg-container">
<div class="titolo-servizio">FAB-LAB</div>
<div class="div-svg-servizio"><svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" data-prefix="fas" data-icon="rocket" class="svg-inline--fa fa-rocket" role="img" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512">
<path fill="currentColor" d="M505.1 19.33C503.9 13.71 498.4 8.208 492.8 6.958C460.6 .0833 435.5 0 410.4 0c-103.2 0-165.1 55.25-211.4 128H94.86C78.49 128 59.24 139.9 51.99 154.5L2.493 253.2C.993 256.6 .1181 260.2-.0069 264c0 13.25 10.75 24 23.1 24h103.9L105.4 310.5c-11.38 11.38-12.1 32.25 0 45.25l50.87 50.87c11.12 11.13 32.12 13.13 45.25 0l22.5-22.5L223.1 488c0 13.25 10.75 24 23.1 24c3.75-.125 7.312-1 10.69-2.5l98.71-49.38c14.62-7.375 26.53-26.5 26.53-42.88l.0642-104.5c72.5-46.25 127.1-108.4 127.1-211C512.1 76.5 512.1 51.46 505.1 19.33zM383.1 168c-21.1 0-39.1-17.88-39.1-40s17.1-40 39.1-40c22.12 0 39.1 17.88 39.1 40S406.1 168 383.1 168z"></path>
<div class="div-paragrafo-servizio">
<p>Il Fab-Lab è un laboratorio di fabbricazione digitale che permette di <br>condividere conoscenze, mezzi, strumenti e macchinari.</p>
<div class="card-servizio">
<div class="titolo-svg-container">
<div class="titolo-servizio">APPRENDISTATO</div>
<div class="div-svg-servizio"><svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" data-prefix="fas" data-icon="compass-drafting" class="svg-inline--fa fa-compass-drafting" role="img" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512">
<path fill="currentColor" d="M457 344.4c-25 20.37-52.63 37.25-82.5 49.12l54.38 94.12l53.88 23.12c9.875 4.125 21-2.25 22.25-12.87L512 439.6L457 344.4zM488.7 265.7c11.27-15.44 6.105-37.47-10.61-46.75c-13.99-7.774-31.63-3.985-41.06 8.947C395.2 285.3 328.1 319.1 256 319.1c-23.88 0-47.28-4.25-69.4-11.5l67.4-116.7h4l51.13 88.5c31.25-8.875 59.5-25.75 82.63-48.87L340 141.6c10.75-19.86 15.66-43.44 8.912-69.19c-9.697-37.01-41.5-66.32-79.4-71.5c-59-8.057-109.5 37.64-109.5 95.07c0 16.62 4.625 31.1 11.1 45.62L103.7 260C94.31 251.3 85.57 241.8 77.69 231.5C67.82 218.7 50.24 214.8 36.23 222.9c-16.53 9.603-21.45 31.76-9.806 46.91C39.67 287 54.83 302.4 71.25 316.2L0 439.6l7.003 58.27c1.277 10.63 12.41 17.07 22.25 12.85l53.88-23.12l70.85-122.6C186.1 377.2 220.6 383.1 256 383.1C348.6 383.1 434.9 339.4 488.7 265.7zM256 63.1c17.62 0 32 14.37 32 31.1s-14.38 32-32 32c-17.62 0-32-14.38-32-32S238.4 63.1 256 63.1z"></path>
<div class="div-paragrafo-servizio">
<p>Accedi per avere informazioni e iscrivere i tuoi apprendisti ai percorsi di formazione.</p>
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<!-- BERGAMO -->
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<path fill="currentColor" d="M575.8 255.5C575.8 273.5 560.8 287.6 543.8 287.6H511.8L512.5 447.7C512.5 450.5 512.3 453.1 512 455.8V472C512 494.1 494.1 512 472 512H456C454.9 512 453.8 511.1 452.7 511.9C451.3 511.1 449.9 512 448.5 512H392C369.9 512 352 494.1 352 472V384C352 366.3 337.7 352 320 352H256C238.3 352 224 366.3 224 384V472C224 494.1 206.1 512 184 512H128.1C126.6 512 125.1 511.9 123.6 511.8C122.4 511.9 121.2 512 120 512H104C81.91 512 64 494.1 64 472V360C64 359.1 64.03 358.1 64.09 357.2V287.6H32.05C14.02 287.6 0 273.5 0 255.5C0 246.5 3.004 238.5 10.01 231.5L266.4 8.016C273.4 1.002 281.4 0 288.4 0C295.4 0 303.4 2.004 309.5 7.014L564.8 231.5C572.8 238.5 576.9 246.5 575.8 255.5L575.8 255.5z"></path>
<span>SEDE DI BERGAMO</span>
<div class="tel-sede-info">
<div><svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" data-prefix="fas" data-icon="phone" class="svg-inline--fa fa-phone" role="img" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512">
<path fill="currentColor" d="M511.2 387l-23.25 100.8c-3.266 14.25-15.79 24.22-30.46 24.22C205.2 512 0 306.8 0 54.5c0-14.66 9.969-27.2 24.22-30.45l100.8-23.25C139.7-2.602 154.7 5.018 160.8 18.92l46.52 108.5c5.438 12.78 1.77 27.67-8.98 36.45L144.5 207.1c33.98 69.22 90.26 125.5 159.5 159.5l44.08-53.8c8.688-10.78 23.69-14.51 36.47-8.975l108.5 46.51C506.1 357.2 514.6 372.4 511.2 387z"></path>
<span>035 319361</span>
<div class="fax-sede-info">
<div><svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" data-prefix="fas" data-icon="fax" class="svg-inline--fa fa-fax" role="img" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512">
<path fill="currentColor" d="M192 64h197.5L416 90.51V160h64V77.25c0-8.484-3.375-16.62-9.375-22.62l-45.25-45.25C419.4 3.375 411.2 0 402.8 0H160C142.3 0 128 14.33 128 32v128h64V64zM64 128H32C14.38 128 0 142.4 0 160v320c0 17.62 14.38 32 32 32h32c17.62 0 32-14.38 32-32V160C96 142.4 81.63 128 64 128zM480 192H128v288c0 17.6 14.4 32 32 32h320c17.6 0 32-14.4 32-32V224C512 206.4 497.6 192 480 192zM288 432c0 8.875-7.125 16-16 16h-32C231.1 448 224 440.9 224 432v-32C224 391.1 231.1 384 240 384h32c8.875 0 16 7.125 16 16V432zM288 304c0 8.875-7.125 16-16 16h-32C231.1 320 224 312.9 224 304v-32C224 263.1 231.1 256 240 256h32C280.9 256 288 263.1 288 272V304zM416 432c0 8.875-7.125 16-16 16h-32c-8.875 0-16-7.125-16-16v-32c0-8.875 7.125-16 16-16h32c8.875 0 16 7.125 16 16V432zM416 304c0 8.875-7.125 16-16 16h-32C359.1 320 352 312.9 352 304v-32C352 263.1 359.1 256 368 256h32C408.9 256 416 263.1 416 272V304z"></path>
<span>035 314188</span>
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<path fill="currentColor" d="M191.9 448.6c-9.766 0-19.48-2.969-27.78-8.891L32 340.2V480c0 17.62 14.38 32 32 32h256c17.62 0 32-14.38 32-32v-139.8L220.2 439.5C211.7 445.6 201.8 448.6 191.9 448.6zM192 192c0-35.25 28.75-64 64-64h224V32c0-17.62-14.38-32-32-32H128C110.4 0 96 14.38 96 32v192h96V192zM320 256H64C46.38 256 32 270.4 32 288v12.18l151 113.8c5.25 3.719 12.7 3.734 18.27-.25L352 300.2V288C352 270.4 337.6 256 320 256zM576 160H256C238.4 160 224 174.4 224 192v32h96c33.25 0 60.63 25.38 63.75 57.88L384 416h192c17.62 0 32-14.38 32-32V192C608 174.4 593.6 160 576 160zM544 288h-64V224h64V288z"></path>
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<!-- CLUSONE -->
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<div><svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" data-prefix="fas" data-icon="house" class="svg-inline--fa fa-house" role="img" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512">
<path fill="currentColor" d="M575.8 255.5C575.8 273.5 560.8 287.6 543.8 287.6H511.8L512.5 447.7C512.5 450.5 512.3 453.1 512 455.8V472C512 494.1 494.1 512 472 512H456C454.9 512 453.8 511.1 452.7 511.9C451.3 511.1 449.9 512 448.5 512H392C369.9 512 352 494.1 352 472V384C352 366.3 337.7 352 320 352H256C238.3 352 224 366.3 224 384V472C224 494.1 206.1 512 184 512H128.1C126.6 512 125.1 511.9 123.6 511.8C122.4 511.9 121.2 512 120 512H104C81.91 512 64 494.1 64 472V360C64 359.1 64.03 358.1 64.09 357.2V287.6H32.05C14.02 287.6 0 273.5 0 255.5C0 246.5 3.004 238.5 10.01 231.5L266.4 8.016C273.4 1.002 281.4 0 288.4 0C295.4 0 303.4 2.004 309.5 7.014L564.8 231.5C572.8 238.5 576.9 246.5 575.8 255.5L575.8 255.5z"></path>
<span>SEDE DI CLUSONE</span>
<div class="tel-sede-info">
<div><svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" data-prefix="fas" data-icon="phone" class="svg-inline--fa fa-phone" role="img" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512">
<path fill="currentColor" d="M511.2 387l-23.25 100.8c-3.266 14.25-15.79 24.22-30.46 24.22C205.2 512 0 306.8 0 54.5c0-14.66 9.969-27.2 24.22-30.45l100.8-23.25C139.7-2.602 154.7 5.018 160.8 18.92l46.52 108.5c5.438 12.78 1.77 27.67-8.98 36.45L144.5 207.1c33.98 69.22 90.26 125.5 159.5 159.5l44.08-53.8c8.688-10.78 23.69-14.51 36.47-8.975l108.5 46.51C506.1 357.2 514.6 372.4 511.2 387z"></path>
<span>0346 21131</span>
<div class="fax-sede-info">
<div><svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" data-prefix="fas" data-icon="fax" class="svg-inline--fa fa-fax" role="img" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512">
<path fill="currentColor" d="M192 64h197.5L416 90.51V160h64V77.25c0-8.484-3.375-16.62-9.375-22.62l-45.25-45.25C419.4 3.375 411.2 0 402.8 0H160C142.3 0 128 14.33 128 32v128h64V64zM64 128H32C14.38 128 0 142.4 0 160v320c0 17.62 14.38 32 32 32h32c17.62 0 32-14.38 32-32V160C96 142.4 81.63 128 64 128zM480 192H128v288c0 17.6 14.4 32 32 32h320c17.6 0 32-14.4 32-32V224C512 206.4 497.6 192 480 192zM288 432c0 8.875-7.125 16-16 16h-32C231.1 448 224 440.9 224 432v-32C224 391.1 231.1 384 240 384h32c8.875 0 16 7.125 16 16V432zM288 304c0 8.875-7.125 16-16 16h-32C231.1 320 224 312.9 224 304v-32C224 263.1 231.1 256 240 256h32C280.9 256 288 263.1 288 272V304zM416 432c0 8.875-7.125 16-16 16h-32c-8.875 0-16-7.125-16-16v-32c0-8.875 7.125-16 16-16h32c8.875 0 16 7.125 16 16V432zM416 304c0 8.875-7.125 16-16 16h-32C359.1 320 352 312.9 352 304v-32C352 263.1 359.1 256 368 256h32C408.9 256 416 263.1 416 272V304z"></path>
<span>0346 22480</span>
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<div><svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" data-prefix="fas" data-icon="envelopes-bulk" class="svg-inline--fa fa-envelopes-bulk" role="img" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 640 512">
<path fill="currentColor" d="M191.9 448.6c-9.766 0-19.48-2.969-27.78-8.891L32 340.2V480c0 17.62 14.38 32 32 32h256c17.62 0 32-14.38 32-32v-139.8L220.2 439.5C211.7 445.6 201.8 448.6 191.9 448.6zM192 192c0-35.25 28.75-64 64-64h224V32c0-17.62-14.38-32-32-32H128C110.4 0 96 14.38 96 32v192h96V192zM320 256H64C46.38 256 32 270.4 32 288v12.18l151 113.8c5.25 3.719 12.7 3.734 18.27-.25L352 300.2V288C352 270.4 337.6 256 320 256zM576 160H256C238.4 160 224 174.4 224 192v32h96c33.25 0 60.63 25.38 63.75 57.88L384 416h192c17.62 0 32-14.38 32-32V192C608 174.4 593.6 160 576 160zM544 288h-64V224h64V288z"></path>
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<!-- ENDINE -->
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<path fill="currentColor" d="M575.8 255.5C575.8 273.5 560.8 287.6 543.8 287.6H511.8L512.5 447.7C512.5 450.5 512.3 453.1 512 455.8V472C512 494.1 494.1 512 472 512H456C454.9 512 453.8 511.1 452.7 511.9C451.3 511.1 449.9 512 448.5 512H392C369.9 512 352 494.1 352 472V384C352 366.3 337.7 352 320 352H256C238.3 352 224 366.3 224 384V472C224 494.1 206.1 512 184 512H128.1C126.6 512 125.1 511.9 123.6 511.8C122.4 511.9 121.2 512 120 512H104C81.91 512 64 494.1 64 472V360C64 359.1 64.03 358.1 64.09 357.2V287.6H32.05C14.02 287.6 0 273.5 0 255.5C0 246.5 3.004 238.5 10.01 231.5L266.4 8.016C273.4 1.002 281.4 0 288.4 0C295.4 0 303.4 2.004 309.5 7.014L564.8 231.5C572.8 238.5 576.9 246.5 575.8 255.5L575.8 255.5z"></path>
<span>SEDE DI ENDINE</span>
<div class="tel-sede-info">
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<path fill="currentColor" d="M511.2 387l-23.25 100.8c-3.266 14.25-15.79 24.22-30.46 24.22C205.2 512 0 306.8 0 54.5c0-14.66 9.969-27.2 24.22-30.45l100.8-23.25C139.7-2.602 154.7 5.018 160.8 18.92l46.52 108.5c5.438 12.78 1.77 27.67-8.98 36.45L144.5 207.1c33.98 69.22 90.26 125.5 159.5 159.5l44.08-53.8c8.688-10.78 23.69-14.51 36.47-8.975l108.5 46.51C506.1 357.2 514.6 372.4 511.2 387z"></path>
<span>035 827513</span>
<div class="fax-sede-info">
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<span>035 827938</span>
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&copy laaouatni anas
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