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Last active December 11, 2022 17:33
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Svelte CloudFlare Polyfil
This polyfil solves some of the issues svelte's cloudflare adapter has with goto and localStorage being.... iffy.
This will polyfil the goto as a stub for SSR and polyfil the localStorage as a simple array storage.
Feel free to implement your own polyfils for localStorage to actually be useful too, i only request you share it forwards.
Author: Lachee
License: MIT (do what you want)
Date: 12/12/2022
import { browser } from '$app/environment';
* Returns a Promise that resolves when SvelteKit navigates (or fails to navigate, in which case the promise rejects) to the specified `url`.
* @param url Where to navigate to. Note that if you've set [`config.kit.paths.base`]( and the URL is root-relative, you need to prepend the base path if you want to navigate within the app.
* @param opts Options related to the navigation
export async function goto(url : string | URL, opts?: {
* If `true`, will replace the current `history` entry rather than creating a new one with `pushState`
replaceState?: boolean;
* If `true`, the browser will maintain its scroll position rather than scrolling to the top of the page after navigation
noScroll?: boolean;
* If `true`, the currently focused element will retain focus after navigation. Otherwise, focus will be reset to the body
keepFocus?: boolean;
* The state of the new/updated history entry
state?: any;
* If `true`, all `load` functions of the page will be rerun. See for more info on invalidation.
invalidateAll?: boolean;
}) : Promise<void> {
if (browser) {
const { goto: goto2 } = await import('$app/navigation')
await goto2(url, opts);
class PolyfilStorage implements Storage {
private _data : Record<string, string> = {};
get (name : string) : any {
return this._data[name];
get length() {
return Object.keys(this._data).length;
clear(): void {
throw new Error('Method not implemented.');
getItem(key: string): string | null {
return this._data[key] ?? null;
key(index: number): string | null {
return Object.keys(this._data)[index];
removeItem(key: string): void {
delete this._data[key];
setItem(key: string, value: string): void {
this._data[key] = value;
export const localStorage : Storage = (() => {
if (browser && typeof window == 'object' && typeof window.localStorage == 'object')
return window.localStorage;
return new PolyfilStorage();
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