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Last active April 14, 2019 16:42
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Aether Legacy Changelog
"homepage": "",
"promos": {
"1.12.2-recommended": "1.4.4",
"1.11.2-recommended": "1.11.2-1.1.2",
"1.10.2-recommended": "1.10.2-1.1.6",
"1.7.10-recommended": "1.7.10-1.0.2"
"1.12.2": {
"1.4.4": "- Added emissive texture support! This is enabled by default with Optifine installed, but can be disabled in it's settings.\n- Added back the classic Slider and Valkyrie Queen advancement sounds!\n- Fixed the Holiday Tree snow sometimes breaking logs\n- Fixed the Light Angelic Stone being replaced with normal Angelic Stone when the Queen is defeated.\n- Dungeon loot is now done in loot tables thanks to Raptor.\n- The portal sound uses a seprate sound event. This does not effect gameplay at all, just more customizeable (it also gets it's own subtitle!)\n- Added the Legacy music disc\n- Fixed console spam with dangerous alternative prefixes on startup\n- Added Minecraft item lore\n",
"1.4.3": "- Fixed critical v1.4.2 Valkyrie Queen bug\n",
"1.4.2": "- Fixed Valkyrie queen teleportation bug\n- Buffed Valkyrie queen damage\n- Majority of accessories are colored in the texture file now.\n- Music disc texture changed\n- Temporary change in dungeon loot (Dungeon loot have the same chance of spawning now)\n",
"1.4.1": "- Add ability to disable portal in favour of custom one from another mod. (Thanks to ewanm89)\n- Fixed Valkyrie Interactions\n- Aerbunnies now die when /kill\n- New enter aether loot\n- Can now disable Aether startup loot\n- #374 - Aechorplant duplication bug fixed\n- Gravitite generation fixed\n- #386 - Armor abilities re-activated\n- #373 #372 #376 #384 - Fixed Capability issues\n- Moved the music disc textures over a bit to match vanilla\n",
"1.4.0": "- Updates to the Aether API\n- Added IPlayerAether interface to grab PlayerAether methods\n- Added IAetherBoss interface for custom bosses\n- Added IInventoryAccessory interface to grab InventoryAccessory methods\n- Fixed Aether portal sounds\n- Fixed Bosses cannot go through portals anymore\n- Fixed Tinker's Construct Pickaxe issues with the Slider\n- Fixed bug with mimics suffocating when they spawn\n- Fixed pistons pushing locked dungeon blocks\n- Fixed Slider not being set as current boss when attacked\n- Fixed generation memory leak\n- Fixed overwritten GUI conflicts with other mods\n- Fixed some blocks not being middle clickable, or not being in the search tab\n- Fixed weather in the Aether (no longer rains)\n- Fixed #333 - Lag in player update\n- Fixed #351 - Skyroot bucket wrapper\n- Fixed #344 - Fixed iron bubble offset\n- Updated Biome decorator\n- Classic \"Acending to the Aether\" message when traveling to the Aether.\n- More localiziable texts\n- New and in-game configuration\n- Skyroot Bucket milking sound\n- You can use /locate to find Silver and Gold Dungeons\n- Entities can fall out of the Aether (kinda)\n- Valkyries' Halos now glow\n- Added Valkyrie Cape\n- Mobs now use loot tables\n- Mimic model and animation is now smoother\n- Updated spawn egg colors\n- Fire Minion and Valkyrie have spawn eggs\n- Added Spanish, French, Polish, Romanian\n",
"1.3.2": "- CraftTweaker support\n- Minor fixes\n- Perk adjustments\n- General code cleanup\n",
"1.3.1": "- New config options! NOTE: (Config has been renamed to AetherI.cfg)\n- You can enable \"legacy visuals\", to view older models of the Zephyr and Aerwhale.\n- You can enable tallgrass generation in your Aether worlds.\n- Bone meal works on Aether grass.\n- Mimics now have damage particles.\n- Spawn rate of Aechor Plants has been increased.\n- Sun Spirit will look at you when you're talking to it.\n- Adjustment to treasure chest loot.\n- Adjustment to hitboxes.\n- Fixed cheesing bug with Bosses.\n- Fixed rendering issues\n- Fixed inebriation death message\n- Fixed Life Shard max message\n- Fixed sheeppuffs not puffing their puffs sooner\n- Fixed those rude Swets crashing people's clients, adjusted their render too.\n",
"1.3.0": "- Improvements on dungeon and aercloud generation to use structure system which decreases generation time and increases performance overall with the mod\n- Improvements with Sun Spirit's movement (You're not safe in corners anymore)\n- Increased Aechor Plant spawn rate.\n- Added lake generation\n- Added configuration option to set a limit of life shards usage\n- Fixed bug with resistance on locked dungeon blocks\n- Fixed exploits\n- Fixed Bungeecord issues\n- Fixed and cleaned up console spam \"dangerous prefixes\"\n- Fixed advancement error with cloud parachute\n- Fixed broken crafting recipes\n- Fixed Holysword functionality.\n- Fixed Swets chasing players in creative mode Fixed exploits\n- Fixed mending working with accessories\n- Fixed issue with altar, freezer, incubator losing progress upon unloading chunks/closing game\n- Fixed mod compatibility issue with Ambience mod\n- Fixed mod compatibility issue with RPG inventory mod\n- Nerfed Whirlwind spawn rates.\n",
"1.2.0": "- Added Skyroot Bookshelf!\n- Moas follow players holding Nature Staffs.\n- Incubators are sped up if there's a Magma Block under them.\n- Sliders can't be pushed by water anymore.\n- Valkyrie Queens can get through player made barricades.\n- Sun Spirits can't be trapped anymore.\n- Regeneration Stones were heavily nerfed.\n- Sheepuff can eat grass again!\n- The old crafting system was replaced, it's now in json format.\n",
"1.0.2": "- Server issue with advancements causing crashes\n- Could not interact with sheepuffs.\n- Issue with shearing leaves.\n",
"1.0.1": "- The Sun Altar is back!\n- Berry Bushes can grow with Bone Meal.\n- Windows Batch files added into the source.\n- Tile Entities have particles and sounds!\n- You can hear Zephyrs and Aerwhales from a farther distance.\n- Ore dictionary added.\n- Chest Mimics have holiday variant\n- Chest Mimics have different sounds now.\n- Aether mobs are breedable! (Except Moas)\n- Whirlwinds follow the mobGriefing gamerule.\n- A Baby Moa hunger indicator has been added!\n- New contributors.\n- Tile Entities can be named, and it shows in the GUI.\n- Some easter eggs you will have to find yourself ;)\n- 1.12 has advancement order\n- Poison now works.\n- Tile Entities work!\n- Skyroot Bucket has a container item.\n- Tile Entity GUI fixes.\n- Whirlwinds spawn less.\n- Proxys renamed.\n- Aerwhales rewritten.\n- Poison/Cure overlay colors fixed.\n- Fixed a potential Data Manager crash.\n- Whirlwinds are classified as hostile mobs.\n- Interaction is disabled for Valkyries while in combat.\n- The Slider doesn't get stuck, and cannot be trapped in survival.\n- The dirt on Enchanted Aether Grass matches the rest.\n- Fixed a dart poison crash\n",
"1.0.0": "- Added 1.12.2 support\n- Moa's now have a different model when sitting\n- Swet balls are back! :D\n- Whirlwinds are back as well!\n- Donator feature is now available to everyone\n- Contributor rank added\n- Valkyrie dialogue added\n- Server packet dialogue added\n- Added AetherAPI\n- Book of lore revamped\n- Mob health adjustments\n- Saddles are layers instead of one flat texture\n- Added xp to ores\n- Zanite and gravitite blocks now power beacons\n- New subtitles added for mobs\n- New language support (Also LOLCATZ)\n- New aerogel decorative blocks\n- Accessory button now in creative menu\n- Ddded crystal ball animations\n- Trivia added\n"
"1.11.2": {
"1.1.2": "- Added Skyroot Bookshelf!\n- Moas follow players holding Nature Staffs.\n- Incubators are sped up if there's a Magma Block under them.\n- Sliders can't be pushed by water anymore.\n- Valkyrie Queens can get through player made barricades.\n- Sun Spirits can't be trapped anymore.\n- Regeneration Stones were heavily nerfed.\n- Sheepuff can eat grass again!\n- The Sun Altar is back!\n- Berry Bushes can grow with Bone Meal.\n- Windows Batch files added into the source.\n- Tile Entities have particles and sounds!\n- You can hear Zephyrs and Aerwhales from a farther distance.\n- Ore dictionary added.\n- Chest Mimics have holiday variant\n- Chest Mimics have different sounds now.\n- Aether mobs are breedable! (Except Moas)\n- Whirlwinds follow the mobGriefing gamerule.\n- A Baby Moa hunger indicator has been added!\n- New contributors.\n- Tile Entities can be named, and it shows in the GUI.\n- Some easter eggs you will have to find yourself ;)\n- 1.12 has advancement order\n- Poison now works.\n- Tile Entities work!\n- Skyroot Bucket has a container item.\n- Tile Entity GUI fixes.\n- Whirlwinds spawn less.\n- Proxys renamed.\n- Aerwhales rewritten.\n- Poison/Cure overlay colors fixed.\n- Fixed a potential Data Manager crash.\n- Whirlwinds are classified as hostile mobs.\n- Interaction is disabled for Valkyries while in combat.\n- The Slider doesn't get stuck, and cannot be trapped in survival.\n- The dirt on Enchanted Aether Grass matches the rest.\n- Fixed a dart poison crash\n",
"1.1.1": "- Moa's now have a different model when sitting\n- Swet balls are back! :D\n- Whirlwinds are back as well!\n- Donator feature is now available to everyone\n- Contributor rank added\n- Valkyrie dialogue added\n- Server packet dialogue added\n- Added AetherAPI\n- Book of lore revamped\n- Mob health adjustments\n- Saddles are layers instead of one flat texture\n- Added xp to ores\n- Zanite and gravitite blocks now power beacons\n- New subtitles added for mobs\n- New language support (Also LOLCATZ)\n- New aerogel decorative blocks\n- Accessory button now in creative menu\n- Added crystal ball animations\n- Trivia added\n- Golden glove color is now accurate to armor\n- Leaf particles for holiday and crystal leaves changed\n- Mounts and passengers can now teleport with you to the aether\n- Aerwhale movement fixed\n- Silver dungeons now generate with a way to the boss no matter what.\n- Zanite armor reworked\n- Fixed music overlapping issues\n- Fixed projectiles lagging on Sponge servers\n- Treasure chests now have accurate names\n- Elytra+slowfall fixes\n- Spawn-rate changes\n- Fixed teleportation issue with falling out of the aether\n- Reworked blockstate renderers\n- Fixed gravitite chestplate typo\n- Invisibility cloak fixes\n- Skyroot bucket duplication bug fixed\n- No longer suffocate when in blue aerclouds\n- Trivia reworked\n- Projectile rendering fixes (Hammer of notch, Lightning knife)\n- Gravitite ore spawning positions changed\n- Longer day/night cycle removed\n- Removed old glove renderer in favor of new one\n",
"1.0.1": "- new gui layout thanks to InsomniaKitten\n- skyroot milk bucket added\n- JEI methods updated\n- all dungeon items have \"Aether Loot\" rarity\n- fixed alpha for cure overlay\n- pig slayers now kill phygs\n- Valkyrie wing movement changed\n- crystal tree offset changed\n- chest mimic particles fixed\n- sheepuff fixes\n- poison needles now poisons living entities\n- Sentry Z-fighting fixed\n- Mimic's now stay put when standing still\n- Moa and Cockatrice flap speeds increased\n- Healing stone regeneration time changed from 1 second to 30 seconds.\n- Zephyrs no longer target creative players\n- Silk touch now works on double drop tools\n- fixed crash with hammer projectiles\n- Moas/Cockatrices/Phygs/Flying Cows no longer flap their wings near edges\n- you can milk cows using skyroot buckets\n",
"1.0.0": "- Fixed login Swet crash\n- Right-clicking Accessories fix\n- Fixed golden amber drops\n- Aerbunnies no puff when ridden\n- Sun Spirit no longer spams chat\n- Fixed Sun Spirit not having any animation\n- Fixed Slider awakening, colliding and moving sounds\n- Blue Aerclouds no longer kill you when bouncing\n- Fixed weird lighting issue with stairs\n- Fuild Event handler no longer modifies modded fluid pickup\n- Any teleportation issues FIXED\n- Skyroot Stick lore typo removed\n- freezer texture fixed\n- Present sound changed\n- Sapling growth handler changed\n- Improved Valkyrie combat\n- Valkyrie damage increased\n- Increased the amount of music played\n- 2 block jumping with Aerbunnies and Moas\n- JEI Integration\n- Added Quark support!!\n- Aether menu added back!\n- Aether portal overlay improved\n- Berry bush hardness has been decreased\n- Config option to disable menu added (default false)\n- Config option to disable trivia added (default false)\n- Only skyroot bucket portal activation added\n- Aether trivia uses txt (allowing custom additions)\n- XZ offset for aether flowers\n- World generation improved\n- Added log axis properties\n"
"1.10.2": {
"1.1.6": "- Added Skyroot Bookshelf!\n- Moas follow players holding Nature Staffs.\n- Incubators are sped up if there's a Magma Block under them.\n- Sliders can't be pushed by water anymore.\n- Valkyrie Queens can get through player made barricades.\n- Sun Spirits can't be trapped anymore.\n- Regeneration Stones were heavily nerfed.\n- Sheepuff can eat grass again!\n",
"1.5.1": "- The Sun Altar is back!\n- Berry Bushes can grow with Bone Meal.\n- Windows Batch files added into the source.\n- Tile Entities have particles and sounds!\n- You can hear Zephyrs and Aerwhales from a farther distance.\n- Ore dictionary added.\n- Chest Mimics have holiday variant\n- Chest Mimics have different sounds now.\n- Aether mobs are breedable! (Except Moas)\n- Whirlwinds follow the mobGriefing gamerule.\n- A Baby Moa hunger indicator has been added!\n- New contributors.\n- Tile Entities can be named, and it shows in the GUI.\n- Some easter eggs you will have to find yourself ;)\n- 1.12 has advancement order\n- Poison now works.\n- Tile Entities work!\n- Skyroot Bucket has a container item.\n- Tile Entity GUI fixes.\n- Whirlwinds spawn less.\n- Proxys renamed.\n- Aerwhales rewritten.\n- Poison/Cure overlay colors fixed.\n- Fixed a potential Data Manager crash.\n- Whirlwinds are classified as hostile mobs.\n- Interaction is disabled for Valkyries while in combat.\n- The Slider doesn't get stuck, and cannot be trapped in survival.\n- The dirt on Enchanted Aether Grass matches the rest.\n- Fixed a dart poison crash\n",
"1.5.0": "- Moa's now have a different model when sitting\n- Swet balls are back! :D\n- Whirlwinds are back as well!\n- Donator feature is now available to everyone\n- Contributor rank added\n- Valkyrie dialogue added\n- Server packet dialogue added\n- Added AetherAPI\n- Book of lore revamped\n- Mob health adjustments\n- saddles are layers instead of one flat texture\n- Added xp to ores\n- Zanite and gravitite blocks now power beacons\n- new subtitles added for mobs\n- new language support (Also LOLCATZ)\n- new aerogel decorative blocks\n- accessory button now in creative menu\n- added crystal ball animations\n- trivia added\n- Golden glove color is now accurate to armor\n- leaf particles for holiday and crystal leaves changed\n- Mounts and passengers can now teleport with you to the aether\n- Aerwhale movement fixed\n- Silver dungeons now generate with a way to the boss no matter what.\n- Zanite armor reworked\n- Fixed music overlapping issues\n- Fixed projectiles lagging on Sponge servers\n- Treasure chests now have accurate names\n- Elytra+slowfall fixes\n- spawn-rate changes\n- Fixed teleportation issue with falling out of the aether\n- reworked blockstate renderers\n- fixed gravitite chestplate typo\n- invisibility cloak fixes\n- skyroot bucket duplication bug fixed\n- no longer suffocate when in blue aerclouds\n- trivia reworked\n- projectile rendering fixes (Hammer of notch, Lightning knife)\n- gravitite ore spawning positions changed\n- longer day/night cycle removed\n- Removed old glove renderer in favor of new one\n",
"1.4.1": "- New accessory inventory provided by InsomniaKitten\n- Bug fixes\n",
"1.4.0": "- Fixed login Swet crash\n- Right-clicking Accessories fix\n- Fixed golden amber drops\n- Aerbunnies no puff when ridden\n- Sun Spirit no longer spams chat\n- Fixed Sun Spirit not having any animation\n- Fixed Slider awakening, colliding and moving sounds\n- Blue Aerclouds no longer kill you when bouncing\n- Fixed weird lighting issue with stairs\n- Fuild Event handler no longer modifies modded fluid pickup\n- Any teleportation issues FIXED\n- Skyroot Stick lore typo removed\n- freezer texture fixed\n- Present sound changed\n- Sapling growth handler change\n- Improved Valkyrie combat\n- Valkyrie damage increased\n- Increased the amount of music played\n- 2 block jumping with Aerbunnies and Moas\n- JEI Integration\n- Added Quark support!!\n- Aether menu added back!\n- Aether portal overlay improved\n- Berry bush hardness has been decreased\n- Config option to disable menu added (default false)\n- Config option to disable trivia added (default false)\n- Only skyroot bucket portal activation added\n- Aether trivia uses txt (allowing custom additions)\n- XZ offset for aether flowers\n- World generation improved\n- Added log axis properties\n",
"1.3.1": "- Quickly patched an unplayable bug which doesn't allow you to harvest skyroot\nlogs without aether\n",
"1.3.0": "- Skyroot tool ability\n- Slider's eyes now glow\n- Double drop metadata\n- Holiday generation re-added\n- Swets now have correct drops\n- Sheepuff now have a step sound\n- Can mid-air jump with flying cows\n- Golden amber now drop oak trees\n- Gravitite tool ability now functions\n- Hostile mob spawning slightly decreased\n- Poison dart recipe crafts poison darts now\n- Fixed crash with feeding aechor petals to a moa\n- Slider now has all the sounds that it was missing\n- Fixed Swets with being able to non-living entities\n- Gravitite tool ability now gives you the correct drops\n- Fixed some loot drops being unobtainable due to randomization\n- Achievement jingle spam from achieving achievements before their prerequisite removed\n- Blueberry bushes now drop blueberries\n- Minor coding typos\n- Enchanter renamed to Altar\n- Zephyr snowball life is doubled\n- Aether portals now have particles\n- Aerclouds now have correct coloring\n- Sky color changed from blue to lavander blue\n- Skyroot trees now spawn twice as much as before\n- Dungeon keys invulnerable to fire and explosions\n- Sentry's no longer instantly explode when spawned\n- Block hardness changed to be more to the original versions of Aether I\n- Blueberry stems no longer have have a hitbox as to avoid getting stuck\n- Added nature staff recipe\n- Phoenix Tools\n- Platinum Key\n- Aerwhale Egg\n- Hammer of Jeb\n",
"1.2.0": "- Fixed issue with Aether II donators not being able to use Aether Legacy donation perks.\n- Fixed odd tool bug issue making all aether tools the same strength\n- Fixed issue with Sponge servers spawning large amounts of Zephyr's and Aerwhales making the Aether un-playable.\n- Increased spawn-rates of Aechor Plants and Swets due to their rare amount.\n- Fixed unusable darts and their weird gravity\n- Fixed Aether portals not updating properly when broken.\n- Fixed bug with achievement sounds never using the right sound category.\n- Fixed Client and Server de-sync with poison.\n- Fixed Slider not being able to attack you after respawn.\n- Aerbunnies should move around normally when jumping.\n- Aether portal now uses vanilla portal system allowing for custom portal sizes.\n- Changed Sentry Stone texture to it's original form\n",
"1.0.0": "- Updated from 1.2.5 to 1.10.2\n- Added multiplayer support\n"
"1.9.4": {
"1.0.0": "- Fixed login Swet crash\n- Right-clicking Accessories fix\n- Fixed golden amber drops\n- Aerbunnies no puff when ridden\n- Sun Spirit no longer spams chat\n- Fixed Sun Spirit not having any animation\n- Fixed Slider awakening, colliding and moving sounds\n- Blue Aerclouds no longer kill you when bouncing\n- Fixed weird lighting issue with stairs\n- Fuild Event handler no longer modifies modded fluid pickup\n- Any teleportation issues FIXED\n- Skyroot Stick lore typo removed\n- Freezer texture fixed\n- Present sound changed\n- Sapling growth handler changed\n- Improved Valkyrie combat\n- Valkyrie damage increased\n- Increased the amount of music played\n- 2 block jumping with Aerbunnies and Moas\n- JEI Integration\n- Added Quark support!!\n- Aether menu added back!\n- Aether portal overlay improved\n- Berry bush hardness has been decreased\n- Config option to disable menu added (default false)\n- Config option to disable trivia added (default false)\n- Only skyroot bucket portal activation added\n- Aether trivia uses txt (allowing custom additions)\n- XZ offset for aether flowers\n- World generation improved\n- Added log axis properties\n"
"1.7.10": {
"1.0.2": "- Fixed NPE for repulsion ability\n- Fixed CCE with morph mod\n- Fixed CCE with firest person gloves\n- Prevented NPE with crystals\n- Fixed NPE with parachutes\n",
"1.0.1": "- Fixed offhand rendering issues with Battlegear2\n- Adjusted entity healthy slightly\n- Fixed spawn egg duplicate stat id\n- Changed achievement names (Fixes crash with AetherII)\n",
"1.0.0": "- Now available for 1.7.10\n- Bunch of bugs fixed\n- Tinkers Construct pickaxes can be used on Sliders\n- You can now stand on floating blocks from Gravitite (is configurable)\n- Adjust what dimension you fall into and teleport from\n- Completing a dungeon will give everyone in the dungeon the achievement\n- Aether Whirlwind's now have a rainbow tag\n- White capes can now be dyed\n- Leather gloves can now be dyed\n- Can configure how max amount of life shards\n- Aether lore can now be translated into different languages\n- AetherAPI improved\n"
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