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Created March 20, 2019 04:13
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Aether II Changelog
"homepage": "",
"promos": {
"1.12.2-latest": "0.1.1",
"1.7.10-recommended": "1.7.10-1.6"
"1.12.2": {
"0.1.1": "- Released January 2, 2019\n- Major Change - No longer requires OrbisAPI! Prepackaged with the mod.\n- Festive new update! Updating later with better comprehensive changes.\n",
"1.1.12": "- Released October 21, 2018\n- REQUIRES ORBIS API - 1.12.2-1.1.11 (NEW VERSION)\n- New Plumproot blocks that spawn in patches around the world.\n- Plumproot Pies and Plumproot Mash can be crafted. Plumproot will craft 3 Mashes, and Plumproot + Swet Sugar will craft a Pie.\n- New NPC at Outposts! This Mysterious Figure is a new Halloween event that will be in the game forever - but there's a catch. He'll only appear during October, then go away for the rest of the year! Catch him while you can. Unlike Edison, he only uses Plumproots as currency - not Gilt. You can buy candies off of him with Plumproots you harvest.\n- New Sentrystone blocks for upcoming bronze dungeon ruins.\n- Many issues with blueprints crashing.\n- Dialog viewer crashing.\n- Being able to sell normal items to Mysterious Figure (not intended).\n- Nerfed Plumproot Pie and Plumproot Mash\n",
"1.1.1": "- Released October 10, 2018\n- Compatibility with latest Orbis and OrbisAPI builds\n- Biomes not being funky\n",
"1.0.10": "- Released Septemeber 22, 2018\n- REQUIRES ORBIS API - 1.12.2-1.1.9 (NEW VERSION)\n- feature: Whole new Aerwhale animation.\n- Implemented Wisproot and Greatroot Pressure Plate blocks and Buttons.\n- Implemented Wisproot and Greatroot fence and fence gate blocks.\n- Added Wisproot, Greatroot and Therawood slab blocks.\n- Added Wisproot, Greatroot and Therawood stairs blocks.\n- Added Greatroot Planks Decorative blocks set.\n- Added Therastone Stairs and Slab blocks.\n- Improved Necromancer's Tower - NOW WITH STAIRS!\n- Doubled Aerwhale size.\n- Intro message explains there are no dungeons in the mod yet.\n- Updated Necromancer and Edison shop dialog.\n- Updated Placeholder Skybox cloud render. Has higher resolution and renders further away.\n- Make Skyroot Signs show Skyroot texture when placing the sign\n- Crash with other mods attaching capabilities to chunks.\n- Restarting Resource Manager refreshes dialog json files.\n- Moas sometimes having pink eyes.\n- Implemented a bunch of Decorate events for our decorate content. Should solve incompatibilities with some other mods.\n- Improve Aerwhale movement long distance\n- Fixed NPC rotations in the Outpost structure.\n- Dialog Viewer and Shop GUI darkness.\n- Aerwhales and Zephyrs actually spawn properly now. Weren't before.\n",
"": "- Released July 24, 2018\n- INTEGRITY FAIL CHECK\n- New Wisproot trees.\n- New Amberoot and Skyroot Oak trees. Replaced old ones.\n- Implemented Greatroot Trees in Arctic Peaks.\n- Temporarily disabled rolling.\n- Lowered attempt chance for many structures in the Aether\n- Exception thrown if blueprint from Aether II Orbis project does not load correctly.\n"
"1.7.10": {
"1.7.10-1.6": "- It's the time of giving! Presents are everywhere! Wrap a gift of happiness, or TNT, to your friends and spread the love!\n- Added lots of new accessories! Will you control snowballs of death or make your punches even deadlier?\n- Added two new companions to assist you in your holiday adventure!\n- Lots and lots of fixes and optimizations!\n- Added the Lucky Bell accessory, which increases the chance for a mob to drop a present.\n- Added the Candy Ring accessory, which negates hunger depletion.\n- Added the Continuum Bomb item, which creates a festive explosion of continuum!\n- Added the Frostbound Sprite companion, which generates infinite snowballs!\n- Added the Daggerfrost Locket accessory, which makes snowballs do 1 heart of damage.\n- Added the Totem of Clairvoyance companion, which gives the player night vision.\n- Added the Skyroot Ring accessory, which creates a 10% chance for blocks to drop doubles.\n- Added the Bone Ring accessory, which adds +1 attack damage to the wearer.\n- Added presents, which can be crafted by wrapping any item in wrapping paper.\n- Added a new record, \"Silent Flight\" by Jon Lachney.\n- Added new holystone decorative blocks.\n- Added new menu splashes.\n- Fixed donation skin choices not being visible to other players.\n- Fixed dungeon mobs dropping Sentry stone with the wrong metadata.\n- Fixed mods not being able to access dropped accessories on death.\n- Fixed high steps potion effect affecting other mods.\n- Fixed a bug where the config file may not generate.\n- Fixed duplication bugs with Skyroot Swords.\n- Fixed Aechor Plants incorrectly consuming buckets.\n- Fixed beds not working in the Aether dimension.\n- Fixed companinions not removing their effects on death.\n- Fixed a bunch of harvest level registrations on tools.\n- Entity optimizations.\n- World generation optimizations.\n- Flying through Aerclouds no longer interacts with the player.\n- Made it impossible to sneak on Quicksoil, fixes players being flicked into space and server crashes.\n- Removed Skyroot Bowl recipe and changed Skyroot Bucket recipe to planks in a regular bucket's form.\n- Made Cold Fire punchable and much less laggy.\n- Changed the Ambrosium Torch recipe to craft 6 torches.\n- Tweaked Labyrinth loot.\n- Changed Continuum Orbs to be stackable, up to 64 now.\n",
"1.7.10-1.5": "- Parties have seen a ton of fixes! The sidebar HUD now updates correctly, and the player menus now correctly update.\n- The Cloud Network has been completely rewritten! Yes, really! That means you won't get that pesky \"NullPointerException\" when you join cloud servers anymore.\n- The Slider fight has revisited it's more classic days! We've tweaked how the Slider reacts with multiple people, and made him no longer break blocks.\n- We've also listened to you guys and tweaked the Cockatrice and Tempest to be a bit easier. Tempest lightning damage has been reduced a bit, and the Cockatrice poison needle's nausea effect is now shorter\n- Rendering issues, such as when you have Optifine installed, have been mostly (if not completely) resolved!\n- Dungeon generation has been optimized to help reduce server load and improve performance\n- Updated all the translations.\n- Lightning Knives and Tempest Lightning damage has been halved.\n- Ice Pendants no longer destroy water streams.\n- Pickblock now returns a spawn egg on Aether entities.\n- Whitelisted and offline mode servers can no longer be added to the Cloud Network.\n- Made the Labyrinth Totem's drone sound quieter.\n- The Hammer of Notch now correctly applies damage.\n- Disabled the Aether Portal in the Nether.\n- Cleaned up the Cloud Network GUI.\n- Added a configuration option for the Aether Biome ID.\n- Registered all Aether entities as mod entities. (entities in old worlds will be removed)\n- The Slider no longer destroys the boss room.\n- The Slider boss room's door now reseals while fighting.\n- Parties are now limited to 4 players.\n- The Slider now drops a maximum of 16 lightning knives in one stack.\n- All party members are now required to be in the boss room before the Slider fight can begin.\n- Made Dungeon generation faster.\n- Fixed the \"request pending\" bug when trying to add players to a party.\n- Fixed a few bugs when players disconnect in a party.\n- Fixed some bugs where you could attack party members.\n- Fixed Aether mobs not activating the \"Monster Hunter\" achievement.\n- Fixed an issue where mined Holystone Furnaces would drop with the incorrect metadata.\n- Fixed an issue with cauldrons.\n- Fixed an issue where Aether mounts ignore player input.\n- Fixed not being able to remove items on the Altar with an empty hand.\n- Fixed a block duplication bug with dungeon blocks.\n- Fixed a EXP duplication bug when using Silk Touch on Skyroot Pickaxes.\n- Fixed some duplication bugs with Orange Trees and Skyroot Doors.\n- Fixed a crash when a Valkyrie Lance hits a nonliving entity.\n- Fixed an issue where Aechor Plant poison couldn't be harvested.\n- Fixed sword durability issues.\n- Fixed the Skyroot Sword duplicating entity inventories.\n- Fixed an issue where hitting a party member would still damage an item.\n- Fixed the Unbreakable tag not working on accessories.\n- Fixed a bug where you would be put inside blocks using a Dungeon Totem.\n- Fixed Aerogel render.\n- Fixed boss victory sounds not working.\n- Fixed a bug where the Sentry Guardian would continue attacking dead players.\n",
"1.7.10-1.4": "- New Labyrinth Pillar and Carved Labyrinth Pillar blocks, which have replaced the previously generated White Gold Pillar and White Gold Carved Pillar blocks in the Slider's Labyrinth.\n- Slider Labyrinth Totems have changed in visual appearance, from a light-cyan color to violet in color.\n- White Gold Pillar and White Gold Carved Pillar blocks no longer naturally generate in the Slider's Labyrinth, making them only obtainable now via commands, creative mode, or inventory editors.\n- Fixed some health bugs\n- Fixed lots of multiplayer bugs\n- Fixed teleportation bugs\n- The AOS server is now back up\n",
"1.7.10-1.3": "- Added new improved textures to dungeon mobs.\n- Made Gloves enchantable.\n- Added Japanese, Spanish, Russian, Finnish, and Korean language support.\n- HEAVILY buffed Zephyr spawn rate to increase difficulty.\n- Aerbunnies now dismount when inside a block.\n- Made the Aether World burnable.\n- Moved spawning system to Gilded Games Util (v.1.7.10-1.7).\n- Changed Skyroot Bucket recipe.\n- Altered Continuum Orb item whitelist.\n- Improved Thai Translation.\n- Reverted Zephyr spawnrate buff in favor of player lives lasting longer than 30 seconds.\n- A load more bug fixes (See Aether Wiki for full list.)\n- Fixed slow Aether mounts on Quicksoil\n- Fixed the Lancin’ and Dancin’ achievement\n- Fixed placed Aether Leaves decaying\n- Fixed broken Enchantment multipliers on elemental swords\n- Fixed the Aether’s portal generation\n- Fixed missing texture for Purple Crystal Leaves on different languages\n- Fixed Aercloud entities\n",
"1.7.10-1.2": "- Added language support for Dutch, German, and Thai\n- Added config options for dimension, potion, and biome IDs.\n- Reduced the size of the Aether's assets, decreasing loading time\n- Removed Aerwhales temporarily due to a serious performance issue.\n- Fixed Silk Touch bug with Aether Grass\n- Fixed Orange Trees not dropping more Oranges on Enchanted Aether Grass.\n- Fixed Skyroot Bucket recipe.\n- Fixed ticking Altar and Incubator crash\n- Fixed crashes with String and Pressure Plates.\n- Fixed accessory rendering.\n- Fixed crash when White Gold Pillars have invalid metadata.\n- Fixed White Apple duplication bug.\n",
"1.7.10-1.1": "- Baby Pink Swets do not die in water now\n- Removed Neptune Armor's ability of surviving in water.\n- Swets no longer give you incorrect jelly type.\n- Skyroot Bookshelves will now work around Enchanting Tables.\n- Fixed Achievement crashes on servers\n- Fixed name issue with Berry Bushes\n- Fixed pick block and drop of Holystone Furnace\n- Fixed Purple Aerclouds not generating in the Aether.\n- Fixed Aerwhales not spawning in the Aether.\n- Fixed rendering issue with Neptune Leggings.\n- Fixed a crash for \"Floating Block\".\n- Fixed Aether Achievements menu overriding all other pages.\n- Fixed delay with Aerbunnies\n- Fixed Golden Oak drop bugs with Valkyrie Axe.\n",
"1.7.10-1.0": "- Updated to 1.7.10\n- New GGUtil system\n- New Aether Bookshelves, Holystone Furnace, and Trapdoor blocks added\n- Achievements are back\n- Crafting recipe for the Incubator changed from eight Holystone and one Ambrosium Torch to Four Skyroot Planks, one Ambrosium Torch, and three Holystone\n"
"1.6.4": {
"": "- Blueberry Lollipop, Blue Gummy Swet, Blue Swet Jelly, Candy Corn, Cocoatrice, Dark Gummy Swet, Dark Swet Jelly, Golden Gummy Swet, Golden Swet Jelly, Icestone Poprocks, Jelly Pumpkin, Orange Lollipop, Stomper Pop, and Wrapped Chocolates items added.\n- Aerogel Slab, Aerogel Stairs, Aerogel Wall, Divine Carved Stone Slab, Divine Carved Stone Stairs, Divine Carved Stone Wall, Divine Sentry Stone Slab, Divine Sentry Stone Stairs, Divine Sentry Stone Wall, Icestone Slab, Sentry Stone Slab, Sentry Stone Stairs, Sentry Stone Wall, Holystone Brick Slab, Holystone Brick Stairs, Holystone Brick Wall, Holystone Slab, Mossy Holystone Slab, Skyroot Bed, Skyroot Door, Skyroot Fence Gate, Skyroot Ladder, Skyroot Sign, Skyroot Slab, Skyroot Wall, White Gold Pillar, and White Gold Carved Pillar blocks added.\n- A new companion added, named Death Seal.\n- Mouse Ear Caps and Leather Gloves are now dyable.\n- Swets now come in three different colors (blue, golden, dark/purple), and now drop assortments of jellies nad sugar.\n- Gloves now grant punching damage bonuses.\n- Rare Aether music disk added, featuring frightening music.\n- Beds now work in the Aether, including the new Skyroot Bed.\n- Loot drops balanced in the Slider's Labyrinth chests\n- Lowered mini-boss count in the dungeon from five to three\n- Hundreds of bugs fixed!\n- Spawn rate of hostile mobs (such as Zephyrs and Cockatrices have been nerfed further.\n- Fixed choppy Slider boss movement\n",
"": "- Cloud Servers now show the mods loaded on that server.\n- Added a refresh button to the Cloud Network\n- Added an Options tab to the social Tab Group for customizing Coin Slider, Parties and Notifications.\n- The social Tab group no longer remembers the last selected tab, meaning it opens the Chat Tab every time.\n- Color coding is now possible with Cloud server information.\n- The dungeon HUD no longer renders outside of dungeons when teleporting\n- Fixed an annoying bug which would stall the game upon open the Cloud Network\n- Fixed a huge bug with our custom Spawn Manager, which would spawn a large amount of mobs such as Aechor Plants.\n- Fixed an issue where the Aether Portal teleport sound would play globally for all players on a server.\n- Fixed an issue with Cloud information line separators on other OS's other than Windows.\n- Hostile mobs are now much less frequent in spawning areas.\n- Skyroot Fences can now be crafted again.\n- Some balance changes to dungeon loot.\n- An exploit with Blue Aerclouds, which allowed Survival players to fly has been patched.\n- Fixed a memory leak with animal spawning within in the Aether dimension.\n- Fixed a major issue where Dungeon spawners wouldn't spawn hostile mobs.\n- Fixed some placement issues with Cloud information\n- Floating blocks that drop from Gravitite tool abilities now drops the correct block metadata.\n",
"": "- The Cloud Network has been added. This feature displays to you all active Aether II server's around the world, keeping you more in touch with the Aether community. If you own an Aether II server, keep in mind that it will also be listed on this network unless you manually disable it within the server configuration file.\n- A new Blue Deadmau5 Ears variant has been added.\n- Added a Player List tab to the social tab group.\n- Aerbunnies can now reproduce and have offspring like other Vanilla animals.\n- Players can no longer sneak to prevent falling off of Quicksoil and Quicksoil Glass.\n- The last selected tab in a Tab Group is now remembered.\n- Moas no longer lay eggs while mounted.\n- Moas now lay eggs at a very decreased rate.\n- Aechor Plants now spawn like mobs rather than animals.\n- Portals no longer generate in the Overworld when a player falls off of the Aether.\n- The \"crafting\" text has been re-added to the Accessories tab GUI.\n- Mounts now stay in place when owned by a player.\n- Treasure Chest block has been removed.\n- Skyroot Crafting Tables can now be broken efficiently with axes.\n- The High Step potion effect now works correctly (with Fleeting Wisps).\n- Blue Aerclouds now correctly bounce players who are on a mount.\n- Fixed respawning issues within Dungeons where players would teleport to a flatland void.\n- Fixed bug where leaving a Dungeon could sometimes teleport players to The Nether.\n- Gloves now render correctly when blocking with a sword and when the player is invisible.\n- Deadmau5 Ears now render in their correct position.\n- Fixed a depth-rendering issue with name tags on Companions and Baby Moas.\n- Fixed a crash\n- Fixed an issue with shift-clicking items in the Incubator GUI.\n- Valkyrie Lances no longer take damage while in Creative.\n- Fixed a crash with using Neptune Armour.\n- Fixed the Dart Shooter recipe.\n",
"": "- Added seven new Companions\n- Added Flying Cows\n- Added Flaming Sword\n- Added Skyroot Door\n- Added White Roses\n- Added Divine Sentry Stone and Divine Carved Stone variants of Sentry and Carved Stone\n- Added two new Moa donator skins\n- Implemented bonemealing for Orange Trees and Berry Bushes\n- Added tooltips for Aether items with special abilities\n- Updated to Minecraft 1.6.4\n- New textures for the Zanite Block, Icestone, and Quicksoil Glass\n- Buffed spawn rate of passive mobs\n- Accessories and donator perks moved to inventory tabs\n- Parties and notifications moved to chat tabs\n- Revamped dungeon system\n- Capes removed to correspond with Mojang EULA changes\n- Zephyrs were nerfed\n- Lots of bug fixes (like a lot...)\n"
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