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Last active May 17, 2016 12:53
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  • Save Lacrymology/c72cf9ffc3d9b3692522343de3b3b418 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Lacrymology/c72cf9ffc3d9b3692522343de3b3b418 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
git hook to prefix commit messages with ticket number
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Git commit-msg hook. If your branch name is in the form "#{prefix}-123", automatically
# adds "#{prefix}-123:" to commit messages unless they mention "#{orefix}-123" already.
# Include "#noref" in the message to avoid this behavior for the current commit.
# The "#noref" will be stripped from the commit message.
# Modified from script Henrik Nyh <> 2009-09-10 under the MIT License.
# Install:
# cd your_project
# curl -o .git/hooks/commit-msg && chmod u+x .git/hooks/commit-msg
# Or store it centrally and symlink in your projects:
# curl --create-dirs -o ~/.githooks/commit-msg && chmod u+x ~/.githooks/commit-msg
# cd your_project
# ln -s ~/.githooks/commit-msg .git/hooks
prefix = 'DAM'
branchname = `git branch --no-color 2> /dev/null`[/^\* (.+)/, 1]
ticket_number = branchname.to_s.match(/\A#{prefix}-(\d+)/) && $1
exit unless ticket_number
message_file = ARGV[0]
message =
exit if message.include?("#{prefix}-#{ticket_number}")
if message.include?("#noref")
message.sub!(/^\s*#noref\s*|\s*#noref/, '')
message.sub!(/([^[:punct:]])\z/, "\\1.") # Add trailing period if missing.
message = ["#{prefix}-#{ticket_number}", message,].join(": ")
puts message
end, 'w') {|f| f.write message }
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