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Last active July 24, 2020 16:39
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A module to return a list sorted by split values
package Fancy::Sort::Split;
use v5.8.8;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw( all );
use Exporter qw(import);
our $VERSION = '1.0';
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(split_sort);
sub split_sort {
my ($in_a, $in_b, $split, $sort_type) = @_;
$split = qr($split);
my ($numa1, $numa2) = split(/$split/, $in_a);
my ($numb1, $numb2) = split(/$split/, $in_b);
if ($sort_type =~ /^num/) {
$numa1 <=> $numb1 || $numa2 <=> $numb2
elsif ($sort_type =~ /^(alpha|letter)/) {
$numa1 cmp $numb1 || $numa2 cmp $numb2
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
B<Fancy::Sort::Split> returns the expression to split the values in lists for L<sort|> subroutines.
=head1 VERSION
This document describes Fancy::Sort::Split version 1.0.
my @numbers = qw(1_2 1_02 3_4 5_78 50_89);
my @sorted = sort @numbers;
# returns
# [
# '1_02',
# '1_2',
# '3_4',
# '50_89',
# '5_78'
# ]
my @split_sorted = sort { split_sort($a, $b, '_', 'number') } @numbers;
# returns
# [
# '1_2',
# '1_02',
# '3_4',
# '5_78',
# '50_89'
# ];
Fancy::Sort::Split returns the expression to split the values in lists for L<sort|> subroutines. The subroutine C<split_sort> has found required parameters.
The first and second paremeters are C<$a> and C<$b> from C<sort>. The third parameter is the character or string you want to split the strings by. The fourth is the type of sort you want, C<number> or C<alpha> (C<letter>).
=head2 Numerical sort
split_sort($a, $b, 'char', 'number');
A note of caution, when a number has a leading zero (02), the leading zero will be dropped. So, C<02> will be the same as C<2>.
=head2 Alphabetical sort
split_sort($a, $b, 'char', 'alpha');
split_sort($a, $b, 'char', 'letter');
Fancy::Sort::Split depends on L<Exporter>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Lady Aleena
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