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Last active November 21, 2017 15:17
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scss Lint Config
scss_files: ‘src/app/**/*.scss’
BangFormat: #Checks spacing of ! declarations, like !important and !default
enabled: true
space_before_bang: true
space_after_bang: false
BorderZero: #Enforce a particular value for empty borders.
enabled: true
convention: none # or `zero`
ColorKeyword: #Checks for uses of a color keyword instead of the preferred hexadecimal form.
enabled: true
ColorVariable: #Ensures color literals are used only in variable declarations.
enabled: true
Comment: #Checks for uses of renderable comments (/* … */)
enabled: true
DebugStatement: #Checks for leftover `@debug` statements.
enabled: true
DeclarationOrder: #Checks the order of nested items within a rule set.
enabled: true
DuplicateProperty: #Checks for a property declared twice in a rule set.
enabled: true
EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: #Reports the lack of empty lines between block defintions.
enabled: true
ignore_single_line_blocks: true
EmptyRule: #Checks for rules with no content.
enabled: true
ExtendDirective: #Reports when you have an @extend directive.
enabled: false
FinalNewline: #Checks for final newlines at the end of a file.
enabled: true
present: true
HexLength: #Checks that hexadecimal colors are written in the desired number of characters.
enabled: true
style: short # or 'long'
HexNotation: #Checks if hexadecimal colors are written lowercase / uppercase.
enabled: true
style: lowercase # or 'uppercase'
HexValidation: #Checks for invalid hexadecimal colors.
enabled: true
IdSelector: #Checks for the use of an ID selector.
enabled: true
ImportantRule: #Reports the use of !important in properties.
enabled: true
Indentation: #Checks for consistent indentation of nested declarations and rule sets.
character: space # or 'tab'
severity: warning
width: 4
LeadingZero: #Checks for unnecessary leading zeros in numeric values with decimal points.
enabled: false
MergeableSelector: #Checks for rule sets that can be merged with other rule sets.
enabled: true
force_nesting: true
NameFormat: #Checks that the declared names of functions, mixins, and variables are all lowercase and use hyphens instead of underscores.
enabled: true
allow_leading_underscore: false
convention: hyphenated_lowercase # or 'camel_case', or 'snake_case', or a regex pattern
NestingDepth: #Checks for rule sets nested deeper than a specified maximum depth.
enabled: true
max_depth: 4
ignore_parent_selectors: false
PropertyCount: #Checks that the number of properties in a rule set is under a defined limit.
enabled: false
include_nested: false
max_properties: 10
PropertySortOrder: #Checks the declaration order of properties.
enabled: true
ignore_unspecified: false
min_properties: 2
separate_groups: false
PropertySpelling: #Checks for misspelled properties.
enabled: true
extra_properties: []
PropertyUnits: #Check for allowed units
enabled: true
global: [
'ch', 'em', 'ex', 'rem', # Font-relative lengths
'cm', 'in', 'mm', 'pc', 'pt', 'px', 'q', # Absolute lengths
'vh', 'vw', 'vmin', 'vmax', # Viewport-percentage lengths
'deg', 'grad', 'rad', 'turn', # Angle
'ms', 's', # Duration
'Hz', 'kHz', # Frequency
'dpi', 'dpcm', 'dppx', # Resolution
'%'] # Other
properties: {}
QualifyingElement: #Checks for element selectors qualifying id, classe, or attribute selectors.
enabled: true
allow_element_with_attribute: false
allow_element_with_class: false
allow_element_with_id: false
SelectorDepth: #Checks for selectors with large depths of applicability.
enabled: true
max_depth: 4
SelectorFormat: #Checks that selector names use a specified convention
enabled: true
convention: hyphenated_lowercase # or 'strict_BEM', or 'hyphenated_BEM', or 'snake_case', or 'camel_case', or a regex pattern
Shorthand: #Checks for the use of the shortest form for properties that can be written in shorthand.
enabled: true
allowed_shorthands: [1, 2, 3]
SingleLinePerProperty: #Checks that all properties in a rule set are on their own distinct lines.
enabled: true
allow_single_line_rule_sets: true
SingleLinePerSelector: #Checks that selector sequences are split over multiple lines by comma.
enabled: true
SpaceAfterComma: #Checks for spaces after commas in argument lists.
enabled: true
style: one_space # or 'no_space', or 'at_least_one_space'
SpaceAfterPropertyColon: #Checks for spaces following the colon that separates a property's name from its value.
enabled: true
style: one_space # or 'no_space', or 'at_least_one_space', or 'aligned'
SpaceAfterPropertyName: #Checks for spaces following the name of a property and before the colon separating the property's name from its value.
enabled: true
enabled: true
SpaceBeforeBrace: #Checks for the presence of a single space before an opening brace.
enabled: true
style: space # or 'new_line'
allow_single_line_padding: false
SpaceBeforeBrace: #Checks for the presence of spaces between parentheses.
enabled: true
style: space # or 'new_line'
allow_single_line_padding: false
StringQuotes: #Checks the type of quotes used in string literals.
enabled: true
style: single_quotes # or double_quotes
TrailingSemicolon: #Checks for a trailing semicolon on statements within rule sets.
enabled: true
enabled: true
TrailingZero: #Checks for unnecessary trailing zeros in numeric values with decimal points.
enabled: false
UnnecessaryMantissa: #enforces that removal of all unnecessary trailing decimal points
enabled: true
UnnecessaryParentReference: #Checks for unnecessary uses of the parent reference (&) in nested selectors.
enabled: true
enabled: true
UrlQuotes: #Checks for quotes in URLs.
enabled: true
VariableForProperty: #Reports the use of literals for properties where variables are prefered.
enabled: false
properties: []
VendorPrefix: #Checks for vendor prefixes.
enabled: true
identifier_list: base
additional_identifiers: []
excluded_identifiers: []
ZeroUnit: #Checks for unnecessary units on zero values.
enabled: true
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