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Last active July 27, 2017 17:31
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[vb] Extra Snippets
Imports System.Net.Sockets
Module Extra
#Region "DoubleBuffered Buff // Use Buff.DoubleBuff(<Control>)"
Friend NotInheritable Class Buff
Friend Shared Sub DoubleBuff(Contt As Control)
Dim ConttType As Type = Contt.[GetType]()
Dim propInfo As System.Reflection.PropertyInfo = ConttType.GetProperty("DoubleBuffered", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance Or System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic)
propInfo.SetValue(Contt, True, Nothing)
End Sub
End Class
#End Region
#Region "File Size"
Function GetFileSize(ByVal byteLength As Long) As String
Dim sizer As String = Nothing
If byteLength >= 1048576 And byteLength <= 1073741823 Then
sizer = FormatNumber(byteLength / 1048576, 2).ToString & "MB"
ElseIf byteLength >= 1024 And byteLength <= 1048575 Then
sizer = FormatNumber(byteLength / 1024, 2) & "KB"
sizer = FormatNumber(byteLength, 0) & "B"
End If
Return sizer
End Function
#End Region
#Region "Network Time Retriever"
Friend Function GetNetworkTime() As DateTime
If Not My.Computer.Network.IsAvailable Then
Return Now
Exit Function
End If
'default Windows time server
Const ntpServer As String = ""
' NTP message size - 16 bytes of the digest (RFC 2030)
Dim ntpData = New Byte(47) {}
'Setting the Leap Indicator, Version Number and Mode values
ntpData(0) = &H1B
'LI = 0 (no warning), VN = 3 (IPv4 only), Mode = 3 (Client Mode)
Dim addresses = System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(ntpServer).AddressList
'The UDP port number assigned to NTP is 123
Dim ipEndPoint = New System.Net.IPEndPoint(addresses(0), 123)
'NTP uses UDP
Dim socket = New Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp)
'Stops code hang if NTP is blocked
socket.ReceiveTimeout = 700
'Offset to get to the "Transmit Timestamp" field (time at which the reply
'departed the server for the client, in 64-bit timestamp format."
Const serverReplyTime As Byte = 40
'Get the seconds part
Dim intPart As ULong = BitConverter.ToUInt32(ntpData, serverReplyTime)
'Get the seconds fraction
Dim fractPart As ULong = BitConverter.ToUInt32(ntpData, serverReplyTime + 4)
'Convert From big-endian to little-endian
intPart = SwapEndianness(intPart)
fractPart = SwapEndianness(fractPart)
Dim milliseconds = (intPart * 1000) + ((fractPart * 1000) / &H100000000L)
'**UTC** time
Dim networkDateTime = (New DateTime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)).AddMilliseconds(CLng(milliseconds))
Return CType(IIf(networkDateTime.ToLocalTime() < CType("01/01/2016 00:00:00.000", DateTime), Now, networkDateTime.ToLocalTime()), DateTime)
'or ---------------------------------------------------------
'Dim datatableXXX As New DataTable
'Using conX As New SqlConnection(stringCon), comX As New SqlCommand, adapterX As New SqlDataAdapter
' dataTableX.Dispose()
' dataTableX = New DataTable
' comX.Connection = conX
' comX.CommandTimeout = 1
' comX.CommandText = "set nocount on; " & "select cast(SYSDATETIME() as varchar(32)) as 'ServerTime'"
' adapterX.SelectCommand = comX
' adapterX.Fill(datatableXXX)
'End Using
'Return CDate(IIf(CType(datatableXXX.Rows(0).Item("ServerTime").ToString, DateTime) < CType("2015-08-07 00:00:00.0000000", DateTime), Now, datatableXXX.Rows(0).Item("ServerTime").ToString))
Catch ex As Exception
Return Now
End Try
End Function
Private Function SwapEndianness(x As ULong) As UInteger
Return CUInt(((CLng(x) And &HFF) << 24) + ((CLng(x) And &HFF00) << 8) + ((CLng(x) And &HFF0000) >> 8) + ((CLng(x) And &HFF000000UI) >> 24))
End Function
#End Region
#Region "Form Open Check"
Public Function IsFormOpen(ByVal frm As Form) As Boolean
If Application.OpenForms.OfType(Of Form).Contains(frm) Then
Return True
Return False
End If
End Function
#End Region
End Module
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