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Created July 22, 2022 02:57
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digraph g {
node [shape=rect]
subGraph cluster_dataflow {
label = "Data Flow"
labelloc = b
bucket [fillcolor=darkgreen, style=filled]
crawler [fillcolor=purple, style=filled]
database [fillcolor=purple, style=filled]
table_status [fillcolor=purple, style=filled]
lambda_permission [fillcolor=orange, style=filled]
lambda_role [fillcolor=red, style=filled]
lambda [fillcolor=orange, style=filled]
crawler_role [fillcolor=red, style=filled]
bucket -> lambda [label="(notify)", style=dashed]
lambda -> crawler [label="(run)", style=dashed]
bucket -> crawler [label="R"]
crawler -> database [label="W"]
crawler -> table_status [label="W"]
lambda_role -> lambda [style=dashed]
crawler_role -> crawler [style=dashed]
lambda_permission -> bucket [style=dashed]
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