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Last active February 16, 2024 21:27
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  • Save LaisGalvao/0fef42845f01fc60ea459c4c17b33545 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Helpers para diversas situações - Vue.js / JS
// Função helper que faz adicionar query na url sem dar reload na página
addQueryParam (param) {
const currentQuery = { ...this.$route.query }
currentQuery.key = param
const newUrl = `${window.location.pathname}?${new URLSearchParams(currentQuery).toString()}`
// Use history.replaceState para alterar a URL sem recarregar o componente
window.history.replaceState({}, '', newUrl)
// verificar se tem suporte a reconhecimento de fala no navegador
if ('speechSynthesis' in window) {
console.log('Speech recognition supported 😊')
} else {
console.log('Speech recognition not supported 😢')
toast(this, 'danger', 'Speech recognition not supported 😢')
//mixin de funções para retornar audio de url externa com axios + play e pause de audio
export default {
data () {
return {
isSpeaking: false,
audioPlayer: null,
isLoadingAudio: false
methods: {
toggleAudio (message, voice) {
if (!this.isSpeaking) {
this.playAudio(message, voice)
} else {
playAudio (message, voice) {
this.isLoadingAudio = true
//adapte para o modo como você chama o axios'/seu-endpoint', { seus_dados }).then((response) => {
const audioUrl = // substitua pelo seu response
this.audioPlayer = new Audio(`${audioUrl}`)
this.audioPlayer.addEventListener('ended', () => {
this.isSpeaking = false
this.isLoadingAudio = false
this.isSpeaking = true
}).catch((error) => {
this.isLoadingAudio = false
console.error('Erro ao acessar o microfone:', error)
toast(this, 'danger', 'Erro ao enviar para a API', error)
pauseAudio () {
this.isSpeaking = false
this.isLoadingAudio = false
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