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Created December 26, 2014 07:11
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profile by subprocess.Popen
import queue
import random
import time
from datetime import datetime
from itertools import product
import concurrent.futures
import pandas as pd
from pipe import as_list
def worker(q, profiles):
while not q.empty():
arg = q.get()
fname, algo, supp, conf = \
[arg[k] for k in ['fname', 'algo', 'supp', 'conf']]
p = subprocess.Popen(
'exec ../fim/{} -tr -s{} -c{} {} /dev/null'
.format(algo, supp, conf, fname),
start = time.time()
except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
'cost': time.time() - start
q = queue.Queue()
profiles = []
# generate task
length_range = range(10000, 60000, 5000)
width_range = range(40, 50, 10)
overlap_range = range(40, 50, 10)
supp_range = range(0, 105, 5)
conf_range = range(0, 105, 5)
for (length, width, overlap) in \
product(length_range, width_range, overlap_range):
# tracts = gene_tracts(length, width, overlap, True)
# tracts = real_dataset[: length]
tracts = merck[: length]
# tracts = b2b[: length]
fname = save_tracts(tracts, length, width, overlap)
for (supp, conf) in product(supp_range, conf_range):
map(q.put, [
'algo': 'apriori', 'fname': fname, 'supp': supp, 'conf': conf,
'length': length, 'overlap': overlap, 'width': width
}, {
'algo': 'fpgrowth', 'fname': fname, 'supp': supp, 'conf': conf,
'length': length, 'overlap': overlap, 'width': width
}, {
'algo': 'eclat', 'fname': fname, 'supp': supp, 'conf': conf,
'length': length, 'overlap': overlap, 'width': width
}]) | as_list
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=7) as executor:
futures = [executor.submit(worker, q, profiles) for _ in range(7)]
for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures):
profile = pd.DataFrame(profiles)
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