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Created March 12, 2020 09:21
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scienceverse example for family-wise error control v2
# Scienceverse Sim
# install scienceverse
# devtools::install_github("scienceverse/scienceverse")
set.seed(2) # set.seed(2) is a random draw where H1 is corroborated.
nsim <- 1
res_sim_1 <-numeric(nsim) #set up empty container for all results
res_sim_2 <-numeric(nsim) #set up empty container for all results
res_sim_3 <-numeric(nsim) #set up empty container for all results
for (i in 1:nsim) {
#Set up the study
sim_study <- study("Simulating Null Effects",
author = c("Daniel Lakens", "Lisa DeBruine"))
#Add a hypothesis
sim_study <- add_hypothesis(
study = sim_study,
description = "dv1 will show an effect",
id = "H1"
sim_study <- add_hypothesis(
study = sim_study,
description = "dv2 will show an effect",
id = "H2"
sim_study <- add_hypothesis(
study = sim_study,
description = "dv3 will show an effect",
id = "H3"
# Add an independent t-test as analysis
# Note we know our dataframe is called dat, and has a column condition, with values control & treatment
# We also have columns dv1 dv2 dv3 which are our dvs.
sim_study <- add_analysis(sim_study,
id = "ttest_1",
code = t.test(dat[which(dat$condition == "control"),]$dv1,
dat[which(dat$condition == "treatment"),]$dv1,
paired = FALSE,
conf.level = (1-alpha_level)),
software = R.version.string)
sim_study <- add_analysis(sim_study,
id = "ttest_2",
code = t.test(dat[which(dat$condition == "control"),]$dv2,
dat[which(dat$condition == "treatment"),]$dv2,
paired = FALSE,
conf.level = (1-alpha_level)),
software = R.version.string)
sim_study <- add_analysis(sim_study,
id = "ttest_3",
code = t.test(dat[which(dat$condition == "control"),]$dv3,
dat[which(dat$condition == "treatment"),]$dv3,
paired = FALSE,
conf.level = (1-alpha_level)),
software = R.version.string)
# Add criterion
sim_study <- add_criterion(
id = "p_t_1",
hypothesis_id = "H1",
analysis_id = "ttest_1",
result = "p.value",
operator = "<",
comparator = alpha_level)
sim_study <- add_criterion(
id = "p_t_2",
hypothesis_id = "H2",
analysis_id = "ttest_2",
result = "p.value",
operator = "<",
comparator = alpha_level)
sim_study <- add_criterion(
id = "p_t_3",
hypothesis_id = "H3",
analysis_id = "ttest_3",
result = "p.value",
operator = "<",
comparator = alpha_level)
# Add evaluation.
sim_study <- add_eval(sim_study,
hypothesis_id = "H1",
description = "The hypothesis is corroborated if dv1 is significant.",
evaluation = "p_t_1")
sim_study <- add_eval(sim_study,
hypothesis_id = "H2",
description = "The hypothesis is corroborated if dv2 is significant.",
evaluation = "p_t_2")
sim_study <- add_eval(sim_study,
hypothesis_id = "H3",
description = "The hypothesis is corroborated if dv3 is significant.",
evaluation = "p_t_3")
sim_study <- add_eval(sim_study,
hypothesis_id = "H1",
description = "The hypothesis is falsified if dv1 is not significant.",
evaluation = "!p_t_1")
sim_study <- add_eval(sim_study,
hypothesis_id = "H2",
description = "The hypothesis is falsified if dv2 is not significant.",
evaluation = "!p_t_2")
sim_study <- add_eval(sim_study,
hypothesis_id = "H3",
description = "The hypothesis is falsified if dv3 is not significant.",
evaluation = "!p_t_3")
# Simulate some data and add it to the study
sim_study <- add_sim_data(
data_id = "dat",
within = list(dv = c("dv1", "dv2", "dv3")),
between = list(condition = c("control", "treatment")),
n = 100,
mu = c(100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100),
sd = 10)
# Take a look at the data
# sim_study$data[[1]]$data
# Analyze the results
sim_study <- study_analyze(sim_study)
res_sim_1[i] <- sim_study[["hypotheses"]][[1]][["conclusion"]] == "corroborate"
res_sim_2[i] <- sim_study[["hypotheses"]][[2]][["conclusion"]] == "corroborate"
res_sim_3[i] <- sim_study[["hypotheses"]][[3]][["conclusion"]] == "corroborate"
if(nsim == 1){study_report(sim_study, template = "postreg", filename = "study_2.html")}
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