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Created January 29, 2017 09:39
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Re-analysis if volunteer data
# Code from made by original authors, adapted by Daniel Lakens
# Download the csv file from
# Paper:
# IMPORTANT: change this to match your path/file
fileLocation <- 'C:\\Users\\Daniel\\surfdrive\\Data\\blog volunteer study\\VolunteeringDataFile_05.09.16.csv'
# Dienes functions
# Author: Zoltan Dienes
#Bf function calculates the Bayes factor as in Dienes calculator
#uniform can take values 0 or 1.
#If it is 1, specify lower and upper values.
#If it is 0, specify tail=2 (two-tailed) or tail=1 (one-tailed, half normal)
Bf<-function(sd, obtained, uniform, lower=0, upper=1, meanoftheory=0, sdtheory=1, tail=2)
#Authors Danny Kaye & Thom Baguley
#Version 1.0
#test data can be found starting at p100
area <- 0
if(identical(uniform, 1)){
theta <- lower
range <- upper - lower
incr <- range / 2000
for (A in -1000:1000){
theta <- theta + incr
dist_theta <- 1 / range
height <- dist_theta * dnorm(obtained, theta, sd)
area <- area + height * incr
theta <- meanoftheory - 5 * sdtheory
incr <- sdtheory / 200
for (A in -1000:1000){
theta <- theta + incr
dist_theta <- dnorm(theta, meanoftheory, sdtheory)
if(identical(tail, 1)){
if (theta <= 0){
dist_theta <- 0
} else {
dist_theta <- dist_theta * 2
height <- dist_theta * dnorm(obtained, theta, sd)
area <- area + height * incr
LikelihoodTheory <- area
Likelihoodnull <- dnorm(obtained, 0, sd)
BayesFactor <- LikelihoodTheory / Likelihoodnull
ret <- list("LikelihoodTheory" = LikelihoodTheory, "Likelihoodnull" = Likelihoodnull, "BayesFactor" = BayesFactor)
# study analysis starts here
# load file
srcData <- read.csv(fileLocation)
# double checking missingness in data file
apply(srcData, 2, function(x){all(complete.cases(x))})
# changing categorical iv to factor due to ocd
srcData$Condition <- as.factor(srcData$Condition)
# reweighting the composite score
# this doesn't really matter for the final result since we're using standardized effects
# clean out the existing t2t1 columns since we're recreating them
varlist <- names(srcData)
varlist <- varlist[-grep('T2T1', varlist)]
# get all the names for t2 vars and t1 vars
t2vars <- varlist[grep('T2_|_T2', varlist)]
t1vars <- varlist[grep('T1_|_T1', varlist)]
# get the variable names and creating new names for t2t1
varnames <- gsub('T2_', '', gsub('_T2', '', t2vars))
t2t1names <- paste0('T2T1_', varnames)
# subtract t1 from t2 for all variables
for(i in 1:length(t2vars)) {
srcData[,t2t1names[i]] <- srcData[,t2vars[i]] - srcData[,t1vars[i]]
results <- list()
# loop through t2t1 variables
for(var0 in t2t1names){
# checking if we got all the variables we want
cat(paste0("Processing ", var0, "...\n"))
# hist(data[data$condition==1,2])
# hist(data[data$condition==2,2])
# testing for hov
hov <- leveneTest(as.formula(paste0(var0, "~Condition")), srcData)['group', 'Pr(>F)']
# group n
n1 <- summary(srcData$Condition)['1']
n2 <- summary(srcData$Condition)['2']
# group means
m1 <- mean(srcData[srcData$Condition==1,var0])
m2 <- mean(srcData[srcData$Condition==2,var0])
# group sd
sd1 <- sd(srcData[srcData$Condition==1,var0])
sd2 <- sd(srcData[srcData$Condition==2,var0])
# pooled sd
#NOTE DL: Original file had typo, n2-2 instead of n2-1 in sd formula
sdp <- sqrt((((n1-1)*sd1^2 + (n2-1)*sd2^2)/(n1+n2-2)))
# sem
semp <- sdp*sqrt(1/n1+1/n2)
# mean diff
meandiff <- m2 - m1
# numbers we need for the dienes app
results[[var0]] <- c()
# uncomment to include hov test results
# results[[var0]]['hov'] <- hov
# the "raw" numbers. these are probably not what we want
# to compare to the N(.5, .15^2) priors
# but they're included for completeness
results[[var0]]['raw mean.'] <- meandiff
results[[var0]]['pooled sd.'] <- sdp
results[[var0]]['standard error.'] <- semp
results[[var0]]['standardized mean.'] <- meandiff/sdp
results[[var0]]['se of standardized mean.'] <- semp/sdp
results[[var0]]['bf.'] <- Bf(semp/sdp, meandiff/sdp, F, meanoftheory=0.5, sdtheory=.15, tail=2)$BayesFactor
#NOTE DL: I'm also storing means, sd, and n for equivalence test.
results[[var0]]['m1'] <- m1
results[[var0]]['m2'] <- m2
results[[var0]]['sd1'] <- sd1
results[[var0]]['sd2'] <- sd2
results[[var0]]['n1'] <- n1
results[[var0]]['n2'] <- n2
#Now we use this data to perform equivalence tests for all effects listed in Table 2
#Compare with BF
#Compare with BF
#Compare with BF
#NOTE DL: There is a Type in Table 2: Result for NA is 0.03, not 0.06
#Compare with BF
#Compare with BF
#Compare with BF
#Compare with BF
#Compare with BF
#Compare with BF
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