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Forked from bartdesmet/InExpression.MD
Created October 19, 2022 14:12
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Roslyn workshop (Techorama) - Add a new `in` expression to C#

Add a new in expression to C#


In this workshop, we'll add a new in expression to C#, with example use cases shown below:

x in 1..10     // x >= 1 && x < 10
'a' in "bar"   // "bar".IndexOf('a') >= 0   -or-   "bar".Contains('a')
x in xs        // xs.Contains(x)


  1. Visual Studio 2022
  2. GitHub account
  3. Local installation of git (check git --version)
  4. .NET 7.0 RC1 (check dotnet --version)
  5. ILSpy

Fork and clone the repo

  1. Fork to your own account
  2. Clone your fork using git clone
  3. Open the working folder using cd roslyn
  4. Create a new branch using git checkout -b InExpression

Clean build of Roslyn

  1. Restore dependencies using restore.cmd
  2. Build Roslyn using build.cmd

Prepare Visual Studio solution

  1. Open Compilers.slnf
  2. Unload every project except for
    1. Compilers/Core/Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
    2. Compilers/CSharp/Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp
    3. Compilers/CSharp/csc
    4. Dependencies/Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Collections
    5. Dependencies/Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects
  3. Save the solution
  4. Build the solution using CTRL-SHIFT-B

The result of step 3 should be a Compilers.slnf file containing:

  "solution": {
    "path": "Roslyn.sln",
    "projects": [

Prepare a test folder

  1. mkdir c:\temp\InExpression

  2. cd c:\temp\InExpression

  3. Create a new test.cs file

    using System;
    bool b = 5 in 0..10;
  4. Copy prerequisite files from the .NET SDK for simplicity (see later)

    copy /Y "C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.NETCore.App.Ref\7.0.0-rc.1.22426.10\ref\net7.0\mscorlib.dll" .
    copy /Y "C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.NETCore.App.Ref\7.0.0-rc.1.22426.10\ref\net7.0\netstandard.dll" .
    copy /Y "C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.NETCore.App.Ref\7.0.0-rc.1.22426.10\ref\net7.0\System.Console.dll" .
    copy /Y "C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.NETCore.App.Ref\7.0.0-rc.1.22426.10\ref\net7.0\System.dll" .
    copy /Y "C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.NETCore.App.Ref\7.0.0-rc.1.22426.10\ref\net7.0\System.Runtime.dll" .
    copy /Y "C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.NETCore.App.Ref\7.0.0-rc.1.22426.10\ref\net7.0\System.Collections.dll" .

Set csc as the startup project

  1. Right-click on the csc project and select Set as Startup Project

  2. Right-click on the csc project and select Properties

  3. Under Debug, General, click Open debug launch profiles UI

  4. Specify the following for Command line arguments

    /noconfig /fullpaths /nostdlib+
    /out:test.dll /optimize- test.cs
  5. Set Working directory to C:\temp\InExpression

  6. Close the dialog

  7. Press CTRL-F5 to build and run

  8. The output of csc should produce errors because in is not valid (yet)

    Microsoft (R) Visual C# Compiler version 4.5.0-dev (<developer build>)
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    C:\temp\InExpression\test.cs(3,12): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected
    C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe (process 12020) exited with code 1.

Step 1 - Syntax

  1. Open the src\Compilers\CSharp\Portable\Syntax\Syntax.xml file.

  2. Search for BinaryExpressionSyntax:

    <Node Name="BinaryExpressionSyntax" Base="ExpressionSyntax">

    and add a new Kind value:

    <Kind Name="InExpression"/>
  3. Search for the OperatorToken element underneath the Node for BinaryExpressionSyntax:

    <Field Name="OperatorToken" Type="SyntaxToken">

    and add a new Kind value:

    <Kind Name="InKeyword"/>
  4. Compile the project using CTRL-SHIFT-B. A few errors will occur:

    Error CS0117 'SyntaxKind' does not contain a definition for 'InExpression'	Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp src\Compilers\CSharp\Portable\CSharpSyntaxGenerator\CSharpSyntaxGenerator.SourceGenerator\Syntax.xml.Internal.Generated.cs
  5. Open the src\Compilers\CSharp\Portable\Syntax\SyntaxKind.cs file.

  6. Search for UnsignedRightShiftExpression:

    UnsignedRightShiftExpression = 8692,

    and add a new enum value for InExpression:

    InExpression = 8693,
  7. A red squiggle will occur underneath InExpression with error:

    Error RS0016 Symbol 'InExpression' is not part of the declared API
  8. Fix the error by using CTRL+. to invoke the Add InExpression to public API file PublicAPI.Unshipped.txt:

    Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.SyntaxKind.InExpression = 8693 -> Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.SyntaxKind
  9. Build the project again using CTRL-SHIFT-B.

  10. Run our new build of the compiler with F5. The same errors still occur:

C:\temp\InExpression\test.cs(3,12): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected
  1. Open the src\Compilers\CSharp\Portable\Syntax\SyntaxKindFacts.cs file.

  2. Search for GetBinaryExpression:

public static SyntaxKind GetBinaryExpression(SyntaxKind token)

and add a case to the switch (token) statement:

case SyntaxKind.InKeyword:
    return SyntaxKind.InExpression;
  1. Build the project again using CTRL-SHIFT-B.

  2. Run our new build of the compiler with F5. This time we cause an assert in LanguageParser.cs:

throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(op);

with stack trace:

Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.dll!Roslyn.Utilities.ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(object o)
   Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.dll!Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax.InternalSyntax.LanguageParser.GetPrecedence(Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.SyntaxKind op)

Step 2 - Parser

  1. Open the src\Compilers\CSharp\Portable\Parser\LanguageParser.cs file.

  2. Search for GetPrecedence:

    private static Precedence GetPrecedence(SyntaxKind op)
  3. Search for Precedence.Relational:

    case SyntaxKind.LessThanExpression:
    case SyntaxKind.LessThanOrEqualExpression:
    case SyntaxKind.GreaterThanExpression:
    case SyntaxKind.GreaterThanOrEqualExpression:
    case SyntaxKind.IsExpression:
    case SyntaxKind.AsExpression:
    case SyntaxKind.IsPatternExpression:
        return Precedence.Relational;

    and add a case for InExpression:

    case SyntaxKind.IsPatternExpression:
    case SyntaxKind.InExpression:
        return Precedence.Relational;
  4. Build the project again using CTRL-SHIFT-B.

  5. Run our new build of the compiler with F5. This time we cause an assert in Binder_Expression.cs:

    Debug.Assert(false, "Unexpected SyntaxKind " + node.Kind());


    Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.dll!Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Binder.BindExpressionInternal(Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax.ExpressionSyntax node, Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics, bool invoked, bool indexed)

Step 3 - Bound nodes (first pass)

  1. Open the src\Compilers\CSharp\Portable\BoundTree\BoundNodes.xml file.

  2. Search for BoundIsOperator:

    <Node Name="BoundIsOperator" Base="BoundExpression">
  3. We will insert a new Node element underneath:

    <Node Name="BoundInOperator" Base="BoundExpression">
      <!-- Non-null type is required for this node kind -->
      <Field Name="Type" Type="TypeSymbol" Override="true" Null="disallow"/>
      <Field Name="Element" Type="BoundExpression"/>
      <Field Name="Source" Type="BoundExpression"/>
  4. Run the following command from the root of the roslyn cloned repo:

    artifacts\bin\CompilersBoundTreeGenerator\x64\Debug\net6.0\BoundTreeGenerator.exe CSharp src\Compilers\CSharp\Portable\BoundTree\BoundNodes.xml src\Compilers\CSharp\Portable\Generated\BoundNodes.xml.Generated.cs
  5. Build the project again using CTRL-SHIFT-B.

  6. Open the src\Compilers\CSharp\Portable\Binder\Binder_Expressions.cs file.

  7. Locate the place where the assert happened:

        Debug.Assert(false, "Unexpected SyntaxKind " + node.Kind());

    and insert a case for SyntaxKind.InExpression above:

    case SyntaxKind.InExpression:
        return BindInExpression((BinaryExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics);
  8. Open the src\Compilers\CSharp\Portable\Binder\Binder_Operators.cs file.

  9. Add a new placeholder BindInExpression method at the bottom:

    private BoundExpression BindInExpression(BinaryExpressionSyntax node, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics)
        throw new NotImplementedException();
  10. Build the project again using CTRL-SHIFT-B.

  11. Run our new build of the compiler with F5. This time we hit our NotImplementedException.

Step 4 - Binder (first pass)

  1. Edit the BindInExpression to add recursion.

    BoundExpression leftOperand = BindRValueWithoutTargetType(node.Left, diagnostics);
    BoundExpression rightOperand = BindRValueWithoutTargetType(node.Right, diagnostics);
  2. Add top-level matching logic for the structure and types of the operands:

    if (rightOperand is BoundRangeExpression)
        throw new NotImplementedException();
        if (rightOperand.Type is ArrayTypeSymbol { IsSZArray: true })
            throw new NotImplementedException();
        else if (rightOperand.Type.IsStringType())
            throw new NotImplementedException();
            throw new NotImplementedException();
  3. Build the project again using CTRL-SHIFT-B.

  4. Run our new build of the compiler with F5. This time we should see our first case being taken.

    5 in 0..10

    where the right operand is a BoundRangeExpression.

  5. Edit this case to add an initial implementation.

    var booleanType = Compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Boolean);
    if (rightOperand is BoundRangeExpression range)
        if (leftOperand.Type?.SpecialType != SpecialType.System_Int32)
            throw new NotImplementedException();
        void checkRangeOperand(BoundExpression? operand)
            if (operand != null)
                if (operand is not BoundConversion { Operand.Type.SpecialType: SpecialType.System_Int32 })
                    throw new NotImplementedException();
        return new BoundInOperator(node, leftOperand, rightOperand, booleanType);
  6. Build the project again using CTRL-SHIFT-B.

  7. Run our new build of the compiler with F5. This time we hit an assert in AbstractFlowPass.cs:

    public override BoundNode DefaultVisit(BoundNode node)
        Debug.Assert(false, $"Should Visit{node.Kind} be overridden in {this.GetType().Name}?");
        Diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_InternalError, node.Syntax.Location);
        return null;

    with a call stack that mentions NullableWalker:

    Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.dll!Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.NullableWalker.VisitExpressionWithoutStackGuard(Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.BoundExpression node)

Step 5 - Fix NullableWalker

  1. Open the src\Compilers\CSharp\Portable\FlowAnalysis\NullableWalker.cs file.

  2. Search for VisitIsOperator:

    public override BoundNode? VisitIsOperator(BoundIsOperator node)

    and insert the following below:

    public override BoundNode VisitInOperator(BoundInOperator node)
        return null!;
  3. Build the project again using CTRL-SHIFT-B.

  4. Run our new build of the compiler with F5. This time we hit the same assert in AbstractFlowPass.cs:

    public override BoundNode DefaultVisit(BoundNode node)
        Debug.Assert(false, $"Should Visit{node.Kind} be overridden in {this.GetType().Name}?");
        Diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_InternalError, node.Syntax.Location);
        return null;

    but with a call stack that mentions DefiniteAssignmentPass:

     	Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.dll!Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.DefiniteAssignmentPass.VisitRvalue(Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.BoundExpression node, bool isKnownToBeAnLvalue)

    The right fix will be to override the default visitor behavior for BoundInExpression.

Step 6 - Fix AbstractFlowPass

  1. Open the src\Compilers\CSharp\Portable\FlowAnalysis\AbstractFlowPass.cs file.

  2. Search for VisitIsOperator:

    public override BoundNode VisitIsOperator(BoundIsOperator node)

    and insert the following below:

    public override BoundNode VisitInOperator(BoundInOperator node)
        return null;
  3. Build the project again using CTRL-SHIFT-B.

  4. Run our new build of the compiler with F5. This time we hit an assert in EmitExpression.cs:

    throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(expression.Kind);

    with a callstack that mentions EmitExpression:

       Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.dll!Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.CodeGen.CodeGenerator.EmitExpression(Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.BoundExpression expression, bool used)

    To fix this, we will lower the BoundInExpression to more primitive operations.

Step 7 - Lowering (first pass)

  1. Open the src\Compilers\CSharp\Portable\Lowering\LocalRewriter\LocalRewriter_BinaryOperator.cs file.

  2. Add the end of the file, add an override for VisitInOperator.

    public override BoundNode? VisitInOperator(BoundInOperator node)
        throw new NotImplementedException();
  3. Build the project again using CTRL-SHIFT-B.

  4. Run our new build of the compiler with F5. This time we hit our NotImplementedException.

  5. Edit the implementation of VisitInOperator to handle BoundRangeExpression.

    if (node.Source is BoundRangeExpression range)
       var element = VisitExpression(node.Element);
       BoundExpression? expr = null;
       if (range.LeftOperandOpt is BoundConversion { Operand: var left })
           var l = VisitExpression(left);
           expr = _factory.IntLessThanOrEqual(l, element);
       if (range.RightOperandOpt is BoundConversion { Operand: var right })
           var r = VisitExpression(right);
           var check = _factory.IntLessThan(element, right);
           if (expr == null)
               expr = check;
               expr = _factory.LogicalAnd(expr, check);
       expr ??= _factory.Literal(true);
       return expr;
        throw new NotImplementedException();
  6. Open the src\Compilers\CSharp\Portable\Lowering\SyntheticBoundNodeFactory.cs file.

  7. Search for IntLessThan:

    public BoundBinaryOperator IntLessThan(BoundExpression left, BoundExpression right)

    and add another factory below:

    public BoundBinaryOperator IntLessThanOrEqual(BoundExpression left, BoundExpression right)
        return Binary(BinaryOperatorKind.IntLessThanOrEqual, SpecialType(Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SpecialType.System_Boolean), left, right);
  8. Build the project again using CTRL-SHIFT-B.

  9. Run our new build of the compiler with F5. This time it doesn't crash.

Step 8 - Inspect the output

  1. Open ILSpy.

  2. Open the c:\temp\InExpression\test.dll file.

  3. Under -, Program, <Main>$(string[] args) we'll find:

    // Program
    using System;
    private static void <Main>$(string[] args)
       bool value = 0 <= 5 && 5 < 10;

Step 9 - Edit the test code

  1. Open the c:\test\InExpression\test.cs file.

  2. Edit the contents:

    using System;
    int ReadInt(string name)
        Console.Write(name + ": ");
        return int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
    bool b = ReadInt("x") in ReadInt("start")..ReadInt("end");
  3. Re-run the Roslyn project using F5.

  4. Inspect the output in ILSpy:

    // Program
    using System;
    private static void <Main>$(string[] args)
       bool value = ReadInt("start") <= ReadInt("x") && ReadInt("x") < ReadInt("end");
       static int ReadInt(string name)
          Console.Write(name + ": ");
          return int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
  5. Note the following problems in the generated code:

    1. Duplicate evaluation of ReadInt("x");
    2. Potentially not evaluating ReadInt("end") if the <= check does not pass.

Step 10 - Lowering (revisiting)

  1. Edit the VisitInOperator from step 7 as follows:

    var temps = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder<LocalSymbol>();
    var stores = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder<BoundExpression>();
    BoundLocal storeToTemp(BoundExpression expression)
        var local = _factory.StoreToTemp(expression, out var store);
        return local;
    BoundExpression? expr = null;
    if (node.Source is BoundRangeExpression range)
        var element = storeToTemp(VisitExpression(node.Element));
        if (range.LeftOperandOpt is BoundConversion { Operand: var left })
            var l = VisitExpression(left);
            expr = _factory.IntLessThanOrEqual(storeToTemp(l), element);
        if (range.RightOperandOpt is BoundConversion { Operand: var right })
            var r = VisitExpression(right);
            var check = _factory.IntLessThan(element, storeToTemp(r));
            if (expr == null)
                expr = check;
                expr = _factory.LogicalAnd(expr, check);
        expr ??= _factory.Literal(true);
        throw new NotImplementedException();
    return _factory.Sequence(temps.ToImmutableArray(), stores.ToImmutableArray(), expr);

    We're adding a storeToTemp local function, and use it to generate temporary variables and assignments to these variables, which are put together in a Sequence at the end.

  2. Build the project again using CTRL-SHIFT-B.

  3. Run our new build of the compiler with F5.

  4. Inspect the output in ILSpy:

    // Program
    using System;
    private static void <Main>$(string[] args)
       int num = ReadInt("x");
       int num2 = ReadInt("start");
       int num3 = ReadInt("end");
       bool value = num2 <= num && num < num3;
       static int ReadInt(string name)
          Console.Write(name + ": ");
          return int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

Step 11 - Bound nodes (revisited)

In order to support other forms of in involving strings, arrays, and collections, we like to perform lowering like this:

  • With char c; and string str;:
    • Lower c in str
    • to str.IndexOf(c) >= 0
  • With int x; and int[] xs;:
    • Lower x in xs
    • to Array.IndexOf(x) >= 0
  • With E element; and S source;:
    • Lower element in source
    • to source.Contains(element)

To achieve this, we want the binder to resolve the operations required to evaluate the in expression based on the type of the element and the source. To represent the Boolean expression that will be applied to the lowered form of source and element, we introduce placeholders:

expr_element in expr_source


BoundInOperatorSourcePlaceholder s = ...;
BoundInOperatorElementPlaceholder e = ...;

new BoundInOperator
    Source = expr_source,
    Element = expr_element,
    SourcePlaceholder = s,
    ElementPlaceholder = e,
    Test = /* any expression using s and e */

where the Test can be any expression that refers to the placeholders s and e, e.g. to construct a s.IndexOf(e) >= 0 expression. At the time the lowering is performed, this Test is inlined with the placeholders being substituted by the lowered element and source expressions.

  1. Open the src\Compilers\CSharp\Portable\BoundTree\BoundNodes.xml file.

  2. Search for the BoundInOperator and insert two placeholder types in front:

    <Node Name="BoundInOperatorElementPlaceholder" Base="BoundValuePlaceholderBase">
      <Field Name="Type" Type="TypeSymbol" Override="true" Null="disallow"/>
    <Node Name="BoundInOperatorSourcePlaceholder" Base="BoundValuePlaceholderBase">
      <Field Name="Type" Type="TypeSymbol" Override="true" Null="disallow"/>
  3. Edit the BoundInOperator to use the new placeholders:

    <Node Name="BoundInOperator" Base="BoundExpression">
      <!-- Non-null type is required for this node kind -->
      <Field Name="Type" Type="TypeSymbol" Override="true" Null="disallow"/>
      <Field Name="Element" Type="BoundExpression"/>
      <Field Name="Source" Type="BoundExpression"/>
      <Field Name="ElementPlaceholder" Type="BoundInOperatorElementPlaceholder?" SkipInVisitor="true" Null="allow"/>
      <Field Name="SourcePlaceholder" Type="BoundInOperatorSourcePlaceholder?" SkipInVisitor="true" Null="allow"/>
      <Field Name="Test" Type="BoundExpression?" SkipInVisitor="true" Null="allow"/>
  4. Run the following command from the root of the roslyn cloned repo:

    artifacts\bin\CompilersBoundTreeGenerator\x64\Debug\net6.0\BoundTreeGenerator.exe CSharp src\Compilers\CSharp\Portable\BoundTree\BoundNodes.xml src\Compilers\CSharp\Portable\Generated\BoundNodes.xml.Generated.cs
  5. Build the project again using CTRL-SHIFT-B. A few errors will occur:

    Error CS0534  'BoundInOperatorSourcePlaceholder' does not implement inherited abstract member 'BoundValuePlaceholderBase.IsEquivalentToThisReference.get'
    Error CS0534  'BoundInOperatorElementPlaceholder' does not implement inherited abstract member 'BoundValuePlaceholderBase.IsEquivalentToThisReference.get'
    Error CS7036  There is no argument given that corresponds to the required formal parameter 'sourcePlaceholder' of 'BoundInOperator.BoundInOperator(SyntaxNode, BoundExpression, BoundExpression, BoundInOperatorElementPlaceholder?, BoundInOperatorSourcePlaceholder?, BoundExpression?, TypeSymbol, bool)'
  6. We'll fix the first two errors by opening src\Compilers\CSharp\Portable\BoundTree\BoundExpression.cs and search for BoundThisReference. Insert the following code:

    internal partial class BoundInOperatorSourcePlaceholder
        public sealed override bool IsEquivalentToThisReference => false;
    internal partial class BoundInOperatorElementPlaceholder
        public sealed override bool IsEquivalentToThisReference => false;
  7. For the last error, edit BindInExpression in the Binder_Operators.cs file and change:

    if (rightOperand is BoundRangeExpression)
        var booleanType = Compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Boolean);
        return new BoundInOperator(node, leftOperand, rightOperand, booleanType, hasErrors: false);


    if (rightOperand is BoundRangeExpression)
        var booleanType = Compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Boolean);
        return new BoundInOperator(node, leftOperand, rightOperand, elementPlaceholder: null, sourcePlaceholder: null, test: null, booleanType, hasErrors: false);
  8. Build the project again using CTRL-SHIFT-B. The build should pass now.

Step 12 - Binder (second pass)

  1. Open the src\Compilers\CSharp\Portable\Binder\Binder_Operators.cs file.

  2. Edit the BindInExpression method:

    private BoundExpression BindInExpression(BinaryExpressionSyntax node, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics)
    1. First, change the structure of the code to handle two cases, range versus others, using placeholders for the latter:

      var booleanType = Compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Boolean);
      BoundInOperatorElementPlaceholder? elementPlaceholder = null;
      BoundInOperatorSourcePlaceholder? sourcePlaceholder = null;
      BoundExpression? test = null;
      if (rightOperand is BoundRangeExpression range)
          if (leftOperand.Type?.SpecialType != SpecialType.System_Int32)
              throw new NotImplementedException();
          void checkRangeOperand(BoundExpression? operand)
              if (operand != null)
                  if (operand is not BoundConversion { Operand.Type.SpecialType: SpecialType.System_Int32 })
                      throw new NotImplementedException();
          elementPlaceholder = new(node, leftOperand.Type);
          sourcePlaceholder = new(node, rightOperand.Type);
          if (rightOperand.Type is ArrayTypeSymbol { IsSZArray: true })
              throw new NotImplementedException();
          else if (rightOperand.Type.IsStringType())
              throw new NotImplementedException();
              throw new NotImplementedException();
      return new BoundInOperator(node, leftOperand, rightOperand, elementPlaceholder, sourcePlaceholder, test, booleanType);
    2. Edit the case handling arrays as follows:

      var int32Type = GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Int32, diagnostics, node);
      if (rightOperand.Type is ArrayTypeSymbol { IsSZArray: true, ElementType: var elementType })
          if (!elementType.Equals(leftOperand.Type, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything))
              throw new NotImplementedException();
          var arrayType = GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Array, diagnostics, node);
          test =
              new BoundBinaryOperator(
                  data: null,
                  left: MakeInvocationExpression(
                      new BoundTypeExpression(node, aliasOpt: null, arrayType),
                  right: new BoundLiteral(
  3. Build the project again using CTRL-SHIFT-B. The build should pass.

Step 13 - Lowering (revisiting, again)

  1. Edit the VisitInOperator from step 7 by changing the else case:

        var element = storeToTemp(VisitExpression(node.Element));
        var source = storeToTemp(VisitExpression(node.Source));
        AddPlaceholderReplacement(node.ElementPlaceholder, element);
        AddPlaceholderReplacement(node.SourcePlaceholder, source);
        var test = VisitExpression(node.Test);
        expr = test;
  2. Add the following overrides to the class:

    public override BoundNode? VisitInOperatorElementPlaceholder(BoundInOperatorElementPlaceholder node) => PlaceholderReplacement(node);
    public override BoundNode? VisitInOperatorSourcePlaceholder(BoundInOperatorSourcePlaceholder node) => PlaceholderReplacement(node);
  3. Build the project again using CTRL-SHIFT-B.

  4. Edit c:\temp\InExpression\test.cs:

    bool b = ReadInt("x") in new int[] { ReadInt("x1"), ReadInt("x2") };
  5. Re-run the Roslyn project using F5. A crash occurs in LocalRewriter.cs:

    Debug.Assert(expr is not BoundValuePlaceholderBase, $"Placeholder kind {expr.Kind} must be handled explicitly");
  6. Edit the code to handle the new placeholders:

    case BoundKind.InOperatorElementPlaceholder:
    case BoundKind.InOperatorSourcePlaceholder:
        return false;

    A better implementation would consider the possiblity of passing these by reference to a Contains method when in is applied to arbitrary source and element types.

  7. Build the project again using CTRL-SHIFT-B.

  8. Re-run the Roslyn project using F5.

  9. Inspect the output in ILSpy:

    // Program
    using System;
    private static void <Main>$(string[] args)
       int value = ReadInt("x");
       bool value2 = Array.IndexOf(new int[2]
       }, value) >= 0;
       static int ReadInt(string name)
          Console.Write(name + ": ");
          return int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

Step 14 - Binder (remaining cases)

  1. Open the src\Compilers\CSharp\Portable\Binder\Binder_Operators.cs file.

  2. Edit the BindInExpression method:

    1. Abstract over the IndexOf and >= 0 checking logic by lifting it out of the array case.

          elementPlaceholder = new(node, leftOperand.Type);
          sourcePlaceholder = new(node, rightOperand.Type);
          var int32Type = GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Int32, diagnostics, node);
          BoundExpression makeIndexOfGreaterThanZero(BoundExpression receiver, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> arguments)
                  new BoundBinaryOperator(
                      data: null,
                      left: MakeInvocationExpression(
                      right: new BoundLiteral(
          if (rightOperand.Type is ArrayTypeSymbol { IsSZArray: true, ElementType: var elementType })
              if (!elementType.Equals(leftOperand.Type, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything))
                  throw new NotImplementedException();
              var arrayType = GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Array, diagnostics, node);
              test = makeIndexOfGreaterThanZero(
                  new BoundTypeExpression(node, aliasOpt: null, arrayType),
    2. Implement the string case as follows:

       else if (rightOperand.Type.IsStringType())
           if (leftOperand.Type?.SpecialType != SpecialType.System_Char)
               throw new NotImplementedException();
           test = makeIndexOfGreaterThanZero(
    3. Implement the remaining case to find a Contains method:

          test = MakeInvocationExpression(

Step 15 - Test

  1. Edit the c:\temp\InExpression\test.cs file:

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    int ReadInt(string name)
        Console.Write(name + ": ");
        return int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
    bool b0 = ReadInt("x") in ReadInt("start")..ReadInt("end");
    bool b1 = ReadInt("x") in new int[] { ReadInt("x1"), ReadInt("x2") };
    bool b2 = ReadInt("x") in new List<int> { ReadInt("x1"), ReadInt("x2") };
    bool b3 = 'a' in "Bart";
  2. Run the Roslyn project using F5.

  3. Inspect the output using ILSpy:

    // Program
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    private static void <Main>$(string[] args)
       int num = ReadInt("x");
       int num2 = ReadInt("start");
       int num3 = ReadInt("end");
       bool flag = num2 <= num && num < num3;
       num3 = ReadInt("x");
       bool flag2 = Array.IndexOf(new int[2]
       }, num3) >= 0;
       num3 = ReadInt("x");
       bool flag3 = new List<int>
       char value = 'a';
       bool flag4 = "Bart".IndexOf(value) >= 0;
       static int ReadInt(string name)
          Console.Write(name + ": ");
          return int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
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