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Last active November 1, 2021 04:10
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Instructions to auto mount file system on Ubuntu

Mount Drives automatically on Ubuntu

Check the list of disks attached and locate the disk

sudo fdisk -l

Get the UUID of the Drive

sudo blkid

Create a directory as mount point

sudo mkdir /driveE

Create a user group with permission to manage the mounted folde, otherwise will be default to root

sudo groupadd drivemanage

sudo usermod -aG drivemanage USERNAME (Where USERNAME is the name of the user to be added)

Add folder to the driver management group

sudo chown -R :drivemanage /driveE

Create and enter FSTAB (filesystem table) entry

sudo nano /etc/fstab

Enter in the below format UUID=$deviceuuidhere /driveE auto nosuid,nodev,nofail,x-gvfs-show 0 0

Description of above fstab options

  • UUID=$deviceuuidhere - is the UUID of the drive. You don't have to use the UUID here. You could just use /dev/sdj, but it's always safer to use the UUID as that will never change (whereas the device name could).
  • /driveE - is the mount point for the device.
  • auto - automatically determine the file system
  • nosuid - specifies that the filesystem cannot contain set userid files. This prevents root escalation and other security issues.
  • nodev - specifies that the filesystem cannot contain special devices (to prevent access to random device hardware).
  • nofail - removes the errorcheck.
  • x-gvfs-show - show the mount option in the file manager. If this is on a GUI-less server, this option won't be necessary.
  • 0 - determines which filesystems need to be dumped (0 is the default).
  • 0 - determine the order in which filesystem checks are done at boot time (0 is the default).

mount the devices prior to reboot for testing

sudo mount -a

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