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Created June 11, 2018 07:36
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Simplified Spek for creating tests without the need of additional dependencies
private val Store<Car>.frontLeftWheel: Wheel
get() = getState().wheels.entries.first { it.key == Position.FRONT_LEFT }.value
class ChangeWheelFeature : Feature({
lateinit var store: Store<Car>
given("the wheel is a 15 inch one") {
setUp { store = newStore() }
on("changing the wheel with a bigger one") {
WheelAction.Change(Position.FRONT_LEFT, 17).let(store::dispatch)
it("should have a wheel of 17 inch") { store.frontLeftWheel.size shouldBe 17 }
on("changing the wheel with a smaller one") {
WheelAction.Change(Position.FRONT_LEFT, 13).let(store::dispatch)
it("should have a wheel of 13 inch") { store.frontLeftWheel.size shouldBe 13 }
import org.hamcrest.Matcher
import org.junit.Assert
import org.junit.Ignore
import org.junit.Test
open class Feature(private val block: Feature.() -> Unit = {}) : () -> Unit {
override fun invoke() {
infix fun <T> T.shouldBe(expected: T) = Assert.assertEquals(expected, this)
infix fun <T> T.shouldBe(expected: Matcher<T>) = Assert.assertThat(this, expected)
fun given(text: String, block: Given.() -> Unit) {
Given(text, block)
class Given internal constructor(
text: String,
block: Given.() -> Unit = {}
) : FeatureComponent("\n\nGiven $text") {
private var setUp: Given.() -> Unit = {}
private var tearDown: Given.() -> Unit = {}
init {
fun setUp(block: Given.() -> Unit) {
setUp = setUp.let { previous -> { previous(); block() } }
fun tearDown(block: Given.() -> Unit) {
tearDown = tearDown.let { previous -> { previous(); block() } }
fun on(text: String, block: On.() -> Unit = {}): On =
On(this, setUp, tearDown, text, block).also { conditions.add(it) }
override fun toString(): String = "$text\n\n${super.toString()}"
class On internal constructor(
private val given: Given,
setUp: Given.() -> Unit = {},
tearDown: Given.() -> Unit = {},
text: String,
block: On.() -> Unit = {}
) : FeatureComponent(text = "On $text") {
init { {
fun it(text: String, block: It.() -> Unit = {}): It =
It(this, text, block).also { conditions.add(it) }
override fun toString(): String = "$given\n$text\n${super.toString()}"
class It internal constructor(
private val on: On,
text: String,
block: It.() -> Unit = {}
) : FeatureComponent(text = "It $text") {
init {
try {
} catch (error: AssertionError) {
throw AssertionError(toString(), error)
override fun toString(): String = "$on\n$text\n${super.toString()}"
open class FeatureComponent internal constructor(
protected val text: String,
private val depth: Int = 0
) {
protected val conditions: MutableList<FeatureComponent> = mutableListOf()
fun and(text: String): FeatureComponent =
apply { conditions.add(FeatureComponent("And $text", depth + 1)) }
fun or(text: String): FeatureComponent =
apply { conditions.add(FeatureComponent("Or $text", depth + 1)) }
override fun toString(): String =
.also { it.add(this) }
separator = "\n",
transform = { getIndent(it.depth) + it.text }
private fun getIndent(depth: Int) =
.map { "\t" }
.apply { add("") }
.reduce { acc, s -> acc + s }
private fun flattenConditions(): List<FeatureComponent> =
conditions + conditions.flatMap {
if (it.conditions.isNotEmpty()) it.flattenConditions()
else emptyList()
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