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Created June 19, 2014 13:41
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Save LambdaP/a1c8128343ffc3f5f02b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
(Mostly) working parser for Linux syscall headers.
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
module Parse(parseFile
) where
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Data.List(intercalate)
import Data.Maybe(catMaybes)
-- We mean to parse a syscall header with the general form
-- asm lkinage long sys_ ## name ## (type0 arg0, ...);
-- with line breaks possibly happening between arguments.
-- The general form of an argument is
-- [type_modifier] type [__user] [*]argname
-- One example can be:
-- asmlinkage long sys_rt_sigaction(int,
-- const struct sigaction __user *,
-- struct sigaction __user *,
-- size_t);
-- Where __user indicates whether the memory belongs to userspace
-- (and therefore is potentially affected by the execution of the system
-- call).
-- We want to keep track of the system call's name, and for each
-- argument:
-- - its name
-- - its type with type modifiers (not including __user)
-- - whether it belongs to userspace
-- An argument to a syscall can be tagged __user, in which case it means
-- the memory belongs to userspace and is potentially modified. We want
-- to keep track of those.
data Space = User | Copy deriving (Show)
data Argument = Argument {arg_space :: Space
,arg_type :: String
,arg_name :: String
} deriving (Show)
data Sys = Sys {sys_name :: String
,arguments :: [Argument]
} deriving (Show)
-- XXX Obviously this accepts invalid C symbols, but fixing it is low priority.
c_symbol = many1 $ try alphaNum <|> char '_'
c_type = (try $ do struct <- string "struct"
struct_name <- c_symbol
return $ struct ++ " " ++ struct_name)
<|> (try c_symbol)
c_modifier = (try $ string "signed")
<|> (try $ string "unsigned")
<|> (try $ string "const")
<|> (try $ string "volatile")
<|> (try $ string "auto")
<|> (try $ string "register")
<|> (try $ string "static")
<|> (try $ string "extern")
file = do maybe_syscalls <- sepBy line (char '\n')
return $ catMaybes maybe_syscalls
where line = (try $ header >>= return . Just)
<|> (try $ ignoreline >> return Nothing)
ignoreline = many $ noneOf "\n"
header = do spaces
_ <- string "asmlinkage long sys_"
name <- c_symbol
void <- option [] $ try $ string "(void)"
ret <- case void of
"(void)" -> return $ Sys name []
_ -> do args <- between
(char '(') (char ')') parseArgs
return $ Sys name args
_ <- string ";"
return ret
where parseArgs = sepBy parseArg sepArg
sepArg = (try (string ",\n") <|> try (string ","))
-- The description of an argument can take various forms. In the absence
-- of knowledge about the types, we must be clever if we want to parse
-- them correctly.
parseArg = (try pointerWithNoName)
<|> (try pointerWithName)
<|> (try nonPointerWithName)
<|> (try nonPointerWithNoName)
pointerWithNoName = do x <- many1 $
do spaces
y <- endBy c_symbol spaces
star <- string "*"
return $ y ++ [star]
y <- return $ concat x
user <- return $ if "__user" `elem` y
then User
else Copy
argtype <- return $ intercalate " " y
return $ Argument user argtype ""
pointerWithName = do x <- many1 . try $
do y <- many $ try (spaces >> c_symbol)
star <- string "*"
return $ y ++ [star]
argname <- c_symbol
y <- return $ concat x
user <- return $ if "__user" `elem` y
then User
else Copy
argtype <- return $ intercalate " " y
return $ Argument user argtype argname
nonPointerWithNoName = do spaces
modlist <- endBy c_modifier spaces
modifiers <- case modlist of
[] -> return ""
_ -> return $ (intercalate " " modlist) ++ " "
argtype <- c_type
return $ Argument Copy
(modifiers ++ argtype) ""
nonPointerWithName = do spaces
modlist <- endBy c_modifier spaces
modifiers <- case modlist of
[] -> return ""
_ -> return $ (intercalate " " modlist) ++ " "
argtype <- c_type
argname <- c_symbol
return $ Argument Copy
(modifiers ++ argtype) argname
parseFile :: [Char] -> Either ParseError [Sys]
parseFile = parse file "(unknown)"
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