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Last active June 21, 2024 21:48
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Generic EventBus for Godot, allow generic registration and emitting of event data while remaining nicely typed.
// Records are nice for use with events, just change EventRecord to EventArgs if you'd
// rather use the traditional EventArgs class.
public record EventRecord
public static readonly EventRecord Empty = new EventRecord();
public class EventBus
public static readonly EventBus Instance = new EventBus();
private Dictionary<Type, List<EventHandler<EventRecord>>> channels = new();
public class Subscription : IDisposable
private EventHandler<EventRecord> _handler;
private Type _channel;
public bool IsDisposed { get; private set; } = false;
public Subscription(Type channel, EventHandler<EventRecord> handler)
_handler = handler;
_channel = channel;
public void Dispose()
if (IsDisposed)
IsDisposed = true;
if (Instance.channels.TryGetValue(_channel, out var handlers))
public Subscription Subscribe<T>(EventHandler<T> handler) where T : EventRecord
var channelType = typeof(T);
List<EventHandler<EventRecord>> listeners;
if (channels.TryGetValue(channelType, out var channel))
listeners = channel;
channels.Add(channelType, listeners = new());
listeners.Add(handler as EventHandler<EventRecord>);
return new Subscription(channelType, handler as EventHandler<EventRecord>);
public int Publish<T>(object sender, T arg) where T: EventRecord
if (!channels.TryGetValue(arg.GetType(), out var handlers)) return 0;
foreach (var handler in handlers)
handler(sender, arg);
return handlers.Count;
// The EventBus is arranged by 'channels', which are an EventRecord, this encourages/forces
// usage of proper objects for passing events, it's not compatable with
// Godot's Signal system out of the box though.
// Declare your data container, I prefer using Records but EventArgs work as well (with modifying EventBus)
public record EntityUpdateEventArgs(Node Entity, Vector2 Position) : EventRecord;
public class EventBusExample
void Example()
// Subscriptions are done via the type of EventArgs used, you get the same
// type back as your arg, along with the identify of who sent the message.
EventBus.Instance.Subscribe<EntityUpdateEventArgs>((sender, arg) =>
Console.WriteLine($"Hello from EntityUpdateHandler! {arg.Entity}");
// Call Publish to notify any subscribers of an event, providing an appropriate instance of
// the subscribed type. All subscribers to that message type will be notified in no particular
// order
EventBus.Instance.Publish(this, new EntityUpdateEventArgs(new Node2D(), Vector2.Zero));
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